
Parents don't fulfill their obligation not to let innocent children become marginalized

author:China Youth Daily
Parents don't fulfill their obligation not to let innocent children become marginalized

According to Red Star News, Liu Jiani, a girl from Xinhua in Hunan Province, unfortunately suffered from uremia when she was 13 years old, and her parents divorced in their early years, and they were unwilling to take care of their daughters, and even did not want to bear the cost of treatment and living. Liu Jiani was forced to rent a house alone and treat her illness. In order to survive, she tried a variety of means of livelihood, and finally struggled to survive through webcasting. Because of her disappointment and dissatisfaction with her parents, in 2019, Liu Jiani sued her parents for abandonment, and the court did not accept the indictment on the grounds that the prosecution lacked evidence. His father said he was unable to raise him, even calling himself "a useless man."

Before Liu Jiani was underage, the relevant departments arranged rescue treatment many times and undertook most of the medical expenses, so that Liu Jiani's life could be maintained. After the relevant reports were published, the local government decided to allocate another 10,000 yuan as the cost of her treatment. The measures of the local civil affairs department have done their due care and help.

However, it is not enough to rely on the assistance of government departments, and Liu Jiani cannot rely on hemodialysis for a lifetime. She can only pin her hopes on kidney replacement, but the kidney source and the cost of the kidney are huge problems, and the possible rejection reaction after the operation makes her need to be taken care of, and judging from the current tone of her parents, it is clear that they are not willing to take care of this daughter.

It is gratifying that after being exposed by the media, Liu Jiani has received donations and care from many netizens, and is gradually crowdfunding treatment costs. However, the long-term lack of family care and the torment of illness have caused her a lot of psychological trauma. Some people on the Internet also accused her of "not understanding her parents' difficulties", and even her landlord wanted to drive her away after learning of her illness through the news.

Every time such news appears, it will shock people's nerves. Supporting the old and relying on the young is a social ideal that people have been pursuing for thousands of years, and today, when the material has been highly developed, there should be no such tragedy.

In real life, successful cases of abandoned children suing their parents are still scarce. The reason is that, on the one hand, traditional social ethics do not advocate this kind of "blame parents" behavior, believing that "parents have their own difficulties for you no matter how much they are"; on the other hand, children are often young when they are abandoned, and their legal concepts are not strong, and when they have legal awareness to sue their parents, they may lack effective evidence.

The relevant departments should actively provide legal assistance to those who need it. Abandoned people often have a hard time surviving and unable to hire a lawyer, and a pro bono lawyer is needed to help. In the Liu Jiani incident, in 2016, the township civil affairs office took the lead in letting her reach a judicial mediation agreement with her parents. However, neither of his parents followed the agreement, and the agreement mediated by the judicial office was not enforceable. At this time, the relevant local departments can appoint a public interest lawyer to file a civil lawsuit against her parents for maintenance expenses, or they can suggest that Liu Jiani call the police, and the public security case will be transferred to the procuratorate for public prosecution. When morality is not sufficient to bind certain parents, the law needs to be binding.

In addition to the help of government departments and the legal level, social and public welfare organizations should also pay more attention to and support these "abandoned" people. We have seen that after the media exposure, many caring people have donated enthusiastically. These kindnesses will help those in need to get through this.

On the other hand, these "abandoned" children often have great psychological problems due to their long-term lack of family care. If their psychological crisis is not channeled in time and becomes a "marginal person", it may lead to more social tragedies. Given their financial situation, it is not realistic to see a psychologist. Relevant departments should also provide psychological assistance in a timely manner, and social institutions should also give them psychological care in a timely manner.

Source: China Youth Daily client

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