
"There" you will eventually go, can you have enough dignity?

author:Cub read and share

Each of us is toiling in this world just to live a better life. For the matter of life, the writer Cao Zhenglu's novel "There" will tell you the answer.

"There" you will eventually go, can you have enough dignity?

Each of us has a place of longing in our hearts.

Cao Zhenglu was born at the beginning of the founding of New China, and he personally experienced the great social transformation in the market economy, national transformation and enterprise restructuring in the 1990s. In the face of the resulting wave of layoffs, Cao Zhenglu saw that in this grand "wave of layoffs", workers struggling on the fringes of survival were "born worse than dogs". His novella "There" shows the powerlessness of life in the dilemma of life, "man is not as good as a dog", which makes people cry without tears, which is deeply painful and alerts people in the modern era.

Cao Zhenglu built a "new village" against the backdrop of the reform of state-owned enterprises in the 1990s. Thus showing the miserable life faced by laid-off workers in the restructuring, and exposing the social shady scenes and hardships in the restructuring of state-owned enterprises.

"There" you will eventually go, can you have enough dignity?

Are you still struggling with a chicken feather life?

The work is narrated by "I", a small reporter for a local newspaper, thus showing the brother-in-law, Zhu Weiguo, as the chairman of the mining machinery factory trade union in the predicament of restructuring, desperately seeking a way out for the livelihood of the three thousand workers in the factory, but in the end he died without a corpse.

Zhu Weiguo is the main character of the entire work, and his actions promote the continuous and in-depth development of the novel and deeply reveal the ideological meaning of the work.

Zhu Weiguo is a typical employee of state-owned enterprises in the 1990s: he will not slip his tongue and rely on his real ability to earn money to support his family. He doesn't like to talk or talk, and is a pure person who plays with children before marriage. Because of the inappropriate jokes of the workers, he married an undesirable woman as a wife, but because of his responsibility, he deeply buried his feelings for the female worker, Du Yuemei. But it is such a person, such an honest man who is stupid and not good at words, with a strong desire to survive and a sense of responsibility, to launch two appeals against the unfairness and shady scenes under the restructuring and a collective struggle of workers.

"There" you will eventually go, can you have enough dignity?

May there be warmth in your life.

It is said that "the country is easy to change, and the nature is difficult to move." However, Zhu Weiguo's transition from a clumsy man to a very convincing persuasion of the workers to fight hard in the midst of the difficulties of life. This change in personality shows how forced the situation of the characters is, and also makes it inevitable that Zhu Weiguo will carry out all the struggles for rights to improve the lives of workers.

No matter what happens to the society, it will always be the people at the bottom who suffer the most. Under the restructuring of state-owned enterprises, there is a very serious darkness of human nature in which public-private collusion, unreasonableness is not reasonable, and laid-off workers are ignored. Starting from this reality, the work makes the life of laid-off workers "inferior to dogs" in plain language bloodily placed in front of the reader's eyes: Du Yuemei, a laid-off female worker, smears grease and powder to sit on the stage to pick up customers and sell blood in order to earn money for her daughter's surgery...

"There" you will eventually go, can you have enough dignity?

Leave the gossip with a background and don't bother.

Although Zhu Weiguo was the chairman of the trade union in the mining plant, he had a low level of education. The ill-intentioned leader used his authority among the workers to deceive him, thus fooling the workers. This made it very reasonable that Zhu Weiguo would later be questioned by everyone when he launched the workers' activities. But in the absence of nothing, the workers still put the whole bottom of the house out of the house - using the property deed to mortgage the loan. This shows more profoundly how helpless the laid-off workers are in their struggle with no choice.

The dog Rorty in the work forms a close connection and contrast with the workers, thus more vividly showing the life of the laid-off workers who are "inferior to dogs".

Zhu Weiguo sent it away in desperation in order to save Roti's life, but Roti found it back a month later. It is as reluctant to the owner as the laid-off workers are reluctant to leave the mine, but they are so compelled. However, the difference is that Rorty has gone through all kinds of hardships and returned to his master, but the workers only lament that life is not easy. Rorty was unyielding in the face of a second "expulsion" and finally jumped off the high platform and smashed his head. Zhu Weiguo's death is very similar to Rorty's, Zhu Weiguo died like a dog, while other workers were "not as good as dogs".

"There" you will eventually go, can you have enough dignity?

Zhu Weiguo in the text is a being like Rorty: under the persecution of life, he does not want to live in humiliation and dies bravely. Rorty the dog does not understand poverty and wealth, does not understand high and low, and does not understand culture and taboos, but it has ambition, feelings and dignity!

In the end, the mining plant was saved, and the Ganglong Company did not "succeed in its treacherous plan". Although Zhu Weiguo paid the price with his life for this, he and the workers had a tomorrow in their struggle to survive in a desperate situation.

The article makes people find a life belief of "not abandoning, not giving up and then fighting to the end". Be sure to seek opportunities to fight for tomorrow and for the next generation!

"There" is a metaphor for nothingness, a place that everyone wants to go to, and a life different from "here" in pursuit. In order to be able to go "there" one day, everyone should live with dignity and affection like Rorty the dog!

"There" you will eventually go, can you have enough dignity?

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