
Excellent work display - The fruitless road to chasing the Olympics - "32 seconds 16" after reading

Excellent work display - The fruitless road to chasing the Olympics - "32 seconds 16" after reading

I have read about many protagonists who chase their dreams to change their destiny. Paul Gauguin, the painter who went to Tahiti in "The Moon and Sixpence", Santiago, the shepherd who searched for treasure in "The Fantastic Journey of the Shepherd Boy"... These people have gained a fortune, both socially and spiritually. However, the fate of Samia, who chased the Olympics in "32.16 Seconds" read during the summer vacation, was completely different.

The book is based on real people and true events. Samia is a 17-year-old girl from Somalia, Africa. When people think of Somalia, they think of pirates. And this little girl, who was the age of a flower, was born in the flames of war, breathing in the smell of gunpowder and indifferently looking at a group of poor people living homeless on the side of the road.

From the moment she was born, Samia's fate determined that she could not control, or even have dreams.

But she had a dream, and it was doomed to failure. Samia loves running and loves her country, but her dream of running in Somalia is a mirage.

She has been working hard for more than a decade, and she wants to change the fate of herself and her country, and this spirit makes me admire. Samia had only running in her eyes and trained for 7 hours a day. Running in the smoky streets, running in the yard covered with bullet marks, running in the silent and deserted open space, when he imagined himself wearing a Somali flag and standing on the Olympic podium crying with joy, his body was full of energy, as if his heart was supported by countless pairs of Somalis hands. His friend Ali was watching and encouraging him, but he later left. I think That Samia should not be able to turn back at this point, and I am still excited by her persistence.

She ran through countless races without coaching, ran to the top of the country, and she got the chance to participate in the Olympics. But Somalia had no way to send Samia to the Olympics, so she crossed the ocean and embarked on the smuggling route. After a bitter tossing and turning, she came to the Olympic stadium, and Samia realized her dream but was the last. I was a little disappointed, but I was expected.

Samia went to Italy after being persecuted many times, and just when I thought she would continue to develop in Italy and go to the Olympics, she went to the sea with the hope of burning ashes.

I think before she died, the moment she first entered the sea, she thought not of the hollow eyes of her friend Ali who killed her father, the violent crimes of the Somali Al-Shabaab, but of her wandering on the endless plain, seeing the bullet holes in the runway, and a flower blooming on the ground, Samia running in the sea of flowers, breathing in the freshness of the grass and trees in the air, chasing the dream of the extravagant sun shining.

I realized that I was not born in a peaceful era, but in a peaceful country, and we are fortunate to be a Chinese child. At the same time, I sincerely wish those people who are in war, may peace be with you, and the just judgment will eventually fall on the oppressors who have committed many crimes!

Shandong Experimental Junior High School Class 2020 Class 2 Dong Ruihan

(Instructor: Yang Di)

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