
20 things you don't know about Batman

author:Movie pickpockets
20 things you don't know about Batman
20 things you don't know about Batman

1. There is really a city in Turkey called "Batman"

We don't know if the superheroes live there or not, but the place is beautiful.

20 things you don't know about Batman

2. Batman turns to Ebola And Robin nearly died in the '90s

Even superheroes should maintain proper hygiene

20 things you don't know about Batman

3. The word "Batman" was once used to refer to someone's servant. So, Alfred is actually Batman's Batman.

If Alfred had his own Batman (servant), would it be Batman's Batman Batman? Speechless

20 things you don't know about Batman

4. Ben Affleck is the only actor to wear Batman and Superman costumes

But the two still have to fight in a movie .....

20 things you don't know about Batman

5. In 1996, DC and Marvel collaborated on a series of ensemble superheroes in which Batman and Wolverine were crafted to be called Dark Claws

There should be a lot of people who know

20 things you don't know about Batman

6. Tom Hardy, who plays Bane, needs 3-inch heels to be as tall as Christian Bell

That way he can Batman when he's looking him in the eye.

The actors just did what they were supposed to do...

20 things you don't know about Batman

7. Paul. Rubens was the penguin man's dad in 1992's Batman Returns.

20 things you don't know about Batman

8. Batman's name was once used by the army

This is an officer's rank (which means about the same thing)

20 things you don't know about Batman

9. Quentin doesn't like Batman because he thinks he's a "not very interesting character"

Quentin's best Batman was played by Uncle Wen in the '80s

20 things you don't know about Batman

10. There's a lost movie called Batman v Dracula

Many Batman fans would love to see it

20 things you don't know about Batman

11. How hard it is for Batman to win the Riddle Man

Riddler man makes a "perfect trap" against Batman, but Batman manages to escape. Shock and curiosity led him to the Arkham Asylum.

20 things you don't know about Batman

12. Batman was inspired by Da. Finch, film and the masked man

Wings are taken from Da Vinci's sketches of flying devices, suits and identities influenced by the 1930 film Bat Whisperers, inspired by the 1920 film The Mask of Zorro, a radio show that gave Batman a cape, his dual identity and his talent as a detective.

20 things you don't know about Batman

13. Batman's secret identity is not so secret

In fact, 11 words will tell that Batman and Bruce Wayne are one.

20 things you don't know about Batman

14. Batman is always 34 years old

He had a well-rounded education at the University of Cambridge and the University of Paris, had experience with the FBI, trained in Asian martial arts, and was a true ninja...

20 things you don't know about Batman

15. The Dark Knight was the first Batman movie with a title other than Batman

It was a remarkable success, so Christopher Nolan decided to make another movie about the superhero Batman, but not the name Batman, and there was Rise of the Dark Knight.

20 things you don't know about Batman

16. Luke Skywalker is the voice of the clown in the anime

That's a dick

20 things you don't know about Batman

17. Andy Warhol was the first to make a Batman movie

But his masterpiece "Batman Dracula" was not officially released

20 things you don't know about Batman

18. Gotham is a real town in Nottingham

20 things you don't know about Batman

19. One version of the Beatles is Cosmic Batman

They should be okay to get together...

20 things you don't know about Batman

20. It was the fans who killed Robin

In a 1988 reader vote on Robin's story, the vast majority (5,343 out of 10,000 people in favor) voted in favor of his death, so he died immediately.

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