
Beauty to the extreme is destruction? Read the novel from Yukimi Mishima to the explosion, and think about the beauty and evil destruction of the nanquan cat Kinkaku-ji Temple

author:Chen's mother broke her thoughts

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In 1950, there was an explosive news in Japan, when the monk Hayashi Yangxian of Kinkaku-ji Temple set fire to the quiet and peaceful Kinkaku-ji Temple, and it is said that his criminal motive was to envy the beauty of Kinkaku-ji Temple--because it was so beautiful, so he wanted to destroy you--this criminal motive, even now, is also strange. However, in this world, there are indeed such people. Because of the extreme insecurity in the heart, afraid of too beautiful things, feel that too beautiful things will not last long, it is better to destroy - yes, the ultimate, pathological aesthetic!

Beauty to the extreme is destruction? Read the novel from Yukimi Mishima to the explosion, and think about the beauty and evil destruction of the nanquan cat Kinkaku-ji Temple


Among Japanese literary scholars, when it comes to works related to aesthetics, I first recommend Yukio Mishima. During the winter vacation, I watched his "Tide Riot" at home, which was beautiful enough to look at now, or beautiful and innocent.

Yukio Mishima, formerly known as Koi Hiraoka, is a Japanese novelist and playwright. In 1949, he published "Confessions of the Masquerade", which established the status of a new writer in the literary world. He has authored forty novellas, twenty short story collections, and eighteen screenplays, which have been translated into several languages and reprinted. He has been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature three times and is an internationally renowned modern Japanese writer. Representative works include "Kinkaku-ji Temple", "Chaosao", "Sea of Fertility" and so on.

Speaking of the life of Yukio Mishima, this man of aristocratic blood, whose life experience is too rich, writing, fitness, filmmaking, and even the final suicide has been vigorous, from an idol of the new right to a god. It is precisely because of his life experience that his aesthetic is naturally different from ordinary people, and each of his masterpieces reveals a different style of beauty.

Today, Mama Mishima said that one of Yukio Mishima's masterpieces, Kinkaku-ji Temple.

Beauty to the extreme is destruction? Read the novel from Yukimi Mishima to the explosion, and think about the beauty and evil destruction of the nanquan cat Kinkaku-ji Temple

Cover of Kinkaku-ji Temple

Yes, the inspiration for the creation of this "Kinkaku-ji Temple" comes from the burning of kinkaku-ji Temple by monk Lin Yangxian mentioned at the beginning of this article in 1950. After the incident, Yukio Mishima traveled to Kyoto for a detailed interview and finally created "Kinkaku-ji Temple". The novel was critically acclaimed as soon as it was released, winning the 8th Yomiuri Literature Prize in Japan, and is known as the culmination of Yukio Mishima's violent aesthetics!

I like the philosophical speculation about "beauty and destruction" in Kinkaku-ji Temple, so let's start with this public case mentioned in the novel:

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="10" > Nanquan beheads the cat</h1>

"Nanquan beheading the cat" is a public case of Zen Buddhism. From the Jingde Chuan Lantern Record, Volume VIII, "Chizhou Nanquan Puyuan Zen Master".

Beauty to the extreme is destruction? Read the novel from Yukimi Mishima to the explosion, and think about the beauty and evil destruction of the nanquan cat Kinkaku-ji Temple

Public case

The monks in the east and west halls under Pu Yan's seat were vying for a cat, and just when he met it, Pu Yan said to everyone, "You can save this cat if you can say it, and if you can't say it, kill it." "The monks had no one to speak to, and no one dared to speak back, so Pu Yan killed the cat." After the Monk of Zhao Zhou (one of Pu Yan's disciples) returned from outside, Pu Yan told him what had happened, and the Monk of Zhao Zhou listened, took off his shoes and put them on his head, and walked out. Pu Yan said, "If you had been present just now, you would have saved the cat." ”

In this case, the cat symbolizes the "desired one", which arouses the selfish desires of the monks. In the end, the Nanquan monk beheaded the cat with a knife, thinking that this would eradicate the selfish desires of the people's hearts, which of course was unwise, so the Zhao Zhou monk put the straw shoes on his head and left silently.

Beauty to the extreme is destruction? Read the novel from Yukimi Mishima to the explosion, and think about the beauty and evil destruction of the nanquan cat Kinkaku-ji Temple


Zhao Zhou's move illustrates two points: First, the straw shoes are worn on the feet, and on the head are "black and white", and there is no real full understanding of the object, which is obviously to accuse the Nanquan monk of the practice of asking for fish in the wood; second, the grass shoes are filthy and placed on the head, which shows patience, and the emptiness of the heart is empty, why can we endure "ugliness" but cannot tolerate "beauty"? It seems to be saying that only by forbidding one's own inner desires is the way to salvation.

In "Kinkaku-ji Temple", "Nanquan Chop Cat" appears in several places, there are several different perspectives, each of which is a different state of mind of the narrator, which we will elaborate on later.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="16" > the beauty of Kinkaku-ji Temple</h1>

Born in the backcountry of Japan, the teenager Mizoguchi was born stuttering and lonely since childhood, and under the influence of his father, a monk, he often fantasized about the beauty of Kinkaku. After his father's death, he followed his father's wishes to become a monk at Kinkaku-ji Temple, and if nothing else, he would be cared for by his father's classmate, the abbot of Kinkaku-ji Temple, and eventually return to Kinkaku after finishing college to become the next abbot.

