
Man and nature coexist in harmony

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

Man and nature coexist in harmony

(1) Yuxi City continued to strengthen protection and monitoring in the distribution area of green peacock population, and the number of green peacock populations in China increased significantly. The picture shows the green peacock shooting in the wild.

Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Yuxi Municipal Party Committee

(2) Since 2016, the Management and Conservation Bureau of Yuanjiang National Nature Reserve in Yunnan has worked closely with Southwest Forestry University to carry out rescue protection of the endangered plant "Yunnan Flame Orchid". At present, the artificial auxiliary breeding of Yunnan flame orchid has been successful.

(3) Located in the middle of the Ailao Mountain National Nature Reserve, Xinping Yi dai autonomous county is the world's largest and densest habitat for the western black-crowned gibbon.

Photo courtesy of the New Pingguan Conservation Bureau of Ailao Mountain National Nature Reserve

(4) Unique fish species that live in Yuxi Fuxian Lake.

(5) The white stork, which is listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2012, inhabits the scenic area of Tonghai Xiushan Park.

Huang Jun

Man and nature coexist in harmony

In the "Green Peacock Protection Xinping in Action" theme publicity activity held in Xinping Yi and Dai Autonomous County, children solemnly signed their names on the cloth label. Easy water culvert shooting

Man and nature coexist in harmony

The monitor of the Ailao Mountain Nature Reserve looked through the notes left by the monitor before the monitors followed the monitoring of the Western Black-crowned Gibbon. Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Yuxi Municipal Party Committee

Man and nature coexist in harmony

Researchers at the Kunming Institute of Aquatic Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences marked the fry of the big head carp at the jiangchuan large head carp original seed recovery base. Photo by Xing Dingsheng

Man and nature coexist in harmony

Zhang Sichun, the station manager of Jiangchuan Aquatic Products Station, and his breeding of Nebula whitefish. Photo by Li Dan

Man and nature coexist in harmony

Wang Changlin, an elderly man in Dapingdi Village, Jiangcheng Town, Jiangchuan District, has been guarding the forest for 13 years and has planted more than 200,000 trees voluntarily. Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Yuxi Municipal Party Committee

Man and nature coexist in harmony

On Fuxian Lake, a leaf boat and birds fly freely constitute a picture of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Photo by Jin Yunlong

Man and nature coexist in harmony

Yuxi Fuxian Lake is beautiful. Photo by Jin Yunlong

As early as ten years ago, when the rainy season came, Zhang Sichun, director of the Jiangchuan Aquatic Products Station in Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, and Yang Chongbao, director of the Yuxi Ancient Ecological Anti-Wave Fish Scientific Research and Conservation Center, did the same thing - looking for indigenous fish. Zhang Sichun waited hard for more than 2 months in the jumping fish ditch on the shore of Nebula Lake, and finally caught 87 nebula white fish; Yang Chongbao walked around the lake day after day, looking for the legendary haixin horsefish like a needle in a haystack, and finally got his wish, and spent a high price to buy four or five tails of Four-tailed Immortals and Four-whiskered Catfish. The fish later became the mother of captive breeding, saving two endangered aquatic species.

Yuxi has been committed to maintaining biodiversity for many years. After nearly 20 years of efforts, a variety of rare and endangered indigenous fish species such as anti-wave fish, bighead fish, nebula whitefish, Yunnan barbed catfish, Fuxian four-whiskered catfish, flower perch carp, Qilu carp, Fuxian golden line catfish, Yuanjiang carp and so on have escaped the fate of extinction and retained their roots through artificial breeding. Purple water chickens, colored ibises, black-winged long-legged sandpipers, pheasants, grass herons, pond herons, long-billed herons, green-headed ducks, crested pelicans and other national key protected animals that have disappeared for many years have appeared in the wetlands of Nebula Lake and Qilu Lake; wild wolves that have been difficult to find for many years have migrated in groups in the rolling mountains between Xinping and Eshan; rare wild animals such as green peacocks, western black-crowned gibbons, and black bears have frequently appeared in deep mountain valleys...

Today's Yuxi through ecological governance and restoration, biodiversity conservation and strict biodiversity supervision and law enforcement, the natural protected area system is becoming more and more perfect, the typical zonal ecosystem types have been effectively protected, the degraded ecosystem has been restored, the area of rock desertification and soil erosion has decreased year by year, and the scenery of birds flying in the sky, beasts roaring deep streams, and fish swimming under the water can be seen everywhere, presenting a picture of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

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