
"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

Original | Pregnancy

Abstract: Anti-abduction this course, all parents can not be absent!


The Spring Festival is approaching, and it is the winter vacation.

Inevitably, they will take their children to stations, shopping malls, tourist attractions and other places with large traffic.

Pregnant mothers remind all parents: at the end of each year, the phenomenon of children getting lost and abducted occurs from time to time, and we must look after the children.

A few days ago, a 2-year-old female treasure in Guangzhou went missing, and the baby walked alone in the highway, crying and shouting to find his mother.

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

Fortunately, he met a kind person, Mr. Huang, and took the child to the side of the road in time and called the police.

Mr. Huang's wife held the child for comfort until the family arrived and left with confidence.

The most beautiful word in this world is to lose and regain, but not always have this luck.

Sometimes in an instant, the most important thing in life may disappear.

Just in Chengmian Road, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, there is a watch repair stall that has been set up for more than 30 years.

Since 1987, this stall has not moved to a place, nor has it changed its appearance, because the stall owner does not dare to move, nor dare to change.

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

The watchmaker Han Feng is 65 years old, and he has been guarding this stall year after year, just to wait for his lost son.

More than 30 years ago, there were guests to repair the table before the stall, the 6-year-old son was next to it, Han Feng looked up after repairing the watch, dumbfounded, the guest was gone, the child was gone.

Later, the nearby salesman told the old man that a man bought a small package of cookies for his son, and then the son followed the man.

He was determined to find the child, looking all over the linjin district and county, running to Liaoning and Shaanxi, with no result, could not find, only the most stupid method, in situ and so on.

He gave up his life, went out on time at 7 o'clock every morning, rode his bicycle to 11 kilometers away, and insisted on fixing the watch stand in the original place.

This wait is 30 years, never stopping, for fear of missing an opportunity to meet a child.

The middle-aged man waited until the white-haired old man, he was desperately hoping for a miracle to happen, he said: I don't want and will not force him to come back to me, I just want to see him again.

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

The cruelest thing in the world is the separation of flesh and bones!

From the moment they lost their children, parents lived on that day!


Human traffickers, how rampant?

Having seen a set of abducted GIFs, people are sweating coldly.

On the streets of Kunming, Yunnan Province, a man falsely claimed to "take you to fish for turtles" and abducted a 6-year-old boy. After receiving the police, the police locked the suspect through surveillance, and the child at this time had been abducted to a place nearly 500 kilometers away.

A child goes to the supermarket to buy something and happily walks on the road, and is dragged away by the trafficker next to him, and the child has no room to break free.

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

The children were playing on the highway, and two strangers on motorcycles came, picked up one of the children and turned around, and the other children could not catch up.

The little girl was in her own supermarket, and the stranger who came in outside saw that the parents were not there, and directly took the girl away.

This is just the tip of the iceberg for many abducted children.

The largest public welfare website in China, "Baby Homecoming", has been established for 11 years, with detailed information on more than 40,000 missing children, and no more has been published.

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

So parents must be vigilant and don't feel that trafficking is far away from our children.

CCTV News's "CCTV Live Room" did a test, selected 50 children for anti-abduction test, and the result was that 42 children were successfully abducted.

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

Seeing this data, many parents are really shocked.

Obviously usually in the home teaching good, full of confidence in their children, think that their children will not be so easy to be abducted ah, how to real life, will become like this?

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

This terrible example data reminds us all the time that verbal education alone is not enough, we must be wary of human traffickers, but also take good care of our own children.


Child trafficking is within easy reach

The means are despicable and ordinary people can't imagine!

Every child is a treasure of parents, but for human traffickers it is only a clearly priced commodity.

They will use all kinds of tricks to cheat, snatch children, and then sell them for profit!

Impersonating acquaintances

Young children are very simple, and cunning traffickers will use the words "I am your father and mother's friend, he is in trouble, let me take you to xx place" to gain the trust of the child, and then carry out deception.

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

Some unfamiliar "acquaintances" also need to be vigilant, as there have been news reports of children being abducted by tenants.

Material inducements

Traffickers will use candy, toys, electronic devices, etc. as bait to attract children.

On December 6, in the movie "Dear", the prototype of the character played by Zhang Yi, Sun Haiyang, after 14 years, finally found his abducted son Sun Zhuo.

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

14 years ago, Sun Zhuo, who was only 4 years old, was tricked by human traffickers into using candy: he threw a piece, the child picked it up, and he took the candy one by one to coax the child away!

Theft and robbery

Children are stolen or abducted when adults are not strictly guarded, and children are snatched directly from the back seat of the bicycle or from the arms of the teacher.

In the picture below, a father wearing blue short sleeves is taking his child out for a walk.

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

Suddenly a group of strangers gathered around and snatched the child away, and just as he was about to take it back, something terrible happened.

Suddenly, all the passers-by on the side rushed to him, as if they had agreed, but they were not here to help the father, they were accomplices of the traffickers, they threw down the father, beat him, and shouted loudly: Catch the bad guys, the bad guys rob the children!

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

The last group of terrible traffickers, working together to take the child from his biological father, took a blue car, and never went.

Take advantage of kindness

Some traffickers will take advantage of the innocence and kindness of children to coax them with various items, snacks, toys, pets, electronic products...

He Jie's son Qibao underwent the "anti-abduction test" when he was 4 years old, and before the test, He Jieqian told his son: "Whoever knocks on the door is not allowed to open the door." ”

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

When the little sister of the "trafficker" holds a bunch of snacks and shouts through the door, "Shippo, I am the sister who gave you gifts, can you open the door for me?" ”

As a result, Shippo did not hesitate: "Yes! "The anti-abduction test failed.