Beauty to the extreme is destruction? Read the novel from Yukimi Mishima to the explosion, and think about the beauty and evil destruction of the nanquan cat Kinkaku-ji Temple

Lonely teenager

This is a teenager who has been bullied since childhood, the loneliness of his personality and the problem of stuttering have been criticized, coupled with his father's status as abbot, he has been bullied by his classmates for a long time.

Such a teenager is extremely insecure in his heart.

After his father's death, he came to the completely unfamiliar Kinkaku-ji Temple and began a completely different life journey. But the bullying was still there, the new school he was still the lonely and stuttering child, and even worse, this time he even lost his father.

The mother could not maintain the operation of the poor monastery, so she left the monastery and returned to her relatives' house, and the teenager did not even have a familiar home.

Beauty to the extreme is destruction? Read the novel from Yukimi Mishima to the explosion, and think about the beauty and evil destruction of the nanquan cat Kinkaku-ji Temple

The beauty of the Golden Pavilion

The teenager worships his father, and Kinkaku is the embodiment of the beauty that his father loves, so after his father's body is weak day by day until his death, Kinkaku has become a symbol of his father, so when he first saw Kinkaku, he didn't feel that Kinkaku was beautiful, not only was it not beautiful, but it was ugly: "Is the so-called beautiful thing such a thing that is not beautiful?" ”

At this time, the golden pavilion in the eyes of the teenager is an old building, an ordinary building, and it is not beautiful.

Later, I felt that the beauty of the Golden Pavilion was incomprehensible, so beautiful that there was no other in the world that could be compared.

It was his fantasization of Kinkaku, both his father's lifelong love of beauty and his own illusion of beauty, which should not be desecrated.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="26" > beauty and evil</h1>

The world of youth is dualistic, beautiful and ugly, good and evil, relatively born.

The father's love for Kinkakumi corresponds to the weakness of the father who has to face the hidden patience and pain of his mother's unclean behavior. The beauty and goodness of the father, the ugliness and evil of the mother, but they are his parents, and such a torn dualism is inevitable, and eventually creates the contradiction of the teenager.

Beauty to the extreme is destruction? Read the novel from Yukimi Mishima to the explosion, and think about the beauty and evil destruction of the nanquan cat Kinkaku-ji Temple

The repression of youth

The beauty of Kinkaku repeatedly prevents the sexual budding of adolescence, is the repressed sex, and constantly implies that he should not be the one who is blinded by his father's hand when he wakes up that night—or about love, about the ultimate worship of his father in his heart.

"The image of human beings, which is easily destroyed, instead emerges from the illusion of immortality, while the solid beauty of the Golden Pavilion reveals the possibility of destruction. Like humans, things that have the ability to cause death will not be eradicated, while things that are immortal like kinkaku can be destroyed. ”

The boy wanted to destroy kinkaku-ji Temple, but at first he wanted to wait for the air raid in the war, but he was disappointed, and then the teenager began to want to burn kinkaku himself.

Beauty to the extreme is destruction? Read the novel from Yukimi Mishima to the explosion, and think about the beauty and evil destruction of the nanquan cat Kinkaku-ji Temple

Burning the Golden Pavilion

The psychological transformation of all this is a disappointment in reality, after making friends with Kashiwagi, who has misconduct and a disability in his feet, he sees the evil world, and even more in this evil world, he further learns that his innocent friend Tsurukawa committed suicide, and the abbot who has always helped him is actually a prostitute who withholds their food but takes a lot of money...

The psychology of the teenager collapses, wanting to destroy this ultimate beauty, wanting to destroy from this repressed, evil-filled world!

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="33" > destruction or rebirth</h1>

Kinkaku-ji Temple is truly the only one, a beauty that disappears forever once destroyed. The reason why Kinkaku-ji Temple is so beautiful is entirely because of the possibility of destruction. Therefore, Kinkaku-ji Temple is beautiful, and it itself has hidden the gene of destruction, and through the process of destruction, beauty has been realized.

Beauty to the extreme is destruction? Read the novel from Yukimi Mishima to the explosion, and think about the beauty and evil destruction of the nanquan cat Kinkaku-ji Temple


In the novel, the cat symbolizes "beauty", and when the teenager and Kashiwaki talk about the public case for the last time, the angle changes, who is right and who is wrong? Is it only the dualism of right and wrong that is the world?!

Obviously not!

The teenager implemented the plan step by step, and finally, on a rainy night, he burned the Golden Pavilion to the ground. But in the end, he gave up his plan to commit suicide in the fire, escaped, and decided to live well...

Mizoguchi, the protagonist abandoned by "life", constantly pursues the illusion of beauty, destruction or rebirth? The mental journey of the teenager is a metaphor for the emotions of the author Yukio Mishima himself. As a fanatical admirer of the spirit of traditional Bushido, Japan's defeat in the war was fatal to him, and the gorgeous and violent aesthetic world in the novel reflects his inner emotions.

Reading "Kinkaku-ji Temple", I often trance, this paragraph about the ultimate Jinge beauty of the description, is the heart of the teenager Mizoguchi, but also the desire of the teenager Mizoguchi to "live", but the wandering teenager, disappointed...

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Kinkaku-ji Temple (Yukio Mishima's philosophical classic novel, based on the real-life temple and real crime) ¥42.4 Purchase

I am Chen's mother, a reader who reads 160 books in 2020 and reads at least 3 books a week. Focus on adolescent upbringing and self-lifelong learning, and share my reading, education and psychological knowledge. Like my original text, likes, retweets and comments! Please contact me for reprinting, thank you!

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