
He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

Zhi DongXi (public number: zhidxcom)

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Zhidong January 25 news, today, 2022 artificial intelligence global most influential scholars list - AI 2000 heavy release!

The List of the World's Most Influential Scholars in Artificial Intelligence (AI 2000) is jointly released by the AMiner team of the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University, the Wisdom Spectrum AI, and the Tsinghua-China Engineering Science and Technology Knowledge Center Joint Research Center, which aims to select the most influential and dynamic top scholars in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in the past decade on a global scale through AMiner academic data.

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

At present, AI 2000 has become one of the important weather vanes in the field of AI. The 2022 annual list is based on academic data from a total of 185,241 papers and 258,268 authors included in 46 top journal conferences in the field of AI in the 2012-2021 decade, covering 20 core AI areas and 1 emerging field.

According to the list, Chinese scholar He Kaiming topped the list of most influential scholars, China ranked second in the number of selected and nominated scholars, and Google Meta microsoft has the largest number of top AI scholars.

From the perspective of 21 AI sub-fields, more than half of the top talents are in the United States, Professor He Xiangnan of the School of Big Data of the University of Science and Technology of China has topped the list in the field of information retrieval and recommendation, and Ali's Jia Yangqing has topped the list of multimedia fields.

In addition, the number of female scholars in the list is on the rise, and for the first time, female scholars have won two lists.

AI2000 List Link:

I. AI 2000 Selection Rules

During the annual selection, AI 2000 refers to the citations of the most influential conferences and journals in various fields in the past 10 years, and the top 10 scholars in the field are awarded the "AI 2000 Most Influential Scholars Award" that year, and the scholars ranked 11 to 100 are awarded the "AI 2000 Most Influential Scholars Nomination Award".

For details of the citations, see

The list includes 20 core AREAs of AI (Classical Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Robotics, Knowledge Engineering, Speech Recognition, Data Mining, Information Retrieval and Recommendation, Databases, Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Graphics, Multimedia, Visualization, Security and Privacy, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Computing Theory, Chip Technology, and the Internet of Things), and 1 Emerging Field (Virtual Reality).

Due to the high repetitiveness of the virtual reality field with the fields of computer vision, computer graphics and human-computer interaction, this year's AI 2000 scholars in this field only participate in the ranking, and there is no award.

The list uses computer algorithms to automatically generate the list rankings, namely the "AI 2000 Index Index", through the academic publication data included in the AMiner system and the citation data of Google Scholar (as of October 31, 2021), to ensure the objectivity, fairness, impartiality and openness of the list.

The selection process draws on recognized authorities in the field of computing (including: ACM-Association for Computing Machinery; CCF-China Computer Federation Chinese Computer Society; IEEE—Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). ) in the classification of subject areas and top conferences and journals.

The AI 2000 Index is designed to calculate the degree of academic contribution of each author to scientific publications. According to the large amount of feedback received from the previous list, in the 2022 annual list, the AI 2000 Index distributes the contribution degree to the authors proportionally according to the order of the list of authors in the paper, and the specific calculation method can be found on the list website.

All the top papers in each field are used to calculate the AI 2000 index for each scholar in the field. Therefore, this year's AI 2000 list is different from previous years in that it is more inclined to dig out influential (young) scholars who have been influential in the past 10 years.

The 2022 AI 2000 AI World's Most Influential Scholars (200 person-times) and nominated scholars (1800 person-times) are distributed in different institutions around the world.

Due to the phenomenon that the same scholar was selected for different fields, after deduplication processing, the total number of the most influential (nominated) scholars in the world in AI 2000 artificial intelligence was 1896.

Second, the top of the AI subfield: the United States is still far ahead

The top talents in the 21 sub-fields of the AI 2000 list are mainly gathered in the United States, as well as China, Singapore, Canada, Germany and other countries, and the details of the top talents in each field are shown in the table.

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

▲Top scholars in various fields and countries

Specifically, the U.S. still has a strong lead in AI talent, including the top scholars in 13 AI subfields, down slightly from 16 last year.

There are two top scholars in China, namely information retrieval and recommendation and multimedia.

Germany has 2 top scholars in the fields of robotics and visualization.

In addition, Italy topped the List of Internet of Things and Japan topped the list of Computer Graphics.

This year, more countries on the list have appeared, indirectly indicating that countries other than the United States are gradually strengthening their own areas of strength and growing their technological strengths.

Third, the country distribution: the United States accounts for half, China ranks second

From the perspective of the national distribution of scholars, the United States has the largest number of selected AI 2000 scholars and nominated scholars, with 1146 person-times, accounting for 57.3%, more than half of the total number.

China ranks second after the United States, with 232 visitors, accounting for 11.6%.

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

▲A1 National distribution of scholars and nominated scholars in 2000

The UK ranked third with 115 visitors, accounting for 5.75%. Germany ranks fourth, with no more than 100 visits, but it still has the largest number of scholars in the EU. The number of scholars in Europe as a whole has been lost compared with the previous year.

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

▲A1 2000 National Distribution map of scholars and nominated scholars

Fourth, institutional distribution: Google Meta Microsoft won the top three, Ali ranked twentieth

Judging from the number of most influential scholars selected by AI 2000, Google, Meta (formerly Facebook) and Microsoft three major technology companies occupy a dominant position, and the number of top AI scholars owned by the company, whether it is the top 10 or the top 100, is far more than that of universities.

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

▲A1 2000 Distribution of scholars and nominated scholars

Among them, Google, which ranks first, has a total of 181 people on the list, and it is also the only institution with more than 100 scholars.

From the perspective of the distribution of the countries where the institutions are located, Tsinghua University regrets to leave the top ten positions compared with last year.

