
Vogel's interview yesterday was crazy and explosive: Don't ask me xx questions like "if thick eyebrows can play"

Vogel's interview yesterday was crazy and explosive: Don't ask me xx questions like "if thick eyebrows can play"

Live Bar Jan. 25, the Lakers lost to the Heat 107-113 on the road yesterday.

Lakers coach Vogel was interviewed by the media after the game, and the reporter asked whether Vogel's situation would be different if the Lakers' lineup was complete or if the thick eyebrows could play in the team.

Vogel said angrily: "Sometimes this media is really XX (f**ked up), I think what I can tell this media is that our lineup is incomplete, don't ask me this stupid f**king questions, don't ask me what kind of question 'if we have a complete lineup or if we can play with thick eyebrows'. ”

"I worked very hard to coach the team and we players played very hard. Come on, buddy, don't be so disrespectful to me. I'm really trying to work for this team, really worked really f**king hard, don't write this kind of f**king articles against me. Vogel added.


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