
An unforgettable song
An unforgettable song

In early May last year, her sister Du Ying was critically ill — pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, and multi-organ failure. After the hospital issued a "critical" notice, she was sent to the intensive care unit. At night, I sat on a long row of wooden chairs in the waiting room of Huadong Hospital, and the long night was full of thoughts.

In the first half of the last century, when the motherland was in danger, Dad was determined to save the country with industry, founded a kiln company, and used domestic porcelain to repel the economic aggression of Japanese porcelain in northeast China. The Japanese army issued a secret order: "Kill the anti-Japanese giant Du Chongyuan." Although they were in danger, their parents gave up the opportunity recommended by Mr. Soong Ching Ling to work in the United States, followed the advice of Vice Chairman Zhou Enlai, and resolutely flew to Xinjiang to devote themselves to building a large anti-Japanese rear. After arriving in Xinjiang, Dad made achievements, but was jealous of the local warlord Sheng Shicai. No one expected that Dad "did not die of a strong man, but of a national thief." Sheng Shicai exterminated human nature, even we who were still young and infants did not let go, locked us in the local open tuberculosis room for more than two months, killed us with germs, and achieved his purpose of cutting grass and roots, so that our whole family was entangled in evil diseases, and we were "cut painfully and waited for hopelessly" for life.

The morning light is faint, and the birds are desolate. That morning, I went to the Shanghai Changning District Party Committee to solemnly commemorate the 120th anniversary of my father's birth oil painting and cultural relics porcelain double exhibition, everything in front of me made me feel refreshed: the exhibition hall was located next to the yuyuan Road historical celebrity wall, along the street flowers and trees, and on the "celebrity wall" hung oil paintings, reminiscing about the historical sadness of dad's support for the party, patriotism, salvation and generosity to death, so that visitors recalled the "August 13" picture that could not be looked back: the Japanese army bombed, Shanghai South Railway Station, a sea of blood, scorched corpses, babies sitting alone, desperate crying... The scene was crowded, and the audience was endlessly flowing and sighing. The exhibition was extremely successful, and Fudan University, Soong Ching Ling Cemetery, Jiaotong University, and Songjiang University Town also took over the invitation to extend it. A month later, when I came out of the beautifully decorated exhibition hall of Fudan University and returned to the hospital, I felt that the huifeng of early summer held me up strongly, as if I saw the smile of my parents in the clouds...

In the spring of 1946, our mother escorted us from Xinjiang to Shanghai (Note: Du Chongyuan and Hou Yuzhi had daughter Du Yi and son Du Ren in Xinjiang, and Du Ying was a widow), and lived in a Mediterranean-style old house at No. 1881 Xiafei Road (in present-day Middle Huaihai Road), the marriage room of my parents. My mother went up to the West Building alone, our sisters and sisters were sick in small beds, the huge back garden, the fruit trees were lush, quiet. However, this illness was quiet, and it was also broken by the "acceptance of large members" to come to Shanghai to grab houses after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. The behemothly "general" led troops into his parents' old house. His reason: His mother did not have a real estate deed, and the old house had been occupied by the Japanese, and he had the right to confiscate the enemy property. Mom retorted truthfully: This building and garden were in 1932 when Song Ziwen suggested that his father buy it as a neighbor to the Song family. At the end of the 1930s, my parents went to the frontier, and the Japanese army invaded Shanghai, occupying this house, and the real estate deeds were burned by the Wokou. The other side was unreasonable, ashamed and angry, and ordered his soldiers to send some of my family's belongings and softness to the Shanghai "Executive Yuan" (Song was no longer in Shanghai). Mom and we were forcibly kicked out of the house by him. My mother held my little sister, and I held my little brother, and the two of them were still wearing slippers, and boarded the tram diagonally opposite the old house door, "Ding-Ding-Dong, Ding-Ding-Dong" to the sixteen-shop terminal, and then returned from the sixteen-shop to the xiafei road (now Wukang building) terminal. A lonely and small family, curled up in a carriage all night, living on the street. The little brother and little sister are already asleep. I was initially curious to watch the night scene with neon flashes, but then I felt hungry and sleepy, and fell asleep with the sound of "ding-dong" cars. The next day, the Damei Evening News published a report that "Du Chongyuan was desolate behind him..." 】

