
Batman's six alternative versions, made into a movie can easily surpass Marvel Vampire Batman Destruction Day Batman Red Son Batman Wizard King Batman Silenced Batman St. Batman

author:Marvel Super Fan

Batman is one of the most iconic superheroes in DC movies, and although he is a mortal, he can take on some cosmic-level villains, even Superman. You might think that these batman stories are good enough, but they're actually only a small part. In the original book, Batman even has some very alternative versions, let's take a look!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > Vampire Batman</h1>

Batman's six alternative versions, made into a movie can easily surpass Marvel Vampire Batman Destruction Day Batman Red Son Batman Wizard King Batman Silenced Batman St. Batman

In the world of the parallel universe Earth-43, Batman is bitten by a vampire named Tanya, and finally gains special powers, he finds himself very strong and very afraid of the sun, and then Batman knows that he has become a vampire, which makes his appearance change a little, and his strength has increased a lot. Using the power of the vampire, Batman defeats Dracula, and although he is sucked dry by Dracula, the vampire's tenacious vitality resurrects Batman.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > Batman of Doom Day</h1>

Batman's six alternative versions, made into a movie can easily surpass Marvel Vampire Batman Destruction Day Batman Red Son Batman Wizard King Batman Silenced Batman St. Batman

In "Batman v Superman", the villain Doom Day is very familiar to everyone, and in a parallel universe in the original book, Batman turned out to be Doom Day. In this world, Batman fights with Superman, believing that Superman brings hope, but in the end it changes. When Superman begins to kill him, Batman tries to stop him, but he is not an opponent at all, and in the great war, Batman even loses an arm. Reluctantly, Batman eventually uses a doomsday virus he left behind to prevent accidents, and after using this virus, Batman recovers his arm and kills Superman, but eventually turns himself into the day of destruction.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > Red's son Batman</h1>

Batman's six alternative versions, made into a movie can easily surpass Marvel Vampire Batman Destruction Day Batman Red Son Batman Wizard King Batman Silenced Batman St. Batman

In this multiverse, Batman's parents died against Superman, and twenty years later, Batman was persuaded to destroy Superman, you don't say, this Batman is really strong, he kidnapped Wonder Woman and tied her up with her own lasso. Batman also takes Superman to the Wasteland, bombards Superman with simulated red sunlight, and finally imprisons the frail Superman. Later, Wonder Woman breaks free, and Batman commits suicide by detonating a bomb implanted in his body in order not to be caught. It should be admitted that Batman, the son of red, is indeed very strong.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > Batman, the king of wizards</h1>

Batman's six alternative versions, made into a movie can easily surpass Marvel Vampire Batman Destruction Day Batman Red Son Batman Wizard King Batman Silenced Batman St. Batman

In the eyes of fans, Batman is no matter how powerful, that is, mortal, but in another parallel universe, Batman has a powerful magical power, known as the King of Wizards, in addition to the conventional magic fighting methods, Batman is also good at making some magic potions to replace his own combat power.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > Silicond Batman</h1>

Batman's six alternative versions, made into a movie can easily surpass Marvel Vampire Batman Destruction Day Batman Red Son Batman Wizard King Batman Silenced Batman St. Batman

This is a distorted version of Batman, and unlike the main timeline, Bruce Wayne becomes extremely mentally unstable after losing his parents and is subsequently sent to an insane asylum, but unexpectedly, a man named Jonathan Crane conducts a lot of experiments on Bruce, and Bruce gains extraordinary powers, but also becomes more crazy, to put it bluntly, like a Joker. Silenced Batman is very good at deception and espionage, and the weakness is that he is mentally unstable.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > Saint Batman</h1>

Batman's six alternative versions, made into a movie can easily surpass Marvel Vampire Batman Destruction Day Batman Red Son Batman Wizard King Batman Silenced Batman St. Batman

In the dark multiverse, Paul Valley defeats Bruce and briefly takes over the mantle of Batman, but when Batman returns, Paul Valley refuses to return the cloak, believing that he is more suitable for the title of Batman than Bruce. Paul Valley defeated everyone and took control of Gotham City, and thirty years later, Paul Valley ruled the city as Saint Batman. Compared to Bruce, Saint Batman is obviously more domineering.

The above are a few alternative versions of Batman, if DC can make a movie, it is estimated that it will surpass Marvel, what do you think? So what alternative character alternative versions do you know? Welcome to leave a message below to discuss, if you like, you must remember to like, pay attention to Oh!


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