
Sex Abuse Tour Actress, Tearing Down the Berlin Wall in East Germany: Rock Stars and Western Politicians

author:Blood Diamond Story
Sex Abuse Tour Actress, Tearing Down the Berlin Wall in East Germany: Rock Stars and Western Politicians

Source: Public account [Blood Diamond Story]

Author: Zhekong Kong

Tips: This article is 4400 words in total, and it is expected to take 9 minutes to read

No one is free

Even the birds

Also imprisoned by the sky

—Bob Dylan

Sex Abuse Tour Actress, Tearing Down the Berlin Wall in East Germany: Rock Stars and Western Politicians

Marilyn Manson

On November 30, 1969, a major scandal broke out in a small village called My Lai in Vietnam, in which 567 residents were slaughtered by the US military, many of whom were women and children, and the youngest victim was only two years old.

A platoon of U.S. troops swept the village in The Unh Ho, Vietnam, and Sergeant Michael told The New York Times that the platoon leader ordered the soldiers to destroy the village and kill all the villagers, calling the villagers All Viet Cong. Michael was puzzled because he hadn't seen several men of military age, mostly elderly, women and children.

The U.S. military gathered the villagers together and made them stand next to a large ditch, and after a burst of gunfire, the villagers all fell, during which a little Vietnamese girl cried loudly and begged for forgiveness, but was ignored by the U.S. army.

In 1969, the bloody year of the Vietnam War, a notorious Gothic rock star in the United States was born.

Sex Abuse Tour Actress, Tearing Down the Berlin Wall in East Germany: Rock Stars and Western Politicians

Born into a traditional church family, this man, whose original name was Brian Hugh Warner, was extremely rebellious and began to be exposed to sex, psychedelics, occultism, etc. in junior high school, and in his own words, "I don't have to look for them at all, they find me."

At the age of 20, Brian went to the fashion magazine 25th Parallel as a trainee journalist, during which time he befriended various bands and musicians, planted the seeds of musical ideals, and was determined to shock the world.

He gave himself a stage name, Marilyn Manson, a combination of American actress Marilyn Monroe and psychopathic murderer Charles Manson, and formed the band of the same name, releasing their first album in 1994.

Marilyn Manson's musical style, known as industrial metal, is dressed in a rather Gothic style. Marilyn Manson said, I just want to wear ugly clothes, I just want to invent new aesthetics in ponytails, sheepskin and ostrich feathers.

In an early performance, Marilyn Manson found an actress, playing a pregnant woman, to iron a Nazi flag in the center of the stage. As the show progressed, the actress actually sat on the flag and performed the abortion.

In 1994, while recording the single "Lunchbox," Marilyn Manson invited a female music fan to the studio to "play." Manson stripped the fan and lay down, pouring hot dogs, italian sausages and pig's feet on her and taking several photos.

Immediately after, Marilyn Manson and the other band members had sex with the fan at the same time, the keyboard player yelling, Lao Tzu is going to use your unused ear canal. Afterwards, when a female music fan offered to take a shower, Manson called in the bassist, gave her a "shower" with urine, and claimed that I wanted her to think it was an art and have fun in it.

Parris, the daughter of pop king Michael Jackson, was 15 years old when she was barred from attending Marilyn Manson's concert by her guardian, cut her wrist with a meat cleaver, and swallowed some unknown pills, almost dying.

At the concert the next day, Marilyn Manson gave The Song "Disposable Teens" to Paris, then took out a meat cleaver, put a knife on his wrist, and shouted Paris, hoping that this would make you feel better, and you will always be on my future invitation list.

In 2021, actress Esme, who played Rose in Game of Thrones, sued Marilyn Manson for violent sexual assault.

Sex Abuse Tour Actress, Tearing Down the Berlin Wall in East Germany: Rock Stars and Western Politicians


According to Esme's confession, back in 2005, she met Marilyn Manson, who invited her to Los Angeles to shoot music videos. When she arrived in Los Angeles, Esme discovered that there was no film crew at all, and that she was being accommodated at Marilyn Manson's home.

During her four-day stay, Esme was forced to take drugs, and Marilyn Manson tied her to her bedroom, whipped her with a Nazi whip, and electrocuted her. After that, Manson sexually assaulted her several times.

There are many similar allegations against Marilyn Manson, and what is even more frightening is that he has a serious negative impact on teenagers.

On April 20, 1999, two high school students in Colorado opened fire on the campus, killing 13 people on the spot and injuring 24 people, shocking the world and becoming known as the Columbus High School Massacre. In a subsequent investigation, the police found that both students loved Marilyn Manson's music and regarded it as an idol.

Ironically, these violent anecdotes have added to Marilyn Manson's popularity, and his albums often dominate the major charts in the United States as soon as they are released.

Sex Abuse Tour Actress, Tearing Down the Berlin Wall in East Germany: Rock Stars and Western Politicians

Gore and bin Laden

In the 2000 U.S. presidential election, Democratic candidate Gore brought Inman Lieberman as vice president.

Lieberman is a conservative who held a "Music and Violence" hearing, in which a father testified that his son decided to commit suicide after listening to Marilyn Manson's song.