An unforgettable song

The gongs and drums are noisy, and they have changed the human world. The central government quickly settled our family properly. Unexpectedly, the tuberculosis bacteria have hollowed out the immunity in our bodies, and a variety of evil diseases have quietly struck. The youngest sister, she was born in a cell in Xinjiang, swaddled, that is, sick, to 1958 total outbreak: day and night high fever of 40 degrees, lasting, vomiting blood, blood in the urine, blood in the stool, a large subcutaneous purple spot, platelets only 20,000. Living in Zhongshan Hospital, President Lin Zhaoqi has organized many out-of-hospital consultations, all of which are planned to be diagnosed: lymphosarcoma, collagen disease, leukemia... It cannot be diagnosed, it is impossible to prescribe the right medicine, and the disease is getting worse and worse. Repeated reports of "critical illness", many times without anesthesia bone marrow puncture. The 14-year-old little sister tore her heart and lungs and cried sharply, alarming Zhou Bin, director of the General Office of Premier Zhou Bin (the wife of Vice Premier Yao Yilin). She found her tearful mother, who had just come out of the morgue (to find out what the body was doing). Aunt Zhou Bin took the hand to persuade her: "Immediately write to the premier for help, and I will return to Beijing to present it." Mom wrote a book with tears in her eyes. Premier Zhou received the letter and held a telephone consultation with relevant medical experts across the country in the afternoon of the same day. Experts agree that it is a rare case of malignancy, and it is recommended to try treatment with high doses of hormones, small amounts of chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Premier Zhou also consulted with a Kuomintang military doctor surnamed Luo in Liuzhou, Guangxi Province, who specializes in treating this evil disease (he is serving a prison sentence). When a special hemostatic powder from Tianjin was sent to Shanghai by plane, Dr. Luo was escorted by two prison guards to Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital for immediate treatment. Under premier Zhou's race against the clock and sparing no effort to organize rescue, coupled with the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, after half a year, Xiaomei miraculously returned to the human world. This deed has touched many relatives and friends at home and abroad and even those who have never known each other. The thousand words we hear can be summed up in one sentence: "The Communist Party, Premier Zhou, remember the martyrs, remember the deceased, and never forget the old friends!" After my sister was discharged from the hospital and returned home, despite her physical weakness, she used thin bamboo strips day and night to "copy" the two-story small Western-style building where we lived, built a "mini" small Western-style building to commemorate her difficulty in returning home, and placed it on the fireplace bench under the portrait of her father. Mom put another milky card and wrote, "Heavy far away, rest in peace." ”

In the early 1980s, the evil disease struck again: in 1981, my mother suffered from "undifferentiated small cell lung cancer", and her right upper lung metastasized her right lower lung and was admitted to Ruijin Hospital. The hospital consulted and invited senior experts from chest hospitals and cancer hospitals to reach a common conclusion: "undifferentiated small cell carcinoma, metastasis in seconds, foreign knives are also prohibited", "no surgery back to heaven". A blast of thunder on a sunny day! Eight times in a row, I went to the home of Director Song of the Chest Department of the hospital, pleaded—cried—knelt down, and asked for surgery on my mother. I recall my mother's tragic life: losing her mother at an early age, losing her husband in middle age, and suffering from the pain of losing her son in her old age. Don't bear it, let your mother fall into the pain of cancer metastasis again. Even if my mother couldn't get off the operating table, the three of us signed it, and there was no regret. Director Song finally helplessly told: "Miss Du, is it not because your mother cannot operate, even my mother, can not use the knife, do you understand?" "I sat by my mother's hospital bed, in the dim light, all night without sleep. Finally, he borrowed a pen and paper from the nurse's office and wrote a letter to the "Uncle Yaobang" who was the general secretary at the time. Writing to the general secretary, many people thought that I was "paradoxical and absurd." They said, "General Secretary Yaobang is every day and every opportunity, but he is not a doctor." My sister and I felt hopeless and uneasy. However, a beautiful "myth" emerged. General Secretary Yaobang received the letter and quickly issued instructions: "... There are few widows like Mr. Du Chongyuan, so please be sure to rescue them. The relevant parties organized four expert doctors from the above three hospitals, led by Wu Shanfang, the director of the chest department with international influence, to perform a major operation for total lung resection for her mother. She survived countless post-operative passes, survived for 18 years, and the cancer cells did not metastasize. This example of a man's victory over the heavens shocked the medical community at home and abroad! When the general secretary of Yaobang's memorial service was broadcast live, my mother sat in front of the TV set, frequently wiping tears and wetting her clothes with tears...

