
Straight board against backhand long down spin 3 moves, see which one suits you! - Ping Pong National Ball Club

Although the figure of straight boards in the World Series is becoming more and more rare, on amateur courts, the gods of straight boards are still emerging.

For the backhand long down spin ball, is a headache for many amateur straight cricketers. This article will explore this issue, and I propose three treatment options for you to discuss!

1. Sideways with a forehand attack

Using the side forehand is the most important solution for professional players to deal with the backhand position under the spin ball, so the top athletes who use the one-sided straight board without exception have a strong forehand and pace, such as South Korea's Yoo Seung-min, Kanazawa Soo, and China's Marlene (although not exactly one-sided, but the use of horizontal play is not particularly much, mainly sideways). They all stand in the backhand position of the table, and sometimes even stand outside the stage, minimizing the use of the backhand space as much as possible, and using the forehand throughout the table.

Straight board against backhand long down spin 3 moves, see which one suits you! - Ping Pong National Ball Club

The advantage of this type of play is that it is of high quality, a large threat, and can fully protect the entire table under the premise that the pace is strong enough. However, the disadvantages are also more obvious, once the athlete is older, or the pace of the pace is slower due to the inaccurate judgment of the return of the ball, it will feel difficult and be caught in the forehand position.

Straight board against backhand long down spin 3 moves, see which one suits you! - Ping Pong National Ball Club

The same problem is more common among amateur golfers. Except for some forehands who have a strong forehand and a good pace can threaten their opponents with the help of sideways, most amateur golfers, especially older golfers, cannot run all over the field and forehand all over the stage. By attacking the backhand position on the side and spinning the ball, there are higher requirements for pace, prejudgment, and physical fitness, although it is very handsome, it is not suitable for all straight cricketers.

2. Straight board horizontal play

Before Wang Hao appeared, horizontal play did not become a widely used technique among golfers, but Wang Hao's horizontal play provided us with a backhand attack. Objectively speaking, from the time of learning to use the horizontal play of the ball, the horizontal play will often be more fluent, even if not like Wang Hao to take the backhand as the core weapon, but a little training to pull down the backhand to pull down the ball is not particularly difficult.

Straight board against backhand long down spin 3 moves, see which one suits you! - Ping Pong National Ball Club

However, for golfers who are accustomed to pushing and blocking, it is definitely not an easy task to practice cross-play and integrate into their own tactical system. We are around a lot of habit of pushing and blocking of the ball friends, inspirational practice horizontal play, look at the practice is good, once in the game, a shot subconscious or push block, even if you can make a horizontal action, aiming, leading the shot, shooting and other aspects may also have problems, and finally have a horizontal fight, the backhand position is still the object of the other party's "bullying".

Straight board against backhand long down spin 3 moves, see which one suits you! - Ping Pong National Ball Club

This is because there are too many technical, conscious and habitual differences between the cross-punch technique itself and the push block. Horizontal play requires holding hands to lead the beat, pushing and blocking is almost unnecessary; the front and backhand conversion range of horizontal play is large, and the front and backhand conversion of pushing and blocking is relatively easy. These differences are the problems that golfers need to gradually adapt to in the process of technical reform, so learning to play horizontally in a short period of time often has little effect. However, if there are conditions for long-term practice, I believe that the horizontal playing technique can be gradually integrated into its own tactical system and become a weapon for the rotation of the ball under the offensive backhand position.

Straight board against backhand long down spin 3 moves, see which one suits you! - Ping Pong National Ball Club

3. Push the top down the spinning ball

For a backhand ball that is not particularly high in quality, such as a ball that is too high and does not turn too much, you can try to use the technique of pushing hard to hit the ball back in a manner similar to a bounce. This move is more difficult, but due to its strong suddenness, the return line is straighter, and the threat to the opponent is great.

Straight board against backhand long down spin 3 moves, see which one suits you! - Ping Pong National Ball Club

The technology itself is an extension and extension of the push-stop technology, which brings two benefits. First, the practice of this technique itself has a great effect on the enrichment and perfection of pushing and blocking technology, making their pushing and blocking more comprehensive and more varied; second, this skill has less impact on the existing tactical system than horizontal fighting, and it is easy to use it in actual combat. However, this technique also has its inherent weakness, that is, for particularly low, special rotation of high-quality down-spin balls, very difficult, easy to make mistakes, so it is extremely rare among top players.

Straight board against backhand long down spin 3 moves, see which one suits you! - Ping Pong National Ball Club

The above analysis of the side, horizontal, push and other three kinds of straight board to deal with the backhand position under the spinning ball technology, if you ask which technology is the best, there is no certain answer, you need to combine your own situation to judge. If you want to become an amateur master, I am afraid that you can not do without a strong forehand and sideways ability; what you have practiced since childhood is horizontal play, then horizontal play has become the standard of the backhand position; pushing and blocking technology has become very accustomed to not wanting to change, and you can improve your skills by practicing pushing.

Straight board against backhand long down spin 3 moves, see which one suits you! - Ping Pong National Ball Club

In short, the technology that suits you is the best technology, and the training method that suits your own conditions is the best way to progress. Table tennis is also because of its diverse techniques, playing styles and routines, it has become wonderful and evocative!

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