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

A1 2000 Atlas of Institutions of Scholars and Nominated Scholars

The top ten are all U.S. institutions, and the overall number of scholars in U.S. institutions is far ahead. Alibaba ranks twentieth, up from last year.

Fifth, the most influential top ten: He Kaiming first

This year's AI 2000 list provides a panoramic analysis, and strives to display and analyze the most influential scholars on the basis of comprehensive data from all fields, and to conduct secondary interpretation of data.

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

AI 2000 List Panorama Analysis:

By checking the field they want to query by selecting the "Select Field" on the left, users can obtain the global AI knowledge map under a specific field and view the ranking and correlation between the four entities of countries, institutions, scholars and papers.

Among the top ten scholars in the overall ranking, the first scholar is He Kaiming, who works at Meta (formerly Facebook); the tenth scholar is Ren Shaoqing, who works in NIO.

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

▲Top 10 most influential scholars

It is worth noting that only one of the top ten scholars is from universities, one is from research institutions, and the remaining 8 are all working in companies.

It can be seen that technology companies have become important promoters of AI technology progress, breaking the barrier between theory and practice in the past.

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

▲Top 10 most influential institutions

In the ranking of the most influential countries, the United States still leads by an absolute advantage, far surpassing the second-place United Kingdom. China ranked third with a relatively small margin, followed by Canada.

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

▲Top 10 most influential countries

6. Chinese scholars: the number of nominations accounts for only 1/3

In the AI 2000 List of the World's Most Influential Scholars, the power of Chinese scholars cannot be ignored.

Among the 1898 scholars after the weight reduction, there were 595 Chinese scholars, accounting for nearly 1/3 of the total. Among them, there are a total of 219 scholars working in China, accounting for 36.8% of all Chinese scholars on the list.

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

▲ Ai 2000 Chinese scholars work in the country distribution

Among the 21 sub-fields, two Chinese scholars occupy the top spot. They are Professor He Xiangnan of the School of Big Data of the University of Science and Technology of China (information retrieval and recommendation field) and Ali's Jia Yangqing (multimedia field).

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

▲He Xiangnan, the top scholar in the field of information retrieval and recommendation

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

▲ Jia Yangqing, the top scholar in the field of multimedia

In addition, according to the AI 2000 Chinese scholars flow chart shown by big data, the flow of Chinese scholars in China shows a positive positive inflow state; while the flow of Chinese scholars in the United States shows a certain negative outflow state.

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

▲AI 2000 Chinese Scholars Flow Map

Seventh, multi-field listed scholars: Google Christian Szegedy is the most popular

Among the scholars and nominated scholars on this year's AI 2000 list, 95 scholars have research directions involving multiple fields and achieved outstanding results, accounting for 5%.

Among them, Google's Christian Szegedy is listed in 3 areas (classical AI ranked 1st, computer vision ranked 2nd, and machine learning ranked 13th) and ranked higher. Christian Szegedy has an h-index value of 24, 67 papers have been selected, and the number of citations 128707. Although the number of papers is small, the number of citations is extremely high.

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

▲ List of scholars in three fields

Also on the list in 3 sub-fields is 2018 Turing Award winner Yoshua Bengio, a professor at the University of Montreal in Canada. It also includes two Chinese scholars, Professor Jiliang Tang from Michigan State University and Professor Xia Hu from Texas A&M University.

In addition, 86 scholars have made the list with outstanding performance in 2 fields.

Female scholars: the highest proportion of human-computer interaction

In terms of the gender distribution of scholars, the AI 2000 list of scholars as a whole shows the characteristics of more men and less women.

Specifically, male scholars are in the majority in all fields of AI, and female scholars are in the minority.

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

▲Ai 2000 scholars and nominated scholars in all fields of gender distribution

In the field of human-computer interaction, the proportion of female scholars is as high as 37.4%, and the top scholars are also women scholars, and in the two fields of knowledge engineering and visualization, female scholars account for more than 15%, while other remaining fields account for less than 10%.

It is worth noting that Munmun De Choudhury, a female scholar from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, ranked No. 1 in both human-computer interaction and the new virtual reality, with an h-index index of 53, 184 selected papers, and a total of 9894 citations, successfully elected as the "most influential scholar" in the field of human-computer interaction this year, and the only female scholar to win the first crown in the field of AI 2000.

He Kaiming first! The list of the world's most influential scholars in artificial intelligence in 2022 was announced

Conclusion: China's AI development research is the hottest, and talents show a positive inflow

Overall, among the selected AI 2000 scholars in the world, there are 1146 in the United States and 232 in China, ranking first and second in distribution. Compared with the previous session, there was no major data fluctuation.

It can be seen that the United States still has an absolute advantage in the overall talent resources of AI and high-level scientific research results. China is currently the country with the highest research on AI development.

Although China ranks second in the scale of scholars, there is still a big gap compared with the United States, and the corresponding talent team in the FIELD of AI needs to be strengthened urgently, but the contribution of Chinese scholars in the field of AI cannot be ignored, and the number of Chinese scholars on the list has accounted for nearly 1/3 of the list.

At the same time, in the upward flow of talents, China has shown a gratifying positive inflow. This means that China's great sincerity in releasing sincere recruitment of talents has received feedback.

In addition, the data shows that several major technology giants have contributed greatly in the field of AI, breaking down the barriers between theory and practice in other professions. This allows the research and development of technologies to be advanced according to actual needs, thus forming a virtuous circle of complementarity and promoting the rapid development of the field of AI.

It is believed that in the future, more key technological breakthroughs will be achieved in the field of AI, and more top AI scholars will continue to emerge around the world.

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