
The first Winter Olympics in history was published in a few days and was popular for several days, igniting the enthusiasm and expectations of the winter Olympics in the city

In the past few days, the four words of "Winter Olympics Journal" have become hot words. "Did you buy the Winter Olympics?" "Where can I see the electronic version?" "Bound books must be collected." The new blue-and-white newspaper was published in just a few days and became a hot topic in Beijing. As of January 25, the Winter Olympics has been published for 5 issues, igniting the enthusiasm and expectations of various fields in Beijing for the Winter Olympics with elaborate layouts and colorful content.

The most sought-after newspaper in the postal newsstand

On January 21, the Official Chinese Journal of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games was officially launched. In the morning, from the Beijing And Yanqing Division to the Zhangjiakou Division; from the citizens' homes to the postal newsstands; from financial institutions, ice and snow sports centers to domestic flights... In the sky and underground, the inner and outer rings, Zhangjiakou in Yanqing, Beijing, and even many provinces and cities across the country, a large number of readers have read the inaugural issue of the exquisitely produced Winter Olympic Games.

The first Winter Olympics in history was published in a few days and was popular for several days, igniting the enthusiasm and expectations of the winter Olympics in the city

The first Chinese in the history of the Winter Olympics was unveiled, and more than 700 postal newsstands in the city were sold

The first Winter Olympics in history was published in a few days and was popular for several days, igniting the enthusiasm and expectations of the winter Olympics in the city

Readers scrambled to buy the journal

In more than 700 postal newspaper kiosks across the city, bright posters of the Winter Olympics add a strong Winter Olympic atmosphere to the streets of Beijing. At the postal newspaper kiosk at the intersection of Honglian Road on South Street, Malian Road, Ms. Sui, a citizen, bought the first Winter Olympics magazine of this postal newsstand on the day of publication: "The Winter Olympics are on sale today, the Winter Olympics is a major event for the country, and it is also a great joy for our Beijing, I can't miss it!" ”

According to the relevant person in charge of Beijing Post, since the launch of the Winter Olympics, it has become the most sought-after newspaper in the postal newspaper kiosk, and it has been sold out before noon every day for several days.

The first Winter Olympics in history was published in a few days and was popular for several days, igniting the enthusiasm and expectations of the winter Olympics in the city

Readers read the journal with relish after purchasing it

The first Winter Olympics in history was published in a few days and was popular for several days, igniting the enthusiasm and expectations of the winter Olympics in the city

Readers buy the journal at the newsstand

The widest coverage of newspapers in the closed loop

In order to allow athletes, staff, media reporters and volunteers in the closed loop to read the Winter Olympics magazine for the first time, the distributors strictly implement the epidemic prevention requirements and send the newspapers released on the same day to the three major competition areas every day. In the Beijing competition area, the Winter Olympic Games have covered 13 areas such as the volunteer home of the main media center, the media center, the press and publicity office area, the main service desk, as well as the media studio and rest area of the Wukesong venue. The smart restaurant has placed the Winter Olympic Games in a prominent position, the licensed retail store has set up a special area for the Winter Olympic Games, the volunteers of the Volunteer House have competed to read it, and foreign staff have expressed their desire to collect the Winter Olympic Games.

The first Winter Olympics in history was published in a few days and was popular for several days, igniting the enthusiasm and expectations of the winter Olympics in the city

MMC staff are flipping through the Winter Olympics

The first Winter Olympics in history was published in a few days and was popular for several days, igniting the enthusiasm and expectations of the winter Olympics in the city

MMC foreign staff said they would collect the Winter Olympics

The first Winter Olympics in history was published in a few days and was popular for several days, igniting the enthusiasm and expectations of the winter Olympics in the city

Waiting for "Flying" Together

In the Yanqing area, the Winter Olympics has covered 8 areas such as the sled venue, the alpine venue, the visitor center, and the venue media center. In the Zhangjiakou competition area, the Winter Olympics will cover five areas: Zhangjiakou Mountain News Center, Xinxuan Office Area, Bank of China Exhibition Hall, China Unicom Exhibition Hall, and Service Desk. Reading the Winter Olympics every day has become a new habit of closed-loop personnel, and the simple and atmospheric blue and white tones make many people fall in love with it. "I like to watch the Olympiad column the most, the layout design is particularly cool, but also let me look forward to the Winter Olympic Games." A volunteer said.

