
Do the ovaries recover without follicles?

Normally, pregnancy requires the follicle to be released and then combined with sperm to form a fertilized egg in order to conceive normally. However, some women in life cannot ovulate normally because of the influence of ovarian function, and even some women do not have follicles in their ovaries. At this time, people will pay more attention to the recovery of ovarian function.

Ovarian follicle-free depends on the likelihood of ovulation.

Premature ovarian failure or postmenopausal women have no follicles in their ovaries and are not likely to ovulate, so the likelihood of cure is relatively low. If the ovarian reserve function is reduced, the number of follicles in the ovaries is small, in this case there is a possibility of ovulation, and ovarian function can be improved by drugs. But the number of eggs decreases with age, and the process is irreversible.

Do the ovaries recover without follicles?

Ovaries without follicles can be treated with medications.

Some women think that the absence of follicles in the ovaries may simply be because there is no ovulation. In fact, the number of follicles in the ovaries is normal. In this case, it can be treated with drugs. For example, people who do not ovulate with endocrine diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome or hyperprolactinemia can resume ovulation after correction by medication. .0

Do the ovaries recover without follicles?

No follicles are treatable.

The absence of follicles can lead to infertility, but if there are follicles, ovulation induction therapy can be done without getting pregnant. In addition to these routine treatments, pay attention to the care in daily life. It is necessary to develop regular living habits and regulate the endocrine. Usually to maintain a good mood, this time do not stress too much, negative emotions will also affect the endocrine. If the patient has other medical conditions, such as gynecological diseases, treatment is required first.

Do the ovaries recover without follicles?

In general, if a woman does not have follicles in her ovaries, the probability of recovery is relatively small, but if the woman has follicles and just does not ovulate, in this case it can be recovered by treatment. When there is no ovulation, it can be combined with some ovulation induction drugs to help ovulation. This increases the probability of conception.

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