
This is our anti-drug female policewoman, the "Mulan" in the military, and the "Overlord Flower" in the police camp!

author:China's drug control

Referring to the anti-narcotics police

What was your first impression?

Believe the picture that most people think of

They are all iron-boned men

Few people will think of it

A girl with a good face

But in the southwestern border of the motherland

There was a female anti-narcotics policewoman

She used to be a "Mulan" in the military

Now it's the police camp "Overlord Flower"

This is our anti-drug female policewoman, the "Mulan" in the military, and the "Overlord Flower" in the police camp!

Hou Xiaofeng, a native of Wushan, Gansu, is now a police officer at the Qingshuihe Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station of the Yunnan Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station. He has participated in the work for 7 years, participated in cracking more than 120 drug trafficking cases, arrested 15 criminal suspects, and seized more than 130 kilograms of drugs. He has been awarded the first time of personal second-class merit, the second-class merit of the third class, and the honor of "Pacesetter of Meritorious Service" for the second time. In May this year, he was awarded the "Yunnan Youth May Fourth Medal" by the Yunnan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Yunnan Provincial Youth Federation.

Military service like iron She chose the border pass

Seven years ago, in order to realize his childhood dream of joining the military, Hou Xiaofeng quietly reported for the enlistment exam behind his family's back. When she received the notification from the Armed Forces Department, she told her parents with mixed feelings about joining the army. Looking at the girl who has not yet entered the society, the worries and reluctance of her parents gushed out, even so, she still got the support of her parents, after which she gave up her studies and carried her bags to Lincang, Yunnan.

This is our anti-drug female policewoman, the "Mulan" in the military, and the "Overlord Flower" in the police camp!

After the training of the recruits, Hou Xiaofeng was assigned to the former Lincang Border Defense Detachment's salt sales station. In a place where there had never been a female soldier, she never lowered her requirements for herself because she was a girl. Climbing trucks, drilling under the cart, working on night duty, squatting in the sugarcane forest... In the face of the harsh working environment, she never cried bitterness or tiredness, and she knew that this was part of her work. It is precisely because of the spirit and perseverance of not being afraid of suffering, she has also gained a lot.

On February 9, 2017, she followed the jam crew to set up an ambush jam in a sugarcane forest on the China-Myanmar border, and a white sedan approached them, and when they were questioning them, a white off-road vehicle came behind them. The driver saw that there was a checkpoint, increased the throttle and turned around to escape. When Hou Xiaofeng saw this situation, he immediately shouted, "Stop, don't run," and regardless of the danger, the people rushed out like arrows. After chasing for more than 10 meters, the vehicle was successfully stopped. With the assistance of his comrades-in-arms, Hou Xiaofeng seized 1 pistol and 12 rounds of ammunition from the cab of the car on the spot, and seized 18.39 kilograms of methamphetamine from the trunk.

This is our anti-drug female policewoman, the "Mulan" in the military, and the "Overlord Flower" in the police camp!

Hot Police Barracks She chose to stick to it

In 2018, according to the "Plan for Deepening the Reform of Party and State Institutions", the former public security border defense force opened the curtain of reform. On the one hand, the worries of her parents, the sorrow of homesickness, on the other hand, the retention of the unit, the friendship of comrades-in-arms, after a short and fierce ideological competition, she resolutely chose to stay in the southwest border of the motherland, so that Navy Blue continued the original intention and mission of olive green. However, she was faced with more than just taking off the olive green and replacing it with a dark blue.

In order to improve the comprehensive ability and quality of soldiers to change into civilian police as soon as possible, Hou Xiaofeng's work has been greatly adjusted, and she has been adjusted from the front line of duty to the office and has done internal work. She has long been accustomed to coming and going in the wind and rain, fighting wits and courage with all kinds of criminals, when she sat down in the office chair for the first time, "it felt like there was a needle, I couldn't sit still, and it was much easier to check drugs and arrest guns than to write materials and send notices." "This resolute and resolute "Overlord Flower" in the anti-drug battlefield is a bit difficult.

This is our anti-drug female policewoman, the "Mulan" in the military, and the "Overlord Flower" in the police camp!

Difficulties are meant to be conquered. Faced with a brand new job, Hou Xiaofeng was like learning to check drugs and arrest drug dealers, and he plunged into the mountains and seas of books. If the material is not well written, she first imitates others, and reads books such as "Kumon Writing" and "Kumon Encyclopedia" one after another. With the release of materials and the development of one meeting after another, she gradually grew into a good hand in back-office work.

In the face of the epidemic, she chose to charge

Women are weak, but they are strong in battle. In the face of the sudden outbreak of new crown pneumonia, Hou Xiaofeng once again chose to charge. She was on vacation at home, and after learning the news of the outbreak of the epidemic, she booked a return ticket for the first time and stood on the front line of the border again.

This is our anti-drug female policewoman, the "Mulan" in the military, and the "Overlord Flower" in the police camp!

"At the beginning, I was still very scared, I didn't understand the epidemic situation, I lacked professional health knowledge, would I be infected?"

The first time you put on a protective suit, the first time you put on your goggles, the first time you go to the "battlefield" with such "full armament"... "Hello, please show your ID card and accept the inspection." "Hello, where are you from?" "Hello, please scan the health code." ...... Over and over again, again and again, in order to prevent the import of the epidemic, Hou Xiaofeng and other comrades-in-arms stuck to the border line at the most difficult moments, staying for more than a year.

"It's a job and a responsibility." In the face of this battlefield without "gun smoke," Hou Xiaofeng said.

This is our anti-drug female policewoman, the "Mulan" in the military, and the "Overlord Flower" in the police camp!

"Slim but not delicate, ordinary but not simple"

Today, Hou Xiaofeng is still there

Stick to the front line of external defense input

Active in the forefront of anti-gun and anti-drug control

Practice with practical actions

The mission and responsibility of the Immigration Management Police in the New Era

【Source: People's Public Security Daily】

The Office of the National Narcotics Control Commission reminds you:

Cherish life away from drugs

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