Vicious disease, in the early 90s, pushed the mother into the heavy ward of Huadong Hospital - the mother suffered from thyroid cancer, was misdiagnosed lung cancer "metastasis", delayed treatment, the cancer spread, compressed the trachea, esophagus, resulting in breathing, swallowing difficulties, forced to be admitted to the hospital, the disease is heavy. But mom still stuck to the habit of watching the morning news on TV. She learned that the development of industry and agriculture in the reform and opening up of the country urgently needed to build large-scale infrastructure such as running water, gas, thermal power generation, and clean energy, and at that time, international relations were tense, and overseas power consortiums were stagnant. Mother's trachea has been cut open, unable to speak, she laboriously wrote in the palm of the small notepad: "Our family suffers from a rare terminal illness, it is the party and the leaders of the past generations of countries, personally for themselves, organize extraordinary medical rescue, and give our family a second or third life." At present, the country has such difficulties, and you two sisters have tried to settle in Hong Kong, set up consulting companies, and contacted dad's old friends abroad, especially the second uncle and uncle of the Former Treasury Secretary of the United States and a British banker, and entrusted them to persuade the world's 'Top 500' big consortium to invest in China in order to repay the favor of the party and the state. That's it for me, so let's take it to the hospital. My mother wrote down the instructions: "You encounter difficulties, try to overcome them yourself, our family has been seriously ill for too long." ”

The little sister volunteered to carry out this "ice-breaking journey", and if necessary, she would be like her father: "put life and death on the line".

No one expected: my sister came to Hong Kong alone with an illness, her life was not familiar, she started a company from scratch, encountered many difficulties, setbacks, and even endangered her life... She made a lot of transoceanic phone calls, looking for aunts and uncles. The two aunts heard that their mother was in a state of "dying" and cried on the phone. The uncles were also deeply distressed. Many years ago, they read in the Singapore newspaper "Looking at the Tide": "... Golden wind scattered chrysanthemums, loose lotus condensation, and shocked shaohua... Beautiful scenery, how to respect the moon fragrant tea. Childhood affairs Kanja, small shoes tuk tuk, chirping. Broken beds to hypnotize dreams, slowly walk in clothes, slowly enjoy birdsong frogs... Thousands of miles of feelings, but put the heart to the pipa. ”

An unforgettable song

They immediately went their separate ways. First, the Taiwanese banker's uncle went to Britain to find Sir Frank Lampl and his Bovis construction group, as well as the Thames Water Company, to build the Dachang Waterworks in Shanghai. Next, the second uncle, who served as the "vice minister of finance" and has become a U.S. citizen, also contacted the top ten big consortiums of the "World's Top 500" and mobilized them to invest in projects such as thermal power generation and clean energy in China. I was inspired and delighted. I am the leader of the foreign consortium, and I need to arrive in London the day before to meet with the British side led by Mayor Xu Kuangdi of Shanghai. Unexpectedly, the night before, I suddenly had a "rapid atrial fibrillation" in my heart. If it cannot be reversed, life will be terminated. I was admitted to the French Hospital in Hong Kong. In a trance, I heard the medical staff searching for my relatives in Hong Kong, but without success. After midnight, the grandmothers gathered around the bed to pray for my rest... At the crack of dawn, my "atrial fibrillation" subsided. Seeing that the instrument was withdrawn and there was no one in the room, I slipped out of the ward and went straight to the airport to arrive at the destination on time with Mayor Xu and his party. Sir Frank Lampe hosted a grand banquet to receive the wind. Sir's respect, sincerity, the mayor's fluent English, witty conversation, opened a good prelude to Sino-British water cooperation.

