
Beating Apple and Dell, Lenovo won 24% of the global market, and computer sales ranked first in the world

Beating Apple and Dell, Lenovo won 24% of the global market, and computer sales ranked first in the world

Text/JING Audit/Zi Yang Correction/Zhi Qiu

On January 19, Canalys, a well-known market research institute, released the 2021 Global PC Market Shipment Report. The data shows that the total number of global computer shipments in 2021 will exceed 341 million units, an increase of 15% over 2020. It hit a new high in nearly a decade.

The reason why PC shipments continue to increase is mainly due to the continuous impact of the epidemic, and the number of people working from home and attending classes at home has continued to increase, which has successfully led to the growth of computer sales.

Beating Apple and Dell, Lenovo won 24% of the global market, and computer sales ranked first in the world

It is worth mentioning that with the outbreak of a new round of the epidemic, computer demand is expected to continue to expand, and computer shipments in 2022 may hit a record high. Among many manufacturers, the biggest winner is Lenovo.

Canalys data shows that in 2021, Lenovo's computer shipments successfully surpassed Dell and Apple, occupying 24% of the global market share and ranking first in the world.

Beating Apple and Dell, Lenovo won 24% of the global market, and computer sales ranked first in the world

In fact, Compared with acer, Apple and other manufacturers on the list, Lenovo's product strength is not outstanding. In this context, Lenovo can rank first in successive shipments, and the author believes that the main reason is that Lenovo Computer has channel advantages and product variety advantages.

At the beginning of this century, with the "national brand" label, Lenovo is rooted in various institutions and educational institutions, and these customers can bring large orders to Lenovo every year.

Not only that, Lenovo is also one of the first Batch of Chinese companies to go abroad. From 2004 to 2008, Lenovo successfully gained a foothold in the European and American markets by acquiring IBM's PC business, and it was during this period that Lenovo became the world's first PC equipment manufacturer.

Beating Apple and Dell, Lenovo won 24% of the global market, and computer sales ranked first in the world

Although Lenovo did not announce the proportion of revenue contribution in domestic and foreign markets, combined with the official sales data of domestic and foreign markets in the third quarter of 2021, it can be calculated that Lenovo Computer's overseas shipments accounted for more than 70% of the total shipments, and the international appeal can be seen.

Lenovo can be so popular internationally, not because Lenovo computer hardware, design is outstanding. Rather, lenovo computers are cheap enough.

Lenovo is a standard supply chain integrator, hardware all purchased externally, relying on the advantage of shipments, Lenovo has gained greater bargaining power on the supply side, as well as higher supply priorities. This is an important reason why Lenovo computers can be stable and shipped when the epidemic hits.

In addition, China's excellent epidemic prevention situation has also created favorable shipping conditions for Lenovo, which cannot be ignored.

Beating Apple and Dell, Lenovo won 24% of the global market, and computer sales ranked first in the world

Another advantage of Lenovo is that it has a wide range of products that can meet the various needs of users of all ages. Lenovo computer business representative is ThinkPad, the game representative is the savior, thin and light market has a small new series of support, from two thousand yuan price point to twenty thousand yuan price point, Lenovo has the ability to provide users with a good product choice.

Moreover, compared with other computer brands, Lenovo also has a dense after-sales outlet and a better service attitude, which is the key to many small white users willing to choose Lenovo.

Beating Apple and Dell, Lenovo won 24% of the global market, and computer sales ranked first in the world

However, it should be noted that although Lenovo is a big computer manufacturer, it means that the computer is a strong factory. Lenovo not only lacks core technology, production capacity is subject to people, but also lacks the courage and capital to make changes, Lenovo's profit margin is very low, and the annual net income is only a few hundred million.

Even if all profits are invested in research and development, there will be no results in the short term. Lenovo does not want to innovate, but does not have the ability to innovate. For Lenovo, the risks posed by innovation are far greater than the profits that can be obtained.

Beating Apple and Dell, Lenovo won 24% of the global market, and computer sales ranked first in the world

Perhaps because of this, the sales growth rate of Lenovo Computer in 2021 began to lag behind the market, and Apple, which pays attention to the construction of application ecology and cares about hardware research and development, has achieved substantial revenue growth.

Considering that more and more enterprises are entering the PC track in order to establish a smart hardware ecosystem, it is foreseeable that if Lenovo does not make changes, the final share may continue to decline. When buying a computer, do you first consider Lenovo?

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