
Obstetrics expert Chen Dunjin: The third child born at an advanced age must be done according to his ability

Chen Dunjin is the director of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University/Guangzhou Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the director of Guangzhou Severe Maternal Rescue and Treatment Center, and a well-known obstetrics and gynecology expert. He has been engaged in obstetrics and gynecology for more than 30 years, and is now mainly engaged in the research and development of critical maternal emergency, intensive care management and related technologies. He is also known as the guardian of severely ill mothers. Every day, pregnant women from all over the country come to Chen Dunjin for medical treatment.

Obstetrics expert Chen Dunjin: The third child born at an advanced age must be done according to his ability

As a veteran obstetrician, Chen Dunjin has lost count of how many pregnant women have survived with the help of himself and his peers over the past few decades. Just a few months ago, a 52-year-old pregnant woman successfully gave birth to three children after his conditioning treatment. He said that from the cases of having three children that he has been exposed to in the past, there is no necessary positive correlation between the group and the economic conditions of having three children. It is not that the better the economic conditions, the stronger the willingness to have three children. Those who have three children have a common feature, that is, they have a strong willingness to have children, and they are willing to spend time with their children, and they are not so concerned about the impact of childbirth on their work and life. In his department, for example, less than 10 percent of three-child pregnancies are made. "It's not that the country has let go of the three children, and everyone is rushing to give birth." Although the proportion of pregnancies over 40 years old is not high, the incidence of (advanced childbirth) is still much higher than in the past, and the incidence of fetal malformations will increase as the age of childbirth of pregnant women increases.

Although I have been in contact with many mothers of "Beat" Three Treasures, I have also helped many mothers of "Beat" Three Treasures out of danger. However, Chen Dunjin said that having three children at an advanced age is not worth advocating, and pregnancy at the right age is a good choice. "It is best to have three children before the age of 35, and it is a better rhythm to have one every 2-3 years." She said that after the advanced age also has an impact on the fetus, the probability of fetal malformations after the advanced age is higher, and the probability of various accidents such as premature birth and intrauterine distress during childbirth is also much higher. It is recommended that elderly women find a hospital before becoming pregnant to find out whether these underlying diseases are suitable for pregnancy and what treatment should be done if pregnant. These medical diseases should be adjusted to fit the pregnancy to prevent the occurrence of some serious complications. Last year, he received a pregnant woman with leukemia who gave birth to a woman whose condition was very difficult, but fortunately after several months of emergency treatment, the woman finally gave birth smoothly. "For example, I received a pregnant woman with pulmonary hypertension last year, she is born again this year, like this group, it is not suitable for pregnancy, if there is pulmonary hypertension itself, pregnancy will lead to increased cardiopulmonary burden, harmful to pregnant women and fetuses." There are also pregnancies with genetic disorders in which you can't get pregnant or you can't get pregnant. "Although the state has introduced a three-child policy, it must meet the conditions of three children to have three children." Not meeting the conditions to 'beat' the third child is not worth advocating. Chen Dunjin said. In his view, the elderly "beat" the third child, we must do what we can.

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Xiao Huanhuan

Photo/ Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Xiao Huanhuan

Video/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Xiao Huanhuan

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Cai Lingyue

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