In September 2000, Gore and Lieberman talked that the good days of the entertainment industry had come to an end, and when they came to power, they would change the voluntary grading system of record companies to legal enforcement, and a group of conservative parents heard about it and applauded it.

In Gore's case, pop music became a tool and lever for the campaign, and in addition to suppressing "evil outsiders" like Marilyn Manson, it was greatly rewarded for the "healthy" rock bands that influenced the mainstream of Britain and the United States, in order to bring them closer to young voters.

In various speeches, Gore repeatedly mentioned that he liked the Beatles and invited Bon Jovi to help him at the campaign-making conference. Who would have guessed that although Gore had a playboy appearance comparable to Clinton, he was unlucky, and by a very narrow margin, he lost to George W. Bush and rubbed shoulders with the presidency.

Sex Abuse Tour Actress, Tearing Down the Berlin Wall in East Germany: Rock Stars and Western Politicians


Gore, the son of a senator, spent most of his childhood alone in a high-end hotel in Washington, surrounded by older politicians who sat on Nixon's knees. Although Gore once got rid of his character weaknesses and climbed to the highest power, his habit of being depressed for many years eventually grabbed him.

It’s my life,It’s now or never。

That year, Bonjovi's roar at Gore's rally brought Gore's political career to an end.

Saion lost his horse and knew the misfortune. At the very least, Gore did not have to face the doom that Bush Jr. faced soon after he came to power— 9/11.

There is an anecdotal rumor about bin Laden that he himself is a fan of American pop superstar Michael Jackson, who once said that Michael Jackson is the only American he will not kill. In 2011, after the U.S. military killed bin Laden, in his hiding room, he found a number of Bin Laden's treasured albums of Mike Jackson.

Sex Abuse Tour Actress, Tearing Down the Berlin Wall in East Germany: Rock Stars and Western Politicians

When American journalist John Miller interviewed bin Laden himself at the Pakistani border in 1998, he felt that the man in the Arab robe in front of him had a soft and gentle voice. In the interview, bin Laden used Arabic throughout the interview, and Miller did not understand a word, but out of courtesy, he kept nodding his head.

Sex Abuse Tour Actress, Tearing Down the Berlin Wall in East Germany: Rock Stars and Western Politicians

Miller learned through an interpreter that bin Laden's gentle tone conveyed the following: You, your people, you Americans, will one day be put in a coffin and sent back home from the Middle East.

Three years later, the hijacked plane crashed into the World Trade Center in New York.

Sex Abuse Tour Actress, Tearing Down the Berlin Wall in East Germany: Rock Stars and Western Politicians


The key node of The 2000 election battle between Gore and George W. Bush was Florida, and because of the problem with the state's vote count, the election was a tug-of-war, and the lawsuit finally hit the US Supreme Court, and Bush Jr. won.

For this reason, many people believe that Bush Jr. did not talk about martial arts and stole the White House. Among them was Sherley, the wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

In 2004, Blair and his wife Shelley visited Washington, and during the flight, Shelly repeatedly asked her husband why she wanted to show kindness to The Thief Bush. A distraught Blair, after appeasing his wife, began to discuss with his subordinates the focus of the trip — giving George W. Bush a bust of Churchill. During the discussion, Xie Li sneered the whole time, did not listen or listen, and Wang Ba chanted the sutra.

Sex Abuse Tour Actress, Tearing Down the Berlin Wall in East Germany: Rock Stars and Western Politicians

Blair and Shelly

Speaking of the experience of this bust of Churchill, it is quite bloody, and it is worth saying two more words.

This bust, after accompanying George W. Bush for 8 years, ushered in bad luck, and as soon as Obama entered the White House, he was disgusted and asked to be taken away. Churchill carries the symbol of the colonialism of the British Empire, and Obama's father, a well-known anti-colonialist in Kenya, obama was deeply influenced by his father and removed the bust of Churchill, which is reasonable.

After Trump took office, he moved the bust of Churchill back to the Oval Office and took a group photo with visiting British Prime Minister Theresa May in front of the bust. Four years later, Biden became the new owner of the White House, and when he redecorated the White House, he once again removed the bust of Churchill in order to show favor to the old leader, Barack Obama.

Twenty years later, the "return" of Churchill's bust reflects how many subtle stubs of American politics.

Let's turn our attention back to Blair, who played in bands in college and was a rock enthusiast before coming to power for The Labour Party in 1997. In that year's general election, Blair was ingenious, drawing in Britain's most popular rock band to his platform to win the votes of young people.

At the 1996 Brit Awards ceremony, Oasis lead singer Noel declared that there were only 7 people in the country working for young people, including 5 members of Oasis, as well as their boss Alan McKee, and the last was Blair.

Oasis was the most popular band in The Uk at the time, and with such a high-profile appearance in support of Blair, it attracted a frenzied vote from fans and pushed Blair into 10 Downing Street.

Sex Abuse Tour Actress, Tearing Down the Berlin Wall in East Germany: Rock Stars and Western Politicians

Oasis Band

Blair reciprocated, inviting Oasis to the Prime Minister's residence and appointing their boss, Alan McKee, as adviser to the government's cultural department. A year later, Blair was on the cover of New Music Express, only this time, he was the subject of shelling.

