
Private photos were sent to netizens, and the flower season girl was blackmailed...

Source: Daqing Evening News

Recently, Zhang Mou, a junior high school girl who lives in the jurisdiction of the East Lake Public Security Bureau in Hulu District, was extorted 600 yuan after being deceived by netizens to obtain private photos, and then Zhang Mou came to the public security substation of the jurisdiction to report to the police. Fortunately, under the full investigation of the East Lake Public Security Bureau, Zhang Recovered his losses and was relieved of worries.

Flower Season Girl Play Game Meet Strange Men

Zhang Mou is a middle school student who often plays online games when he is not busy studying. On March 29, after finishing her homework, she started playing online games as usual.

In an online game, she met a man, two people in the game with tacit understanding, play to the excitement, the two people chatted, and added WeChat. In WeChat, the two gradually "became acquainted", the man seduced Zhang, saying that the two people were so acquainted, wanted to see her private photos, Zhang did not think much, he sent the private photos to each other.

Not long after, the other party said that he wanted to use Zhang's game account and wanted to log in to Zhang's QQ number.

This request makes Zhang very disgusted, she believes that QQ number is her own privacy, QQ has a lot of relatives and friends, in case the other party uses their QQ number to do bad things, what to do? Thinking of this, Zhang Mou did not agree.

Fear of private photos leaked was extorted 600 yuan

Because Zhang did not agree to the other party's request, he said that he wanted to leak her private photos.

Thinking of the handle in the hands of others, Zhang Mou was very uneasy, in the communication, the other party said that it is okay not to disclose private photos, but to transfer 600 yuan to him.

Zhang Mou, who was not deeply involved in the world, transferred 600 yuan to the other party. After transferring the money, the more Zhang Mou thought about it, the more afraid he became, the private photo was still in the hands of the other party, what if the other party still blackmailed her in the future? At about 19:00 on the same day, Zhang Mou came to the East Lake Public Security Substation of the jurisdiction to report to the police.

Police crack the case quickly The suspect is under 18 years old

After receiving the alarm, the Fifth Public Security Brigade of the East Lake Public Security Sub-bureau carried out a special investigation into the matter.

"When the police asked about the details of the case, the victims and their families were particularly worried that the leakage of private photos would cause damage to the victim's reputation and affect his physical and mental health and future life." In the interview, the police handling the case introduced that the police used a variety of means to lock the criminal suspect in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province.

The police handling the case said that in order to ensure the timeliness of handling cases in different places, the East Lake Public Security Sub-bureau contacted the public security organs of Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, and handed over the case to the police of Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, for coordinated handling.

On April 9, police in Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, arrested the criminal suspect Wan Mou. After interrogation, Wan Mou, a native of Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, was under the age of 18, confessed to the illegal facts of the implementation of online extortion and took the initiative to return the cash obtained by the extortion.

Reminder: Minors need to be cautious in online dating

On April 16, the police of the East Lake Public Security Bureau returned the recovered money to the victims and reminded them to take precautions in the future to avoid such incidents.

"Thank you for helping us recover our losses, and thank you for the importance you attach to the online fraud case." The victim's family said, "I really didn't expect to solve the case so quickly, arrest the criminal suspect, and praise your dedication to the people and your conscientious and responsible work attitude." ”

During the interview, the police reminded the public that online dating needs to be cautious, especially minors, do not easily add strangers as friends, and do not leak information and photos involving their privacy, money, important documents and other information and photos to others. At the same time, we must increase vigilance, strengthen prevention, and when we encounter problems such as being deceived and extortion, we must promptly call the police for help.

The police said that the victims and suspects in this case are minors, the minors' physical and mental, intellectual and other aspects of development are not yet mature, their own awareness of prevention and self-protection ability is low, and they lack the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Parents and teachers should strengthen the guidance of minors on the correct use of the Internet, help them establish a sense of safety precautions for the use of the Internet, always care for and pay attention to the children's life dynamics and emotional fluctuations, find problems from the details, and solve problems in a timely manner.

Expert: Communication with your child should be strengthened

Education has always been a compulsory course for parents, teachers and society. What should parents and teachers do for minors? What to note? How to bootstrap? The reporter interviewed Zhang Yifeng, chief physician of daqing Third Hospital.

Director Zhang said that from a professional point of view, the "problem" of the young girl Zhang in this case belongs to the interpersonal communication problems during the student period. The so-called "troubled teenagers" are characterized by repeated and persistent patterns of social disorder, aggression or opposing conduct, sometimes accompanied by emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression or psychiatric symptoms. The general mischievous or rebellious behavior of children and adolescents cannot be counted as "problem teenagers".

Zhang Yifeng said that interpersonal communication problems are also the main aspects of students' mental health problems, and parents and teachers should pay attention to them. Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood, the main manifestations are: emotional instability, emotional richness and vulnerability, easy to impulsiveness, self-control, easy impatience. At this time, they receive a large amount of external information, the social circle expands, and the good feelings for the opposite sex increase, and the teenagers in this period often feel that they have grown up and can make some decisions. However, during this period, their psychological state is often impulsive, sensitive, easy to trust others and easy to be hurt.

For minors at this stage, teachers and parents should understand these psychological characteristics of them in the process of education, and after discovering problems, they should be guided by the situation and solve the problems.

Zhang Yifeng particularly stressed that strengthening communication and trust with children is the key. There are three ways to start: contact and listening; inspiring praise and showing affection; and correcting and anticipating. Correction needs to pay attention to the first to find out whether the child's mistake or negligence is caused by subjective factors or non-subjective factors, the severity, when correcting the child's behavior, pay attention to the occasion, gentle attitude, not impatient, step by step, must not rush to achieve.

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