
Su Dongpo: In the lowest situation, live out the highest realm

Su Dongpo: In the lowest situation, live out the highest realm

Author | Tea poetry flowers

Source | Anban Lang Ruo (ID: anbanlr)

Anchor | Fan Deng Reading · Anthony

In everyone's heart, there is a Su Dongpo.

Every Mid-Autumn Festival, we will silently recite Su Dongpo's famous sentences in our hearts:

May people be long-lasting, and thousands of miles will be cherished together.

When you are lonely and frustrated, you will think of Su Dongpo's sentence:

Picking all the cold branches refuses to perch, and the lonely sandbar is cold.

When encountering the ups and downs of life and disappointment and loneliness, I will also use this poem of Su Dongpo to encourage myself:

Bamboo cane mango shoes light victory over horses, who is afraid? A cloud of smoke and rain is a life of peace.

Lin Yutang once said:

"Su Shi is dead, his name is just a memory, but what he has left us is the joy of his heart and the joy of his thoughts, which is immortal."

Su Dongpo has become the spiritual backbone of a generation of literati, like a touch of clear light, across the mountains and rivers, reflecting the ancient and modern.

Su Dongpo: In the lowest situation, live out the highest realm

In 1057 AD, the 20-year-old Su Shi entered Beijing to take the exam.

The chief examiner was Ouyang Xiu, a great scholar, and when he read Su Shi's article, he was amazed.

He thought that his student Zeng Gong had written it, and in order to avoid suspicion, he set the grade that should have been the first place as the second place.

Who knows how to unseal it, the author is actually Su Shi.

Looking at the old text written by Su Shi before, Ouyang Xiu was even more amazed:

"Reading Shishu, I don't feel sweaty, I am fast, the old man should avoid the road, let him out of the ground", "out of the head" The word "out of the way" comes from this.

Talented and unparalleled in the world. Jinshi and the first, the name of the Moving Kyoshi.

In this way, as soon as Su Shi appeared on the scene, he amazed the entire Great Song.

However, fate is uncertain, and life is always full of variables.

In 1079, the 44-year-old Su Shi was imprisoned for the "Wutai Poetry Case".

In the end, he escaped death and was degraded to Huangzhou.

Huangzhou was a turning point in Su Shi's fate.

When he arrived in Huangzhou, he took off his people's long shirts, changed into cloth clothes and shoes, and worked on Dongpo, and from then on he called himself "Dongpo Resident".

In order to improve the diet, he also researched and invented Dongpo meat and Dongpo soup.

Even in the days of poverty and hardship, he still lived a hot life.

Lin Yutang said that Su Dongpo was an "incurable optimist."

He had been lifted high by fate, ready to make a big difference, but he was thrown down by fate.

Su Dongpo's life, young people lost their mothers, young people lost their wives, middle-aged lost children, the career path was not smooth, degraded again and again, only a short period of prosperity.

From the attention of everyone when he became famous, to being taken away by fate, he experienced the ups and downs of life.

Su Dongpo summed up his life: Ask Ru Pingsheng's exploits, Huangzhou Huizhou Danzhou.

He melted the frustration into an artistic aesthetic of "the taste of the world is pure joy".

He crushed the setbacks and turned them into the freedom of "life is like a reverse journey, I am also a pedestrian".

He accepted the upheaval and displacement into the poetry of "this peace of mind is my hometown".

Under the thousand hammers and hundreds of tempers of fate, he has long looked down on the fame and glitz of the world, set Confucianism and Buddhism in one, and his heart is like stopping water, understanding the heavens and the earth.

Su Dongpo: In the lowest situation, live out the highest realm

What makes Su Dongpo different is that he is able to reconcile the entry of Confucianism with the birth of a Taoist.

And this kind of reconciliation allowed him to actively enter the world when the spring breeze was triumphant, and his heart was concerned about the world.

When the career is frustrated, send love to the landscape, adapt to the fate, and return to the poetic spiritual home.

Poetry is his passion and his armor.

When life falls to the bottom, there must always be some love in the heart to resolve such sadness.

In Su Dongpo's eyes, everything can be included in poetry.