But I was happy too soon. The introduction of foreign investment in infrastructure in the form of BOT (construction, operation, transfer) is a brand new measure in the early stage of reform and opening up, and there is no policy to support. The first person to eat the crab was inevitably pricked with blood. In the international situation at that time, the commercial representatives of both China and the Uk were insecure. Negotiations into roles are too slow, tug-of-war is too long. When the long-pending Dachang Water BoT contract was finally signed, it was the first wholly foreign-funded project jointly loaned by 14 foreign banks, and it caused a sensation in foreign financial markets.

Before and after the introduction of investment in the large-scale water supply project, we also began to investigate more projects such as gas, thermal power generation, and clean energy. These include Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Henan investment in power generation projects. This is even more difficult, not only costing more (a dozen to billions of dollars per project), but also involving a variety of immeasurable factors: the volatile Sino-US relationship, the Asian financial crisis, the international financial crisis... A big project from the beginning of negotiations to the end, may be as long as ten, twelve years or even longer, the kind of suffering that does not know the future, can not look back. In the days of repeated defeats, Du's company has the nickname "Sick Company" and "Failed Company". On the eve of New Year's Day in about 2003, my company office was pitch black, and there were people, but speechless. I walked in with candles and cakes, illuminating the desperate faces of my colleagues, and the flickering cakes encouraged them to lose repeated battles. The cake is encouraged, and the words and deeds from parents are taught: "Hold on, you must succeed later", "Never give up, turn the impossible into a possibility". These projects were eventually successful and were repeatedly reported by major media outlets in Shanghai.

The success of some of the projects we have worked on has given great confidence to the overseas business community, and they continue to invest in China. In 1997, ExxonMobil, ABB, Areva and other megagroups gathered in Paris, France to discuss loan matters. In order to thank the "Du's Company", they jointly held a grand rose banquet on the large terrace of the third floor of the Champs Elysées Lancaster Hotel in Paris. On the open-air carved fence painting building, red flowers and green leaves sway. In the middle of the large balcony, the wine is rose red on the long banquet table; next to each pair of tableware, a branch of roses is unique; in the unique sweetness of roses in the air, more than 60 guests and hosts are seated. I announced that in the background music of the evening, I would put a special disc - after my mother's tracheotomy, I would no longer hear my mother's pleasant voice, but fortunately when I left Shanghai, I took the only two discs that my mother had recorded as a teenager - I wanted to play "Rose Life La vie en rose". The applause was thunderous when she heard my mother sing in such skilful French. Singing the phrase "You embrace me", the colorful helium balloon suddenly floated from the balcony for half the sky, dimming the stars in the sky.

At the beginning of dusk, the sunset has begun, and the winter days have become shorter. Last year was the 120th anniversary of the birth of his father Du Chongyuan and the 20th anniversary of the death of his mother Hou Yuzhi. My sister and I would consciously or unconsciously sit on the balcony of the "Wisteria Hut" and look at my father's old mansion on Huaihai Middle Road, "Wisteria Hut", which was the title of the autobiographical novel I once wanted to write, and now it has become the name of the royal blue fairy tale cottage with flowers and dolls as the theme of my sister and me.

