
Christopher Robin: The film tells a warm and moving story

author:American drama Rotten Tomatoes
Christopher Robin: The film tells a warm and moving story

I guess everyone fantasized about having a talking animal friend in childhood! When we stopped at the zoo when we were young, we were always attracted by the cute little animals, watching them roll on the grass, or climb among the trees, or play in the water, we felt very spiritual! Visiting the inner world of animals has always been the inner nature of children, and what a wonderful thing it would be if we could communicate with them.

Growing up in Hatfield, Sussex, Christopher Robin grew up with small animals in the 100 acres of forest and spent a carefree and unforgettable childhood. Co-starring Ivan McGregor (Moulin Rouge) and Hayley Atwell (Agent Carter), the film tells a heartwarming and moving story. After starting a family, Robin is busy with work, less with his family, and gradually lost in the fast-paced city life, Winnie re-entered Robin's world, leading a group of childhood friends to help him find the once hot-blooded and lively self, slow down and begin to feel the beauty of life.

Christopher Robin: The film tells a warm and moving story

The broad-minded and honey-loving Winnie, the energetic and mischievous Tigger, the clever piglet, the hard-working Ear and other classic Disney animal images appear to be extremely vivid in the film, evoking the childhood memories of many viewers. As Robin was leaving home for boarding school, the animals held a farewell party for him, giving him dried corn husks as a souvenir, hoping that he would remember the good times they spent together in the hundred acres of forest at any time in the future. Thinking about the scene of our separation from our friends in the past, full of reluctance but having to send the last blessing, although the date of the meeting is still unknown, I still hope that each other will be smooth, safe and happy in the distance. As Vinnie and Robin sit under a tree and talk intimately at the beginning of the film, Vinnie asks, "What if you forget me?" Robin replied affectionately, "I will never forget you."

Christopher Robin: The film tells a warm and moving story

Set during the war years, Robin returns from military service and finds a job selling suitcases at winslow enterprises. Post-war Britain suffered a heavy blow, everything was in ruins, the economic downturn made Robin face a huge career crisis, if you can not develop a reasonable plan to cut costs to save Winslow Luggage from fire and water, otherwise a large-scale layoff will become inevitable. Under pressure, Robin had to escape the enthusiastic invitation of his neighbors who had already been on the appointment, and threw himself into his work without sleeping, even sacrificing the opportunity to be with his mother and daughter. Robin did not know that his family and friends were leaving him, and the bitterness and sweetness of life seemed to him to be only the bitterness of full strength. It wasn't until Vinnie, who missed Robin so much, reunited with him that Robin realized that he was addicted to work and could not extricate himself, and the teenager who once had a sweet smile on his face had become a serious and lifeless uncle, and gradually lost himself in the pursuit of a better life.

Christopher Robin: The film tells a warm and moving story

The 100 acres of forest returned to tranquility after a storm, the sparse sunlight scattered down from the forest, and the natural atmosphere of the blossoming has grown. After investigation, Robin discovers that the sound that caused the animals to panic is not caused by the proboscis, but by the old weather vane, and after several twists and turns, he returns to everyone's arms and is forgiven and supported by Pooh. It was only in this hundred acres of forest where he was a child, who was playing and playing, that he truly gained liberation and happiness. At the same time, Robin understands that life is not only about work, but also about many beautiful things that are worth discovering, exploring, and cherishing.

Christopher Robin: The film tells a warm and moving story

When he learns that his daughter is alone from Sussex to London to find herself, Robin has mixed feelings, on the one hand, worried about her daughter's behavior, on the other hand, surprised by her daughter's defiance. Watching her daughter sit lost on the stairs, Robin got out of the car and strode to the side to comfort her daughter, who blamed herself for losing important documents. It was at this moment that Robin realized his daughter's need for her father's love, and all along, he ignored her daughter's inner thoughts and blindly arranged everything for her, not knowing that all she wanted was her father's company. The mother stood behind her, touched by the scene of father and daughter hugging each other, which is the family affection that people have been pursuing!

Christopher Robin: The film tells a warm and moving story

Winnie the Pooh's live-action version of Christopher Robin teaches us that life is more than just the present, please don't leave the people who love you and the people you love behind and indulge in your own world. With the fast pace of modern urban life, people always revolve around the word "efficiency", inadvertently becoming indifferent and silent. Sometimes, we need to slow down our pace, spend more time with our families, spend more time with friends, feel the beauty of life, and understand the true meaning of life.

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