The first Winter Olympics in history was published in a few days and was popular for several days, igniting the enthusiasm and expectations of the winter Olympics in the city

At the National Bobsleigh Center, the domestic technical team of snowmobiles and steel frame snowmobiles received the winter Olympic Chinese journal

The first Winter Olympics in history was published in a few days and was popular for several days, igniting the enthusiasm and expectations of the winter Olympics in the city

"From 'one dream' to 'together to the future', we work together!" On January 21, the staff in the closed-loop management of the Zhangjiakou Competition Area held the inaugural number of the Winter Olympic Games and shouted cheers in unison

The first Winter Olympics in history was published in a few days and was popular for several days, igniting the enthusiasm and expectations of the winter Olympics in the city

The Athletes' Ingredient Protection Team in Yanqing Read the Conference Journal on the way to the venue

The most popular newspaper in the common area

The Winter Olympics journal also covers financial institutions, ice and snow sports venues, hotel catering venues, 4S stores, office buildings, communities, parks and other public areas, so that more citizens can understand the Winter Olympics and help the Winter Olympics. In Hubei, Hunan and other provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, many local citizens have subscribed to the Winter Olympics through the postal system to learn about the Winter Olympics through this newspaper. As a specific distribution channel, air China lounges in Terminals T2 and T3 of Beijing Capital International Airport, as well as major routes and wide-body aircraft launched from Beijing Capital International Airport, have distributed the Winter Olympic Games, covering 7 major routes including Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Chengdu and 2 tourist routes in Sanya and Haikou.

The first Winter Olympics in history was published in a few days and was popular for several days, igniting the enthusiasm and expectations of the winter Olympics in the city

The conference will meet passengers in the Air China VIP Lounge

The first Winter Olympics in history was published in a few days and was popular for several days, igniting the enthusiasm and expectations of the winter Olympics in the city

At the ice assembly site on the 11th, the children of ice hockey training took a group photo with the Winter Olympic Games

The first Winter Olympics in history was published in a few days and was popular for several days, igniting the enthusiasm and expectations of the winter Olympics in the city

The sanitation master read carefully during the break

A newspaper that activates the memory of the citizens

In addition, the Winter Olympics also activated the memory of many citizens for the 2008 Olympic Games. One netizen left a message saying that he was 13 years old when Beijing hosted the Olympic Games in 2008, and the family watched the opening ceremony on TV like the New Year. "As a Chinese, I am extremely proud of the wonderful performance at the opening ceremony. In a few days, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games will open, although there is no opportunity to go to the scene because of the epidemic, but you can still cheer for the Olympic athletes at home. ”

As the official Chinese of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, during the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the Winter Olympic Games will accompany athletes, staff, volunteers, media reporters and citizens at home and abroad to witness the passionate moments and ice and snow time of the Winter Olympics.

The Winter Olympics journal is divided into two time periods, of which the Winter Olympic Games journal is published from January 21 to February 21, 2022, with 16 editions of 32 issues per day, and the Winter Paralympic Games journal is published from March 1, 2022 to March 14, 2022, with 8 folios and a total of 14 issues per day. This first official Chinese in the history of the Winter Olympic Games will record a wonderful, extraordinary and outstanding Winter Olympic Games through omni-channel, panoramic and multi-dimensional media communication, and show the charm of Beijing as the capital of a big country and a city of double Olympics. After the publication of the Winter Olympic Games, it will be in the permanent collection of the Capital Museum.

Source: Winter Olympics

Edited by Geng Yinxin

Process Editor Liu Weili

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