
Zhu Jiang and his party visited and comforted leprosy patients

author:Palm Qujing

In order to implement the action of caring for and caring for leprosy patients, truly go to their side and enter their hearts, let lepers feel the warmth of the party and the government, and vigorously create a good atmosphere for the whole society to pay attention to, care for and care for leprosy patients, on January 26, Deputy County Governor Zhu Jiang led the county health bureau, civil affairs bureau, disabled persons' federation and other relevant county units to Dashuijing Township to visit and comfort leprosy patients, bring them the care of the party and the government, and send them strong New Year greetings.

Zhu Jiang and his party visited and comforted leprosy patients
Zhu Jiang and his party visited and comforted leprosy patients

Zhu Jiang first paid a farewell to everyone on behalf of the county party committee and government, wished everyone a happy Spring Festival, and wished them good health and a happy family in the new year. Subsequently, condolence money and condolences were distributed to the lepers at the scene, and they talked to them in detail about their physical condition and difficulties, and urged them to take care of their health and live with peace of mind.

Zhu Jiang and his party visited and comforted leprosy patients
Zhu Jiang and his party visited and comforted leprosy patients

Zhu Jiang demanded that the relevant departments should continue to care for leprosy patients, especially those with serious diseases, older age, and limited mobility, and should provide them with more help as much as possible and make efforts to improve their living environment; they should contact the patients' families in time to guide them to treat patients correctly, participate more in the lives of patients, care more about them, and let them enjoy their old age in peace.

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