Snacks and toys are two things that children can't resist, and many traffickers seize this psychology to seduce children.

Although it is the most clichéd idea, it is also very easy to get started!


So many trafficked children

Where did they all go?

Sun Haiyang's son, who was abducted for 14 years, was found and returned to his family, a happy ending that made many people cry.

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

Guo Gangtang, the prototype of "Lost Orphans", finally found his own son after 24 years, although in the end Guo Xinzhen chose to stay with his adoptive parents, but being able to find the lost child for 24 years is still a very fortunate thing for the Guo Gangtang family!

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

For the abducted children, it is a good ending to be able to sell to normal people and grow up healthy.

The most terrible thing is that some children are broken hands and feet, goug out blind eyes, and beg for money for traffickers.

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

A police officer once told a true story after being abducted:

A 4-year-old child was abducted, and after the abduction, the trafficker cut the child's tongue and broke the child's legs, and since then, the child has been begging all day long.

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

At that time, when I saw the news, the pregnant mother was really eager to slash the traffickers with a thousand knives, and the children who were regarded as treasures by their parents were so devastated, which was too heart-wrenching.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Being dragged into begging or child labor is the end of many abducted children.

Others are even forced into prostitution or sold into remote ravines, never ending their lives.

Bi How Chenghui, a female college student, was abducted and sold by human traffickers just after the beginning of college.

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

120 yuan, sold to Ni Tianguo, a 55-year-old single stick in a remote mountainous area, afraid that she would escape, Ni Tianguo imprisoned him in a pigsty.

As long as he dared to escape, it was a severe beating, eating and living was an inhuman life, He Chenghui prayed more than once to let him go, but Ni Tianguo only wanted to have children.

It wasn't until 17 years later that He Chenghui's father finally found her.

The daughter, who should have been healthy and happy, is now tortured into the form of a madman.

He could only give Ni Tianguo 1,000 yuan and take his daughter with him.

For parents, children are their lives, but for traffickers, children are just cash cows that can make money.

Once abducted, both parents and children, their lives, lose their color and hope!


Prevention is greater than days

All parents cannot be absent from this course!

The disappearance of every child is accompanied by a family tragedy.

If parents can prevent it early and put it safe, they may be able to avoid years of separation.

Where are children most likely to get lost and trafficked? How to prevent abduction? A guide to child abduction prevention, every parent should keep in mind:

Determine if your child's environment is dangerous

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

(Source: @People's Daily)

Six high incidence places where children are lost.

If you want to go to these places, be sure to play the spirit of 12 points.

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

Be sure to take good care of your children

● When you are with your child, you must not be distracted, and hold your child's hand.

● At any time, do not look down at the phone and look after the child.

● Do not let the child leave the parent's line of sight.

● Always ensure that the child is within the control of the parents.


● It is always safest to keep an eye on it, beware of strangers, and also beware of those who pretend to be "acquaintances".

● Do not give your child to someone else at any time, not for a minute or a second.

● Remind the elderly at home not to talk to others at will, even if you meet someone you know, you must take care of your children first.

Take safety precautions

● Give your child a watch with a positioning function, and be able to get the child's location at any time.

● Baby strollers should make sure to fasten seat belts so that bad people can take the baby away in an instant.

● Before going out, make an agreement with your child where to meet once you are lost, such as the mall management office.

● Let your child remember the phone number and address of their parents.

● Wearing bright clothes when going out is more eye-catching.

● Agree with your child on a secret code, such as when you encounter a friend who calls himself a parent, ask the other party to give a secret code.

● Do not use "the police to arrest you" to scare children every day, but let children understand that it is difficult to find the police.

● Protect privacy. Do not disclose the child's appearance, name, family name, contact information, home address, school, family work address, etc.

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

If an accident occurs, don't wait, call the police immediately!

In the 24 hours of a child's loss, it is a very critical golden time, and here are the most effective ways to recover it:

Call the police now and don't wait!

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

If a child is missing, you must report it immediately and immediately so as not to miss the best time to recover.

At the same time, apply to the police handling the case to publish the missing information on the Ministry of Public Security's emergency release platform for missing children - the "reunion" system.

Broadcast search

If you call the police in public places such as stations, shopping malls, amusement parks, etc., you must also broadcast synchronously to find people.

Activate the "ten people and four chases" method

The specific operation of the "ten people and four chases" method is: the mother stays where she is, and the father immediately gathers relatives and friends to form 10 people to look in 4 directions, southeast, northwest, and southeast, and the specific division of labor is as follows:

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

Four people looked for 2 kilometers in 4 directions, southeast, northwest, and along the main road.

The 4 men went to the nearby train station, also within a 2-kilometer search area, to prevent the children from being taken by human traffickers to other cities.

1 person calls the police and 1 person stays at home because it is possible for older children to go home on their own.

These coping methods are hoped that every parent can learn, but they will never be used.

At the same time, the pregnant mother also hopes that in the matter of the abduction of children, try not to be an indifferent outsider.

"Around the Spring Festival, it is easiest to abduct children." Let the family see how to prevent abduction

If we find abnormalities, we must lend a helping hand, increase our vigilance, do not be indifferent, do not ignore, and unite, we will certainly be able to protect our children!

Finally, the Spring Festival is a time for families to celebrate and celebrate, but it is also the time when everyone is most likely to neglect.

Traffickers and accidents never close, and dangers don't bring even a hint of compassion because of the youngness of the child!

certain! certain! Be sure to put every trip safe for your child!

May every child be safe and happy in the new year, and may the world be free of turns as soon as possible!

Reference articles

@ People's Daily @ Life Times @ Jiujiang News Network @ Nanning Mother Circle WeChat public account

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