In 1932, Dad bought the old garden house, and when he married his mother, he wanted to surprise her. Second, in the winter of 1931, Dad and Premier Zhou met under the extremely dangerous situation of traitors, treated each other with all their hearts and gallbladders, and accepted the leadership of the party from then on. He believed that the frequent gathering with dignitaries in the house was the best cover for secretly dating the underground party. On March 25, 1933, the two wrought iron doors of Du's old mansion were opened, and the famous cars entered from the east gate and the west gate came out empty. Finally, a wedding car decorated with flowers - after the wedding of the Parents' Chapel, I came back to receive many greeters at the afternoon tea party in the back garden, including the leaders of the underground party, patriotic democrats, high-ranking Kuomintang officials, generals, and celebrities. Dad was like a red thread between guests and friends, talking about "home and everything", and publicizing the party's united front - at that time, facing the white terror, Yang Xingfo, Roushi, and Shi Liangcai fell in a pool of assassination blood. The old house witness: the back garden, the indoor hall, there have been many Peking Opera hall meetings, tango dance steps, small concerts, in the chat, dance, Zhang Wentian three times secret telegram Dad received in time. Old house testimony: In April 1936, Zhang Xueliang took the opportunity of going to Nanjing for a meeting to visit his father here (at that time, his father, who was imprisoned for the "new student incident", had been released on bail and could go home), basically discussed the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese Resistance of the Communist Party, and suddenly found that there were suspicious "eyes and ears", Zhang Xueliang and his father changed to the small forest to talk secretly...

After the Lugou Bridge Incident, in the summer of 1937, Dad helped Ma Zhanshan transport weapons to the front line and was bombed by enemy aircraft. In the article "To Datong", Dad wrote: "Originally scheduled to leave from Shanghai before six o'clock, the Chinese people did not insist on the date time, and it was already 7 pm when they set off... There is no cloud, a round of bright moon, two large trucks rushing to Suzhou... According to the defenders, at about six o'clock, the three enemy planes bombed fiercely along the way, and if this truck arrived first, it just happened to be the enemy's target, and there was a possibility of the whole line being blown up. I seem to have heard my father standing on the balcony of the old mansion and calmly narrating: "If you stay in Nanjing for three nights, every night the enemy planes will come to visit you three or four times... When you come, first honk the warning, then use the searchlight to illuminate the distance, and when the fuselage is accurate, then put the anti-aircraft gun... At night, the fire is full of light, very brilliant, and there is a great way to see the lights on the fifteenth day of the first month of the first month! ”

An unforgettable song

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Du Chongyuan temporarily lived at No. 25, Lane 1032 (Qishan Village), Yuyuan Road

In 1939, on the eve of flying to Xinjiang, on the roof garden of his own small white building in Nathan Road, Hong Kong, dad asked his mother guiltily: "I didn't let you live a stable life in Shanghai, and now you must follow me to Xinjiang to live a more bitter life, how do you want me to repay you?" Mom said, "The war is victorious, you must accompany me to London for afternoon tea." Dad hugged Mom and vowed, "I'll be sure to accompany you, there are too few of us in the world." Out of nowhere came the beautiful "Mandarin Duck Tea" melody: "Tea for two, and two for tea, me for you and you for me alone."

..."(Mandarin duck tea, mandarin duck product, you are in my heart, I am in your heart...) )

After my father was tortured, the last sentence in the "Child's Diary" was written to my mother: "The war of resistance will be won, forgive me, the farthest afternoon tea, but I missed the appointment." ”

The back of the diary was already bloodstained, and my mother was crying and wetting the cover of the diary. To make up for me, my mom cut a paper cut of her coffee with dad and pasted it on the back of The Child's Diary. I burst into tears: Now Mom and Dad can have coffee together in that world.

My sister took out a Hawaiian electric guitar from the "Wisteria Hut" and played the "Mandarin Duck Tea Tea Tea For Two" that her parents finally failed to achieve. Although she had not touched the strings for a long time, on this day she had the help of God, played extremely melodiously and pleasantly, causing a group of tired birds to take a detour and circle for a long time, and then suddenly flew back to the depths of the trees of the Du family's old mansion...

Looking in the direction of the balcony of the old mansion in the sunset phantom, I gently hummed this dusty old song for my father with the sound of the piano:

Tea for two,and two for tea,

Mandarin duck tea, Mandarin duck product,

me for you and you for me alone

You are in my heart, I am in your heart


Day will break and I’m going to awake

As soon as dawn comes, I wake up

And start to bake a sugar cake

Bake a piece, sugar heart cake

We will raise a family

We're going to have a good family

A boy for you and a girl for me.

Son you lead, daughter I lead

Can’t you see how happy we will be!

Look at our house, everyone is smiling

Author: Du Yi Du Ying

Editor: Wang Qiutong