
Rating 8.1 Movie "Christopher Robin" - when people are young, they have the most Zen heart

author:Uncle Four-Flavor Poison

Text | Ke frog

The ongoing Disney live-action film "The Nutcracker and the Four Kings" has a poor reputation, but another recent Disney live-action movie has a rating of 8.1, one of the highest rated films in recent times.

"Winnie the Pooh Live-Action Version"——

Christopher Robin

Rating 8.1 Movie "Christopher Robin" - when people are young, they have the most Zen heart

When the film was released in North America, it was well received and the box office was decent. However, when it was released in Japan, it received unprecedented popularity and enthusiastic response. Similarly, although the film was not released in China, it also performed well in word of mouth.

Why is it that the response in Disney's hometown is mediocre, but it is more popular to go to the East?

Perhaps the warm rhythm of the movie is more in line with the appetite of the East.

Many North American film critics have commented on the film as routine, formulaic, lack of depth, dull and slow.

In fact, to be honest, the first three labels are all nonsense for evaluating Disney movies. Any Disney movie with the highest score can be labeled with these three labels if you want to. Only "slow" is indeed a major feature of this movie.

Indeed, compared to Disney animated films or other live-action films, this film is not spectacular, the plot is not exciting, and even the special effects are not exaggerated.

The pace is indeed slow, but it cannot be said to be "dull".

This brings us to the core theme of the film, growth.

The cost of growing up, the troubles of adulthood, and the final theme of returning - how to maintain a childlike heart.

This is not a simple children's movie, but a coming-of-age movie for adults.

Rating 8.1 Movie "Christopher Robin" - when people are young, they have the most Zen heart

Adults who are repeatedly oppressed by life can see the trivial and powerless reality in the movie, and the movie tries to give a solution that looks like chicken soup but is not greasy in a meticulous way.

It tries to make adults whose thinking is rigid and powerless to reality think from the perspective of children, and use simplicity to fight against hard reality.

So, the slow pace of the movie is easy to understand, because it treats you like a child. And you, who have been an adult for too long, have been fast-paced for too long, and have been hard for too long, so you prefer the stimulation of splitting your head and covering your face, and you are a little uncomfortable with the gentleness of gently soothing.

Let's take a look at what story it tells.

The plot of the film is mainly adapted from the animated version of Winnie the Pooh: In Search of Christopher Robin.

At the beginning of the movie, it is the scene where little Robin is about to leave the 100 acres of forest to say goodbye to good friends such as Winnie the Pooh and Tigger.

At that moment, he said goodbye to his childhood playmate, and almost all the good.

Since then, Kritov Robin has experienced the death of his father, marriage and children, wars and endless work.

Rating 8.1 Movie "Christopher Robin" - when people are young, they have the most Zen heart

Because of his father's death, he quickly became the head of the family from a carefree little child.

Because he got married and had children, he shouldered the responsibility of how to be a good father and a good husband.

Because of the war, he faced the safety of the entire country and the people, and the life of the comrades in the troops around him.

And the endless work is to make him truly completely lost.

Rating 8.1 Movie "Christopher Robin" - when people are young, they have the most Zen heart

Because he understands the meaning of responsibility and the importance of efficiency, he constantly tightens himself and falls into endless overtime, socializing, reporting, planning...

From the carefree 100-acre forest farm when he was young, to the stressful workplace, the pressure on little Robin is getting bigger and bigger, and the shell is getting thicker and thicker. Step by step, he followed the "right" path, but he also fell into the quagmire step by step.

For example, the words he hangs on his lips are no longer the "Pooh" of childhood, but such as "you must work hard to dream", "There is no free lunch in the world"...

In addition to pushing himself, he also brought nervousness to his daughter and wife.

He was thinking about his daughter's future, but insisted on sending her to boarding school when she was extremely reluctant; when her daughter wanted him to play with him for a while, he asked her why she didn't do something meaningful, such as reading. When his daughter wanted him to tell bedtime stories, he was holding a thick history book and reading "Victorian was the pinnacle of the Industrial Revolution..."

Because he firmly believes that "this will allow her to face the real world early and prepare for the future."

Therefore, he tried to please his daughter, but it always backfired.

In order to give his wife a better life, he is self-motivated at work and usually has a gentle and gentlemanly attitude, but his wife does not understand why he wants to give his family a life, but he does not even have time to spend with his family. His wife's attitude toward the good life he depicts is also —"We don't care, we want you."

Rating 8.1 Movie "Christopher Robin" - when people are young, they have the most Zen heart

As Little Robin grew into an adult Robin, he seemed to make a mess of his life the harder he tried. But he didn't know what the reason was.

Until suddenly one day, the appearance of Winnie the Pooh changed all that.

In Pooh's eyes, the most important things are honey and friends, and the favorite day is today.

It will be happy for a long time because of a red balloon, and it will play the game of the Wooden Man anytime, anywhere. It tells little Robin that he will never forget him, even when he is a hundred years old. So after so many years, I really haven't forgotten anything.

Its mode of getting along with Robin is still stuck in the state of childhood, bent on taking Robin to find a good friend from childhood to get together and experience the fun of reuniting friends together.

But at first, Robin was preoccupied with how to send it back to his hometown so that it wouldn't delay his work.

But the childlike heart is like this, not even angry.

Rating 8.1 Movie "Christopher Robin" - when people are young, they have the most Zen heart

Although they had previously been hiding in the cave for fear of the Proboscis, when they learned that Robin might be eaten by the Proboscis, they still began the expedition for Robin.

They don't know but there are no real proboscis monsters in the world, and they don't know if they can save Robin.

But they succeeded, and they did help Robin defeat the Proboscis and rescue Robin.

That "proboscis" is an attitude towards putting the cart before the horse about life, a worldly bondage and man's own desires. The road is under our feet, our feet are on our bodies, and the only thing that can bind us is ourselves.

And the reason we often get lost is because of the way we see the world from perspective and in a way that goes wrong.

And growth, sometimes may be just the illusion of self-righteousness, growth is good or bad, it may also be the process of the growth of distracting thoughts, during this period, we may be more stable and comprehensive, but also lost the purest and direct happiness.

We worship efficiency, class, and grade, but we no longer worship simplicity, bravery, and kindness.

We value the results, but we no longer enjoy the process. We felt that red balloons were neither useful nor fun, so we lost the joy of holding a red balloon forever.

Rating 8.1 Movie "Christopher Robin" - when people are young, they have the most Zen heart

The return of Winnie the Pooh, for Robin, opens up a perspective on life. It is the collision of two different modes of thinking of the adult self and the young self.

When we become adults, we always long to reach poetry and far away with a running posture, but in fact, the most beautiful poems and distant places are in childhood.

Rating 8.1 Movie "Christopher Robin" - when people are young, they have the most Zen heart

We are also keen to pretend that we love the Zen tea ceremony, but in the end, in order to hide our awkward posture after running all the way, sitting cross-legged most of the time is another kind of non-stop.

The real change comes from within. If you can go back to childhood and look at it, you will find that when you are young, you have the most Zen mind.

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