
The head chef drugged the apprentice And the victim was "broken" and the photo was taken incomprehensibly!

author:Jiangxi city scene

Source| JXTVDSXC Integrated City Express

Just by drinking a bottle of water handed to you, you fall into a coma, lose consciousness, and become unaware of what happens next. This is not a fictional plot, but something that really happened.

Because this bottle of water contains something called "Nine Generations of Water". "Nine generations of water", known in many specific occasions as "diffuse night", is a new type of psychedelic agent.

A head chef in Fuyang bought "Nine Generations of Water" three times in a row. This year, Fuyang Public Security received a letter of assistance from the Shaanxi Provincial Public Security Department about the "Nine Generations of Water."

When the Shaanxi police investigated a series of rape cases, they found that the suspects had used a potion called "Diffuse Night" on the victims, and following this clue, the police found and cracked the gang of sellers who sold the potion.

There are thousands of transaction records in the seller's mobile phone, and the buyer is scattered across the country, including a man surnamed Deng in Fuyang who has "placed orders" three times. After investigation, the man was the head chef of a large hotel in Fuyang.

The head chef drugged the apprentice And the victim was "broken" and the photo was taken incomprehensibly!

The head chef bought psychedelics and bought them three times in a row, what did he want to do?

Shaanxi police sent a letter to Fuyang police requesting assistance in the investigation. The Fuyang police found the hotel where Deng worked and summoned him for investigation. Deng admitted to buying jiudai water, but he said that it was not used in the customer's food, but for his own use.

He said that he had been divorced for many years, and the reason why he bought "Diffuse Night" was to wait for the future contact with the women who had lost their feet, to put a little on the other party and add a little interest, but until now, there has been no opportunity to use it.

The police did not believe it at all, and further investigation found that his mobile phone had some unsightly pictures stored in it.

The head chef drugged the apprentice And the victim was "broken" and the photo was taken incomprehensibly!

After further interrogation, Deng finally admitted that he had not remarried after his divorce, and he put two small bottles of "Nine Generations of Water" purchased from the Internet in a drink and gave it to the two apprentices who lived with him.

And the two elementary school apprentices, although they vaguely perceive that something is wrong, but one wakes up after passing out, they wake up "broken", which simply means that they can't remember the previous events; second, there is no evidence, and they have not called the police.

The head chef drugged the apprentice And the victim was "broken" and the photo was taken incomprehensibly!

Because of suspected forced indecency, Deng was recently sentenced to 3 years and 4 months in prison by the Fuyang District Court.

Ni Lingling, deputy commander of the First Squadron of the Fuyang Public Security Criminal Investigation Brigade, said that "Jiudai Water" is a new type of psychedelic agent, a transparent liquid containing the ingredients of tranquilizers, usually packed in small glass bottles, colorless and odorless, poured in drinks, wine, soups and even boiled water, can not be distinguished.

The head chef drugged the apprentice And the victim was "broken" and the photo was taken incomprehensibly!

There is no place for public sale in the market of this kind of psychedelic, and most of them are sold through web advertising, micro-business and other channels. A bottle of about 5 ml of "Jiudai water" is priced at about 200 to 300 yuan.

After drinking a drink or alcohol containing "Nine Generations of Water", the victim will fall into a coma, and when he wakes up, like a "broken piece" after drinking, he will have no memory of what happened during the coma.

There have been cases in which the girl lost consciousness after drinking the wine handed over by a stranger in the bar, was violated, and later found out that the drink was put into the "nine generations of water".

Although the specific composition of the "Nine Generations of Water" is still unknown, many victims report that they will have symptoms such as dizziness, confusion and nausea after waking up.

Depending on the dosage and the human constitution of the drinking body, the onset and duration of the "Nine Generations of Water" are also different. Generally speaking, a small bottle of "Nine Generations of Water" is poured into a 500 ml bottle of drink, and after drinking it, it will fall asleep for half an hour, and the efficacy of the drug lasts for about ten hours.

"This potion is basically a sanwu product, and taking it once in a while may not cause obvious damage to the human body, but it does not exclude hidden negative effects; if it is taken for a long time, multiple times or in large doses, it is definitely harmful to the human body." Officer Ni said that from the situation of the two victims in Deng's case, there were short-term symptoms such as slow response and drowsiness.

In one case, the victim girl and the male netizen ate in a restaurant, after eating for a few minutes, the girl fell asleep on the table, and the male netizen immediately took her away, fortunately, the waiter was vigilant, detected that it was not right, and reported to the police in time.

The police quickly launched an investigation, and finally found two people in a hotel, the girl was lying on the bed, how to wake up. The male netizen admitted that he secretly poured a bottle of "Nine Generations of Water" into her drink when the girl went to the bathroom.

The head chef drugged the apprentice And the victim was "broken" and the photo was taken incomprehensibly!

Officer Ni said that judging from the several cases that have been cracked, the purchase of "nine generations of water" is mainly made up of young men in their twenties and thirties, and the use of occasions is mostly in bars, KTV and other places, most of which are about to meet netizens, and then start. The victims were mainly young women in their 20s, including female college students who came to meet netizens and female waitresses at KTV.

The police remind that the drinks and food provided by strangers should not be eaten, especially if they meet with netizens for the first time, they should remain vigilant, and once they find similar situations or discomfort, they should pay attention to retaining evidence and report to the police at the first time.

At the same time, the police also solemnly warned that curiosity or mischief, no matter what the reason for the purchase, is suspected of crime. On the other hand, this kind of potion may have serious consequences for people to eat, there are already people in the country who have died because of eating this thing, want to use psychedelics to do bad things, do not take chances, the police will certainly be able to find out, if serious consequences are caused, severely punished according to law.

(Image from the Internet)

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