
Calm Americans: Innocence is the most domineering

author:Uncle Bing

In life, there are only a few Americans I know.

The only Americans who have eaten and drunk together are the bosses of my former boss, Adam Power of PCWEEK.

We gave him a Chinese named "Penganda".

"Anda" means "brother in arms" in Mongolian.

As employees, we were convinced that our American boss would be as good to us as Chubb.

It was 1996.

He was really good to us like "Anda".

Calm Americans: Innocence is the most domineering

In the movie, the number of Americans I know is not enough.

But every time I see a familiar face, I can't remember their names and need to check the douban.

They expanded my life experience.

Let me know at home about the AMERICAN-Soviet spy war that took place in Tehran 1943,

Learn how field platoons in the jungles of Vietnam kill brutally.

I can't imagine how boring, tedious and ignorant my life would be without these movies.

They are my "Anda".

Calm Americans: Innocence is the most domineering

When Brendan Fraser appeared in a white suit, he really brightened the screen by 10%.

Purely for his tall and handsome, calm, pretentious, spontaneous combustion for love,

The movie "The Quiet American" is worth seeing.

What's more, this is a love story that the British can't stand the confidence and innocence of Americans.

There is a kind of self-confidence called innocence, and there is a kind of innocence that is really domineering.

Everyone is a gentleman, why when you came to rob my woman, so unscrupulous, so righteous, so innocent, so confused confidence.

The most interesting thing, I watched this movie in the fall of 2020, and what I felt was not beauty, but cold.

Cool cold.

I soberly understood the spirit of resistance expressed in the film,

Whether it is the American "Anda" in life or the American "Anda" in the movie, once they come to rob my "girl", then I can only find a way to kill this "Anda".

Prime Minister Bai knew that he was pressing the sword, and people's feelings were overturned like waves.

Innocence is the most domineering, and the national interest is the girl.

Calm Americans: Innocence is the most domineering

Regarding the film's political metaphorical value, I recommend that you search for a September 2010 paper.

1. Main Title:

The Misreading of the Vietnam War

2. Subtitle:

On The Quiet American and the two films based on it

3. About the Author:

Yamin Hu, female, Ph.D., focuses on 20th-century American literature and American war literature.

4. Fund project of the project:

National Social Science Foundation project "Research on American National Mythology and War Fiction" (10CWW017) phased results

5. Summary of contents:

In 1958 and 2003, Hollywood released two films based on the 1955 novel The Quiet American by British writer Graham Green.

Both films have different degrees of misreading of the original:

The 1958 version of the film adapted the original anti-American novel into a pro-American film.

The 2003 version of the film emphasized the connection between the United States and some of the horrors of the time.

The 2003 version of the film was released in the United States on September 10, 2001, and the following day the 9/11 incident occurred, so the film was postponed to February 2003.

The different tendencies of the two films reflect the shift in attitudes toward the Vietnam War by many Americans from the initial romantic imagination to the later outright disillusionment.

Calm Americans: Innocence is the most domineering


The Quiet American (2002)

2. The American In Chinese Translation, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2008-08-01

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