
1. Cai Zhuoyan has said that she has prepared a will and a photo, especially a photo, her friends will choose that kind of black and white photo for her, she does not want this, so she prepared herself in color

author:The secretary of the board said

1. Cai Zhuoyan has said that she has prepared her will and photos, especially the photos, her friends will choose black and white photos for her, she does not want this, so she prepared her own color photos, and will update her own photos every once in a while. Cai Zhuoyan now attaches great importance to the mainland entertainment industry, she also wants to settle in the mainland for development, as for the marriage feelings, she is not too persistent like the little sister Ajiao, in the early years because of the birth of children suffered, now meet the right to talk, do not force.

2. Now many celebrities record out-of-the-box videos that say that they were sent by friends, which is actually advertising implantation and taking promotion fees.

3. Liu Haoran has very good film resources in his hands, and the "Burning Winter" cooperated with Zhou Dongyu has been completed, and he still has to make up "Flames on the Plain". The male protagonist of the film version of "Ball Lightning" is also him, and a double male protagonist tribute drama in the hands of director Xu Zheng is also in contact with him.

4. Li now has very little publicity to buy, he himself does not plan to continue to take the traffic route, high topic degree is not so important to him, but his business value has always been online Ha, endorsement is not lacking. He has recently been in contact with many projects, film and television dramas, and the preliminary determination is that Huace + Hunan Satellite TV pastoral drama "Go to a Place With Wind", the heroine Li Qin, and then the movie "Sunshine New World" is also interested.

5. Liu Yijun is the most popular batch in the middle-aged actor market, cost-effective, and has an audience, the acting reputation is also very good, his son Liu Yitong is brought into the circle by his own hand, and he also takes the route of a powerful actor, although the current popularity and popularity are not high, but the acting skills are still relatively recognized.

6. Liu Yifei's usual diet is relatively normal people's food intake, there is no special restraint on appetite, and supper also dares to eat, so it is easy to get fat. The brand side sometimes can't look down, will choose to reflect with the team, let her pay attention to body management, but she is not particularly concerned about this, feel that she does not rely on fashion business resources to make money, but before shooting blockbusters because of the figure was also ridiculed.

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