
Police reveal third-generation drugs: drinking "obedience water" can cause drowsiness and even amnesia

author:China Youth Network

The police reveal the third generation of drugs, which can be packaged as common objects such as drinks, and the disguise is very hidden

Drinking "obedience water" can cause drowsiness and even amnesia

In recent years, in some cases handled by the public security organs, "obedient water", "obedient water", "temptation water", etc. have entered everyone's field of vision, and these colorless and odorless liquids, once taken in excess, will make people sleepy, and even temporarily lose their memory. Not only that, but other third-generation new drugs may also be incorporated into the "obedience water". In this regard, qilu evening news qilu one-point reporter interviewed the jinan municipal public security bureau anti-drug detachment and the Licheng public security anti-drug brigade, unveiling the secret behind the obedience of the water.

Qilu Evening News Qilu one-point reporter Zhang Guotong

Secondary processing of the drug

Illegal sale commits a crime

On the Internet, words such as "obedient water" and "obedient water" are not uncommon, and even search for these words on some online shopping platforms, and merchants will imply or explicitly indicate on the product page that there will be amnesia, lethargy and other effects after taking it.

Through investigation, the reporter found that the so-called "obedience water" is actually a central nervous system depressant, which has been used clinically as an anti-epileptic and anticonvulsant drug, so the state has also included it in the first or second class of psychotropic controlled drugs, and its production, sales, use and other links have been strictly controlled.

However, some criminals have used illegal channels to purchase raw materials for these drugs, and through secondary processing, repackaging and other forms, they have flowed into the hands of some unscrupulous merchants under another name, or directly sold them.

Once a buyer finds a door through various channels, these unscrupulous merchants will start a single line of contact with the buyer, the process of illegal merchants may repeatedly verify the buyer's situation, if the two sides reach a willingness to buy, the merchant or criminal will send the buyer the true "identity" of the goods for sale, so that "obedience water" has gradually become an "accomplice" for criminals to commit crimes.

The reporter learned through the police that the core ingredient of "obedience water" has certain medicinal value and belongs to the medicinal anesthetic drugs listed in the state's control, but these drugs originally used for treatment have become "tools" for criminals to earn money or pursue stimulation.

The reporter's investigation found that a small amount of taking fine anesthetic drugs has hallucinogenic and addictive properties, and even brings people pleasure, and gradually in the eyes of some drug dealers or criminals, these drugs may also become alternatives to drugs. In fact, long-term abuse and consumption of such substances will cause great harm to the human body, and even death.

Other third-generation drugs

May also be mixed into "obedience water"

"Criminals, in the process of committing crimes, will mix obedient water into drinks, and if the drinker drinks these drinks without their knowledge, the consequences can be unimaginable." In addition, criminals in the obedient water may also be mixed with the third generation of new drugs. Jinan Municipal Public Security Bureau anti-drug detachment police said.

According to the police, drugs are usually divided into traditional drugs and new drugs according to the chronological order of drug epidemics. Traditional drugs generally refer to opium, heroin and other drugs that were earlier in the epidemic, and traditional drugs are extracted from the original plants of opium poppies and other drugs, which are also known as first-generation drugs. The new drugs are relative to traditional drugs, and the artificial chemical synthesis drugs such as ice and ecstasy that appeared in the early days are called second-generation drugs. In recent years, a third-generation drug known as "new psychoactive substances" has emerged.

The so-called third-generation drugs mainly refer to drug analogues obtained by criminals to modify the chemical structure of controlled drugs in order to evade the crackdown, which have similar or stronger effects such as excitement, hallucinogenicity, and narcotics to controlled drugs, and are also known as "planned drugs" or "laboratory drugs".

At present, the new drugs often mentioned mainly refer to the third generation of drugs, such as meow (cathinone), Natasha (synthetic cannabinoids), rhino liquid (tryptamines) and other substances; there are also some new drugs, such as smart drugs, happy water, etc., the main ingredients of these drugs are still the traditional first and second generation drugs, but they are made or packaged into the appearance of common items in life to confuse people's public opinion.

It can be seen that compared with the first and second generation of drugs, the third generation of new drugs is more camouflaged and concealed, and in terms of effect, the third generation of new drugs produce hallucinogenicity, excitement and addiction, etc., and the harm to the body is also greater.

It is extremely harmful to physical health

Strictly crack down on drugs in all links

Drugs not only harm the health of individuals, but even make entire families fragmented, but even so, some people will take the risk of taking this dark road.

"Some criminals in order to pursue excitement, or because of excessive pressure to relax themselves, or in order to pursue pleasure, they have embarked on the road of drug use, of course, there are also people who have quit drugs, because they can not resist the temptation to go on the road of relapse." The police of the anti-narcotics detachment of the Jinan Municipal Public Security Bureau said.

It is understood that in fact, people who use drugs have their own circles, and according to the type of drugs they use, this circle will have specific divisions. Therefore, to eliminate drugs, we must not only rely on the national anti-drug department to crack down hard from various channels and links, but also need citizens to start from themselves.

Here is also to remind everyone that the use of drugs on their own great harm, but also to the family will cause irreparable losses, so for the sake of personal health, as well as the happiness of the family, we must be cautious about making friends, away from drugs, respect for themselves.

Source: Qilu Evening News

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