In March, he and his friends encountered wind and rain on the road, and everyone had no umbrella, which was very embarrassing.

After the rain stopped, he wrote this poem "Dingfeng Wave" that has been passed down through the ages:

Don't listen to the sound of leaves beating through the forest, why not groan and walk slowly.

The steep spring wind blows wine awake, slightly cold, but the mountain head obliquely illuminates each other.

Looking back at the place where it has always been, returning, there is no wind or rain or sunshine.

Life, inevitably encountered ups and downs, rather than sighing, accusing and complaining, it is better to move forward calmly.

In 1082 A.D., the midsummer night of July 16.

Su Dongpo and his friends took a flat leaf boat to Chibi to explore the mountains.

The breeze is gentle, the moonlight is like silver, the waves of the river are thousands of waves, and the clear space is wide.

All the hustle and bustle of the world has receded, and there is a silence between heaven and earth.

Bathed in the breeze and bright moon, between the light and water of the sky, Su Dongpo wrote "Chibi Fu":

Gai will look at it from its change, then the heavens and the earth can not be in a moment;

From the point of view of its unchanging one, both things and I are endless.

Between heaven and earth, nothing is eternal, and all suffering will eventually pass away.

He soothed himself with poetry and comforted us warmly.

Life always has to be a little love, some persistence.

Su Dongpo's poetic life is not a passive avoidance of the world, but a detachment from the transcendent, a pampered indifference.

In September of the same year, Su Dongpo drank late at night and knocked on the door for half a day, only to learn that the servant had fallen asleep.

So he came to the river alone, listened to the shocking waves lapping on the shore, saw the wind and clouds, had thousands of thoughts, and chanted "Linjiang Immortal":

Long hate this body is not me, when to forget the camp?

The night wind is still and flat.

The boat has since passed away, and Jiang Hai has lived the rest of his life.

No matter how difficult life is, he can please himself.

In that era of self-denial, he lived naturally, through, and on a road full of thorns, he lived the most interesting appearance.

As Bai Luomei wrote in the "Biography of Su Dongpo":

No matter what the situation, in which way, he can find a clear light of the years from the hardships.

Gently waving the sleeve, you can transform into Zhuangzi's bird, put down the world, and fly to the clouds.

When will I return, be an idler, to a piano, a pot of wine, a stream of clouds.

Su Dongpo: In the lowest situation, live out the highest realm

Su Dongpo wrote in "Donglan Pear Blossom":

A snow plant in the east fence, life can be seen clearly.

He was always sober and calm.

When a person sees the truth of life, he is fearless of wind and rain and twists and turns.

Accept life, reconcile with yourself, and make yourself more comfortable and happier.

The ability to live is an important ability to make yourself happy no matter how difficult life is.

In the face of suffering, everyone is equal.

Ordinary us may not experience ups and downs like Su Dongpo, but we still have our own spiritual purgatory.

It is the shackles of fame and fortune, the love and hatred of attachment, and the contradiction and gap between ideals and reality...

In the face of the wind and rain of life, Su Dongpo wrote down the freedom of "returning, there is no wind and rain and no sunshine".

Even if he is repeatedly degraded, he still has the courage to "break through the air with rocks, crash the shore, and roll up a thousand piles of snow".

Su Dongpo said to himself:

"The upper can accompany the Jade Emperor, the lower can accompany the Beggars of the BeitianYuan, and there is no bad person in the world."

Countless frustrated and miserable people have also drawn courage and strength from him to face life.

Gradually moving away from sorrow and resentment, becoming more tolerant and warm, it is a compassion that embraces all things, a daguan that laughs at everything.

As Dong Qing said when he mentioned Su Dongpo at the Chinese Poetry Conference, he said that in the lowest situation, live the highest realm.

"Life is everywhere like, should be like Feihong stepping on the slush", learn his attitude to life, you can get detached;

Learning his attitude towards life can be interesting; learning his artistic attitude can be achieved.

The reason why life is not happy is only because I have not read Su Dongpo.

Reading Su Dongpo is the beginning of a happy life.

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Typography | Zheng to the north

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Music | she

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