Britain's two dozen popular bands took turns slamming Blair's New Deal, angrily shouting to kick Blair's ass. According to Blair's policy, after 6 months of unemployment in the UK, young people under the age of 25 must work or participate in employment counselling, otherwise they will not receive unemployment benefits.

As soon as this order came out, the British rock circle immediately fried the pot, this gang of good people who played guitar, before making a name for themselves, all relied on government relief funds to live, and Blair did so, which was equivalent to cutting off the livelihood of many people.

Although Blair was once a rock boy and became a politician, he was not ambiguous at all, and his past rock experience and today's cloud superstar have become his tools.

Sex Abuse Tour Actress, Tearing Down the Berlin Wall in East Germany: Rock Stars and Western Politicians

The Berlin Wall

In the 1960s, when the Beatles swept the West, East German leader Walter made a speech saying that the behavior of the young people frightened him, and did we have to imitate the tattered, monotonous yeah yeah?

Despite the official orders of the East Germany, young people still guarded the radio and eavesdropped on popular songs from Western radio stations.

In 1969, the year marilyn Manson was born in the wake of the Vietnam War, a DJ on West German radio casually said how nice it would be if the Rolling Stones were to give a concert at the top of the press near the Berlin Wall so that East Germans could hear it.

This phrase spread rapidly in East Germany, and after several deformations, it evolved into the Rolling Stones to hold a concert by the Berlin Wall, and for a time, young people rushed to tell each other, and the excitement was abnormal. Coincidentally, the day of the concert coincided with the 20th anniversary of the birth of East Germany.

Sex Abuse Tour Actress, Tearing Down the Berlin Wall in East Germany: Rock Stars and Western Politicians

The Rolling Stones

On that day, a large number of young people gathered under the Berlin Wall, but instead of waiting for the Rolling Stones, they waited for the East German secret police Stasi, and there was a physical clash between the two sides, and many young people were arrested and imprisoned.

In the mid-1980s, Gorbachev came to power and loosened his grip on East Germany. In 1987, David Bowie held a concert on the west side of the Berlin Wall, and young people from East Germany gathered by the wall, hungry and thirsty.

In order to reduce the pressure on young people, the East German authorities made an exception to allow Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen and other superstars to hold concerts in East Germany, originally wanted to use this means to appease young people, who expected, but like adding fuel to the fire, 100,000 East Germans sang in unison "Born in the United States", for a time, the picture can not be described.

On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall was torn down, and rock music became a tool for pushing the wall.

White clouds and dogs, time is like electricity, 30 years later, the wall builders, became the United States.

In 2019, U.S. President Donald Trump announced the allocation of defense funds to build the U.S.-Mexico border wall, which became part of his strategy to "make America Great Again."

Former President Barack Obama looked at all this coldly, and his veteran Biden, who has long been impatient, took advantage of the opportunity created by the new crown in 2020 to vow to pull Trump down.

As a result, we all know that Biden won, but the gap between the two sides was small, Trump also won a large number of votes, and the United States entered an irreparable division.

Biden's victory has an overlooked detail, namely the support of a large number of Hollywood movie stars and rock stars.

On Halloween, Lady Gaga, America's most popular, posted a video on Twitter, publicly calling on fans to vote for Biden. Lady Gaga said, I vote for the United States, which means I will vote for Biden, and if you live in Minnesota, Pennsylvania, I encourage you to vote.

Sex Abuse Tour Actress, Tearing Down the Berlin Wall in East Germany: Rock Stars and Western Politicians

Even Taylor Swift, who has never liked to talk about politics, has explicitly declared his support for Biden, and countless fans have followed the idol.

Sex Abuse Tour Actress, Tearing Down the Berlin Wall in East Germany: Rock Stars and Western Politicians


Trump's Waterloo is likely to be planted in the hands of this star and his fans.

Rock 'n' roll originated in the West, produced countless superstars, as individuals, they created popular songs, their temperament and talent, worthy of love and respect, but as a whole, to some extent, they are also the tools of Western politicians to play in the palm of their hands, and those brainless fans of the mountain tsunami are reduced to "tools of tools". Behind the rock slogan of righteous words of love and peace, there are hidden jungle rules and practical interests.

Sometimes, of course, they also puncture the "king's new clothes."

In 2003, Madonna publicly stated that the view that the United States attacked Iraq for democracy was simply ridiculous, and that we only cared about interests. At that time, Madonna was attacked by the crowd because of this sentence, saying that it tarnished the sacred values of the United States.

18 years later, US Vice President Harris confessed in his speech that for many years, the United States has continuously launched wars in the Middle East, all for oil.


This article is written by Tetsuku kong, editor-in-chief of Blood Diamond Story.

Some references:

1. "Voice and Anger: Can Rock 'n' Roll Change the World?" Zhang Tiezhi, Guangxi Normal University Press

2. Power Game Women Sue Marilyn Manson, BBC

3. How rock and roll pushed the Berlin Wall. BBC

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