
Students visiting the museum accidentally smashed the "1.3 million" cultural relics, the reason is strange netizen frying pan!

We all know that museums are physical places for collecting, collecting, exhibiting and studying the cultural heritage of nature and humanity. Most of the cultural relics on display are precious and rare objects, and some are even difficult to measure their value with money. Therefore, when each of us visits the museum, we must be careful and cautious about the exhibits, and the museum should also be more standardized and strict in terms of security and order maintenance, so as to better protect cultural relics.

Students visiting the museum accidentally smashed the "1.3 million" cultural relics, the reason is strange netizen frying pan!

Recently, an online video broke the news that students visited a private museum and accidentally smashed cultural relics worth "1.3 million yuan". At present, the museum has called the police, and the specific repair and compensation for the loss are still under negotiation.

Video data shows that on January 21, a parent in Wuhan, Hubei Province, broke the news that the child participated in a summer camp organized by an off-campus training institution of 1,000 yuan for 5 days, and as a result, in the process of visiting a private museum, he accidentally broke an exhibit of cultural relics. This artifact is a terracotta figurine. According to relevant information, ceramic figurines are a kind of ancient tomb sculpture artwork and occupy an important position in ancient sculpture art. The museum said the shattered figurines were worth 1.3 million yuan.

Students visiting the museum accidentally smashed the "1.3 million" cultural relics, the reason is strange netizen frying pan!

From the surveillance video, it can be seen that a student walked near the exhibits, meaning that he was suspected of accidentally touching this exhibit, who expected that this cultural relics fell to the ground instantly, resulting in damage to the cultural relics. Judging from the video pictures, the head of the clay figurine has been broken and is indeed badly damaged. There are two students in the camera, the student who accidentally broke the cultural relics, stunned by all this in front of him, and instantly overwhelmed.

Afterwards, the museum reported to the police that the specific cost of restoration of cultural relics and compensation for losses were still under negotiation.

Students visiting the museum accidentally smashed the "1.3 million" cultural relics, the reason is strange netizen frying pan!

The incident really surprised everyone, including the student, the parent, as well as the museum and the training institution, who would be surprised by the incident. But it happened, and then, it was the follow-up. The video was circulated online, causing heated discussion among many netizens. Some netizens said: 1.3 million, you put it like that? Why not put it in the cabinet?

Of course, more of us don't understand some of the safety standards and protective measures for cultural relics on display. However, for expensive cultural relics, it should be isolated from the restaurant crowd at a certain safe distance through various isolations as much as possible. And set up a conspicuous warning sign to ensure the protection of cultural relics.

Students visiting the museum accidentally smashed the "1.3 million" cultural relics, the reason is strange netizen frying pan!

In addition, in terms of the exhibition hall, there should be corresponding order maintenance personnel and security personnel, timely remind or warn tourists to visit in a civilized manner, safe visits, and limit the number of visitors, so that the order of visits is more stable and harmonious.

In terms of training institutions, since students are organized to visit museums, they also have the responsibility and obligation to take good care of the children and control the order and discipline of the visits. Moreover, it should reflect the education of safety and order, and improve the awareness of children to protect cultural relics.

Of course, children and parents who accidentally break cultural relics, as parties or family guardians, must also bear certain responsibilities for this accident. Although it is careless, as long as it causes losses, it is necessary to pay for your own negligence. However, as for how to determine responsibility and how to share the proportion, it is also necessary to determine loss and responsibility in accordance with laws and regulations.

Students visiting the museum accidentally smashed the "1.3 million" cultural relics, the reason is strange netizen frying pan!

In this matter, all parties involved have certain responsibilities, the museum side, such an expensive thing is exposed outside, and there is no isolation belt, and it will fall down with a light touch, which obviously has certain safety risks and risks. Training institutions, parties and parents should be appropriately compensated for this.

Everyone should visit in a civilized manner and protect cultural relics, and all parties need to work together to be foolproof.

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