
Christopher_Horoscope for January 24-30, 2022

Climb every mountain

Mars, which represents aggressiveness and drive, entered Capricorn on January 24. Focus on each step and firmly clear every obstacle until you reach the top of the mountain. When Mars is in Capricorn, you don't just grab anything at your fingertips. You've also invested time and effort into mastering the things that are out of reach. You will do this again and again. Mars in Capricorn is the perfect combination of discipline and willpower. It won't produce immediate results, but it will generously reward you with the effort, sweat, and tears you put in for a practice, project, or effort. That's why now is the perfect time for you to set goals that will test your courage and strength. Mars will run from January 24 to March 6 in Capricorn.


On January 24, the dominant star Mars entered Capricorn for 6 weeks. Mars is sublime here, which means you will be at your most driven and powerful. Men play an important role in your success because Capricorn is an aristocratic constellation. This is the perfect time to ask for help from former bosses and clients who will be happy to lend a hand. Mars is also in the most headmaster state in Capricorn, so be careful not to laugh too arrogantly when you beat your opponent.


Amazingly, things you wouldn't have done many years ago have now become your first choice. This is the result of Uranus, the revolution and change of the planets, in your sign. Your loved ones and friends have reluctantly become accustomed to this "new" you, but that doesn't stop them from secretly hoping that you'll eventually return to the old patterns you're familiar with. Those hopes will be dashed on January 30, when the Solar/Uranus quadrant shows that you have taken an unexpected stand. This will make you understand – forever – that you haven't gone through a certain stage and that the person you have become will always be here.


Mercury retrograde in Capricorn means you're back to square one and facing some sort of problem or dilemma. Now, given your resourcefulness, charisma, and talent, come up with another way to achieve your goals and you won't get held back for too long. You are an expert in resolving the impasse. But now that doesn't help you. Obviously, there's a fact you don't want to face, and as long as you deny it, it will continue to haunt you. The most important advice this week is to spend less time piecing together another quick solution and more time figuring out your own direction and starting from there.


How can you calm down and finally end up after going through everything, only to find that there are more troubles coming at you from the same place? What did you do to end up like this? In fact, you didn't do anything wrong. It's just that the timing is not right. Mars enters a challenging position on Jan. 24, where it will stay for 6 weeks. The best advice is not to see it as personally directed at you. The left ear goes in and the right ear comes out. Think of this as a moment of your meditation.


The Solar/Uranus quadruplication on January 30 marks the rupture of a long-term partnership or connection. It doesn't look like a "sharp" break, but a "soft" break. In other words, there is no resentment on both sides. However, you will be moving in a new direction, which is what you want to do for a while. If you have the opportunity to harness your famous lion courage, it is now. You know there's a good reason to do what you're doing, and you really have to stick to it. Otherwise, you'll keep thinking "What if... What will happen", this is not the way of life at all.


You should have known that things could have been resolved amicably. Yes, it all seemed reasonable at the time. You explained your position in simple language, and the other side seemed to agree, and from all the intentions and purposes, everyone agreed on not wanting to cause a commotion and moving on. That was then, is now. Retrograde Mercury passed by Pluto on January 28, bringing a reaction you know. It's not pretty, but when you let go of your hand and keep doing what you want to do, you feel a sense of liberation.


Can life at home be more stressful? Given the current state of the constellation, it's best not to ask. A better approach is to focus on the arrival of each day. While it doesn't feel good right now, you're nearing the end of a long and difficult period. Obviously, things aren't going to turn out the way you'd like, but they're not going to be a disaster either. Venus retrograde on January 29 heralded a move forward to break the deadlock, and on March 6, Venus and Mars converged, bringing an ending that everyone could accept.


On January 30, you may receive a message that your spouse or partner will be called away for a while. Maybe they have to deal with family affairs, fulfill long-distance commitments, or travel for work. It will be sad, but it will also serve as a secret relief. Scorpio likes to be close, but has been too close lately. The Lebanese poet Kahlil Gibran suggested leaving room in your relationship so that one side does not grow in the shadow of the other. We all need some time alone. It's good for the soul – especially after months of lockdown.


You won't like the bill you received on January 28th. Your first instinct will be to look for ways to avoid it – like postponing or ignoring it alongside. If you pay now, that's great. Even if it means tightening your belt to do it. Mars forms a rare line in Capricorn and Jupiter in Pisces, which will benefit you a lot, as long as you are willing to break some bad habits. Respect the way money works, and you'll see that money respects you.


Mars entered Capricorn on January 24 and rendezvous with Venus on March 6. It means an extraordinary combination between you and someone whose commitment will change your love or professional life. However, there will be obstacles along the way, many of which will remind you of previous associations that went wrong; A community that you have been neglected, exploited, or burned. This is your chance to put down the past and rewrite the script. Obviously, you and this person are made for each other, and you're going to do a lot of great things together.


You can see that something is changing. Big changes. Just because you can't say what those are right now doesn't mean the feelings are all in your head. Uranus is different for Aquarius people. Uranus is known for knocking down game boards and making all the pieces fly, and in your life, Uranus acts like an invisible agent, guiding you to the right places you need to go. The Solar/Uranus quadrant on January 30 may look like a sudden breakout, reversal, or disruption to someone else – but you know, it's actually a catalyst that means motivating and pushing you forward.


Venus retrograde on January 29 gives you a chance to correct it. Whether it's sticking out an olive branch, being a good person, or apologizing for what you've said, now is a good time to do it. It doesn't always make you a saint. Sometimes you hurt someone and you need to have it. This is what the fire sign has been doing, but what about the water sign? Not really. So you're sorry. You'll feel much better.

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