
Collect! Binzhou City Museum "New Year Bo Bo Hui" activity information!

Binzhou Daily/Binzhou Network News Good News! Binzhou City Museum Spring Festival holiday is open normally, and the "New Year Bo Bo Hui" has opened!

Binzhou Museum "New Year Bo Bo Hui" is an important festival brand activity created for 3 consecutive years, with rich content and diverse forms, suitable for different ages to participate. On the spot, you can watch exhibitions, listen to lectures, do handicrafts, enjoy films, feel the strong festive atmosphere in an all-round way, and learn excellent traditional culture.

In 2022, the "Chinese New Year Expo" is divided into 5 major sections: Expo, UBM, BoYi, Bo Ying and Erudite, with a total of 54 activities. In addition to the fixed exhibitions such as the Binzhou Historical and Cultural Exhibition and the Sun Tzu Exhibition Hall, there are also wonderful temporary exhibitions such as the Exhibition of Rare Insect Specimens in the World, Seeking, the Touch of Blue - The Exhibition of Metal Tire Enamelware collected by yantai museum, as well as online exhibitions such as the Tiger Leaping Dragon Xiang - The Chinese Tiger Culture Hundred Pavilions Joint Exhibition, the Banner - Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China, the Yellow River Water HeavenLy Rise - The Yellow River Youtu Special Exhibition of past Dynasties, special knowledge lectures, traditional handicraft production, New Year movie viewing, and New Year "sending blessings" service activities.

Every day from 9:00 to 17:00, gather at binzhou Museum to feel the infinite charm of the traditional Chinese New Year.

Collect! Binzhou City Museum "New Year Bo Bo Hui" activity information!
Collect! Binzhou City Museum "New Year Bo Bo Hui" activity information!
Collect! Binzhou City Museum "New Year Bo Bo Hui" activity information!
Collect! Binzhou City Museum "New Year Bo Bo Hui" activity information!
Collect! Binzhou City Museum "New Year Bo Bo Hui" activity information!

Editor-in-charge: Dong Fenglei

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