
Parolo: If Lukaku stays in the squad, he can also achieve the effect of Dzeko Inter will meet with Kecedo tomorrow

Parolo: If Lukaku stays in the squad, he can also achieve the effect of Dzeko Inter will meet with Kecedo tomorrow

Livestream Bar January 24 At the DAZN studio, Lazio star Parolo talked about Inter and Kesedo.

Parolo said: "Inzaghi Jr. is great, he's a very good manager. Dzeko's post-match speech? It symbolizes the Spirit of Inter, the spirit of the team, the spirit created with the coach. Now when everyone talks about Inter, they will give positive comments, the atmosphere in the team is very positive, and Sanchez is also satisfied with the opportunities he has so far. ”

"If Lukaku is still in Inter, then I believe he can do what Dzeko is doing now, inzaghi Jr.'s tactics allow the team to dare to attack from a high position in the game and take the initiative to attack, but sometimes Inter will also take the initiative to play counter-attack, in terms of the way of playing, Inzaghi Jr. has a lot of choices."

"Kesedo? I know Inter will have a meeting with him tomorrow and they will talk about transfers. Kecedo is certainly willing to join Inter, but Inter need to find the right way to bring in reinforcements. ”

(Iron Fist)

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