
Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

What kind of woman looks very temperamental?

Probably most people think that those who are good-looking, in good shape, or have money to dress up have a good temperament. Admittedly, these are in a sense a stepping stone to temperament, and women who possess these are always more attractive than the average person.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

But in fact, whether there is temperament or not, to a large extent, is not in good looks or good figures, but more in the state you present. And women with good temperament usually have these 5 points.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

The phrase "clothing is character" is not unreasonable, and the first impression of a person is judged from the way they are worn. A woman dressed elegantly and decently always looks more tasteful and dignified than a scruffy person. So what kind of dress is appropriate?

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

The first thing to know is that proper dressing is always pleasing to the eye, that is, whether it is in the selection, collocation, or color can give people a sense of comfort. So we need to work on these three points.

On the selection, we often say "twenty years old spelling quantity, thirty years old spelling quality", when we are young we need to use more fashionable clothing to show their youthful vitality, but after thirty years old, this concept of wearing should be transformed, we need textured clothing to highlight the temperament and fashion.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

In collocation, first of all, the collocation must be based on the body shape to avoid the weaknesses, that is, to "highlight" the place where you have the most advantages;

Secondly, there is no need for too many complicated collocations, learn simple and suitable, such as the law of up and down, the combination of complexity and simplicity, a loose and a tight, accessories embellishment method, etc. is enough.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

In terms of color, it also does not need to be too complicated, and it is enough to choose the same color to wear and echo between colors.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

As the saying goes, "beauty is not beautiful, look at the head first", as the best modifier of the head and face, the choice of hairstyle is also very important.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

When choosing a hairstyle, we should pay attention to two words "clean". Wash your hair frequently, take more care, the hair is greasy and messy, it will only look like you are sloppy, if you feel that washing your hair and blowing your hair is troublesome, maybe short hair will be more suitable.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

In addition, it should be noted that fluffy hairstyles can always make people look younger and temperamental, and hairstyles that are too soft and collapsed are easy to look rustic.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

Finally, when choosing a hairstyle, you must not follow the trend of choice, you must choose according to your actual situation, choose a hairstyle that is about 10 years younger than the actual age, and there will be no sense of "tenderness".

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

In addition to the hairstyle and outfit, which can be corrected by short learning or little change, those easy to ignore details are the key to temperament. For example, posture:

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

How a person looks can be felt from the posture, standing, and sitting posture of her walking. An elegant woman tends to present a straight posture, although just standing quietly and sitting can attract people's eyes.

The formation of this good posture requires perseverance and continuous training.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

For example, when we walk, the heels touch the ground first, and the upper body of the body is slightly tilted backwards. Women with hunched breasts can try to turn the inside of their arms forward.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

When sitting, do not cross Erlang's legs, sit on a third of the chair, whether it is a straight body or a slight forward tilt, and straighten your back.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important
Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

Women who look temperamental can always show a good complexion, and can use makeup to brighten the skin tone and become beautiful. However, it should be noted that we must grasp the measure, thick makeup will appear very cheap, and inferior cosmetics are easy to take off makeup and have great irritation to the skin, so we must buy it.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

If you can't wear makeup or master the balance, then choosing to draw an eyebrow and draw a lipstick can also enhance your temperament.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

Finally, if you want to look good, proper skin care is also very important, in addition to daily skin care, sun protection must be done well, you can avoid sun spots, dull skin tone, acne scars and other issues.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important
Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

In addition to the visible exterior, women with elegant temperament usually pay more attention to the inside, and this charm emanating from the inside out is enduring. We often say that there is poetry and bookishness in the belly, and a woman who is full of poetry always looks confident and extremely charming.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

You may wish to buy some books, pick them up and read them in your spare time, cultivate your emotions and increase your experience.

In addition to reading poetry books, you can also take care of your life carefully, such as buying a bouquet of flowers, watching an exhibition, meeting more people, seeing more worlds... These will become your precious experiences in life, adding to your charm in the silent place.

Experience and experience can also precipitate a person's temperament.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

Human temperament needs to be improved from the inside out or from the outside in all directions, the improvement of appearance can be completed in a short period of time, and the rich connotation and broad vision need time precipitation.

But in any case, it's not too late to change from now on.

Whether a woman has temperament is key in these 5 points, and the appearance value is really not important

Well, about the 5 keys to improving temperament, this issue will be shared here, if you have other confusion about temperament, appearance improvement, welcome to leave a message in the comment area yo ~ ~

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