
There are 11 people with the surname Tiger in Shenyang, and 491 people with Tiger in their names

Cute tiger treasure toys, cute tiger-shaped foods, and a variety of "auspicious tiger" decorations... The arrival of the Year of the Tiger in 2022 has made the mighty tiger in the impression become "diverse". And how much do you know about tiger surnames, folklore, and so on? Today, let's take a look.

There are 11 people with the surname Tiger in Shenyang, and 491 people with Tiger in their names

Data: 11 people with the surname Hu in Shenyang, 491 people with tigers in their names

Here is a special piece of data, which is information about the surname of the Shenyang zodiac. It is not a private statistical data, but an official information from the Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Statistics. According to the data of the seventh national census, among the citizens of Shenyang, there are 11 people with the surname hu, while 491 people have the word tiger in their names. Among them, there are 66 people named Li Hu and 69 people named Wang Hu, all of whom are men. This has the word tiger in the name, does it have a sense of might?

After saying the surname Tiger, let's take a look at the situation of other zodiac surnames. According to statistics, among the citizens of Shenyang, there are 12,817 people with the surname niu, 5,162 people with the surname long, 137,940 people with the surname Ma, 44 people with the surname sheep, 7 people with the surname monkey, 2 people with the surname pig, 1 person with the surname chicken, and 1 person with the surname dog.

Inquiry: Rare surnames have multiple origins

2022 is the Year of the Tiger, and there are many theories about the origin of the tiger surname. The first is derived from the surname Ji, after Bohu, one of the ancient "Eight Yuan", and belongs to the clan name of the ancestor. The second is derived from the surname Ji. In the western zhou year, a chancellor summoned Gong Jihu to be the brother of King Wu of Zhou. In order to remember his merits in defending the country and remembering the meaning of his homeland, his descendants took the name of their ancestors and took the surname of the tiger clan. The third is derived from the Hui ethnic group, which belongs to the Sinicization and change the surname to a surname. The fourth is derived from the ancient tiger totem belief, which belongs to the totemic belief to avoid changing the pronunciation to a surname.

It is understood that the tiger surname is now a rare surname, but there have also been some celebrities in history, which has become the pride of the tiger family. "Customs and Customs" records that there is "Hepu Taishou Tiger Banner", which shows that there was a Taishou named "Tiger Banner" in the Han Dynasty. After the Yuan Dynasty, there were celebrities such as Hu Ziwei, Hu Dawei, and Hu Chen in Chinese history, and they were also a family with the surname of Hu. Interestingly, when used as a surname, "tiger" rarely reads the pronunciation "hǔ", some read "hú", and more pronounced as "cat".

There are 11 people with the surname Tiger in Shenyang, and 491 people with Tiger in their names

Fun Talk: Tiger culture and folklore have been passed down to this day

"Tiger" is pronounced "Fu" in Shanghainese, which has the auspicious meaning of welcoming blessing. Since ancient times, tiger culture has a long history, the tiger is a symbol of justice, bravery, majesty, and more beautiful and lovely images. Folklore related to tiger culture is still circulating today.

Tiger paintings are often hung on the wall to protect the door of the family, and even in later generations, children wear tiger hats and tiger head shoes to drive away evil spirits, and some people sleep on tiger head pillows in the hope of strengthening themselves. The tiger is the "king of a hundred beasts", and people will also embroider a "king" in the middle of the tiger's head to bless the children with tiger heads and tiger brains and tigers and tigers.

Tiger culture has a long history, and the tiger has long been one of The totems of China. In ancient times, the Dragon Boat Festival had the customs of hanging ai tigers, eating rice dumplings, and racing dragon boats. The people use ai ye to form a tiger shape, which not only plays a role in sterilization and insect repellent, but also has the meaning of driving away diseases and suppressing evil. In some places, the word "King" is also painted on the forehead of children with male yellow, imitating the pattern of the tiger's head, which also means to pray for peace. The relationship between tigers and traditional festivals is also manifested in the Lantern Festival. This day is also known as the Festival of Lights, it is customary to hang flower lanterns and paste riddles on the lights, called lantern riddles, also known as Wenhu or Lantern Tiger, describing guessing puzzles as difficult as shooting tigers.

Source: Fingertip Shenyang

Editor: Han Yu

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