
Tianshi Sports reporters went to the Beijing Winter Olympics, "Hello Winter Olympics" and you work together to enjoy wonderful ice and snow sports!

As the most important sporting event at the beginning of this year, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games will also be officially opened on February 4, the fourth day of the Chinese New Year. Following the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, the hosting of the Winter Olympics not only made Beijing the world's first "double Olympic" host city, but also of great significance to promoting the development of the Olympic cause and further enhancing China's international influence. How can such a grand event lack Tianshi Sports to accompany you to spend the Winter Olympics together?

Tianshi Sports reporters went to the Beijing Winter Olympics, "Hello Winter Olympics" and you work together to enjoy wonderful ice and snow sports!

From February 4 to 20, 2022 at the Beijing Winter Olympics, Tianshi Sports sent 8 reporters to the front scene to report, and combined the front and back to produce the special program of the Beijing Winter Olympics "Hello Winter Olympics", bringing the audience the most vivid on-site content and different depth of the Scene of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Tianshi Sports reporters went to the Beijing Winter Olympics, "Hello Winter Olympics" and you work together to enjoy wonderful ice and snow sports!

"Hello Winter Olympics"

Tianshi Sports reporters went to the Beijing Winter Olympics, "Hello Winter Olympics" and you work together to enjoy wonderful ice and snow sports!
Tianshi Sports reporters went to the Beijing Winter Olympics, "Hello Winter Olympics" and you work together to enjoy wonderful ice and snow sports!

Ice and snow sports may not be familiar to many viewers before, and the grand convening of the Beijing Winter Olympics will undoubtedly show all the audiences the most professional and competitive competition scenes from all over the world, and "Hello Winter Olympics" will also be divided into multiple sections to bring you a different viewing experience.

Tianshi Sports reporters went to the Beijing Winter Olympics, "Hello Winter Olympics" and you work together to enjoy wonderful ice and snow sports!

"Winter Olympics in Progress" will provide you with the latest content and the best analysis of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, presented to the audience in the first time, highlighting the speed, temperature and depth.

In the "Frontline of the Winter Olympics" section, the frontline reporters of Tianshi Sports will cover the three Winter Olympic areas of Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou, and the reporters in the front will bring you the freshest interviews and game scene stories on the Winter Olympic games from the front through on-site connection and on-site reports.

"Take You to see the Winter Olympics" will show you how the Winter Olympics will be held under the strict epidemic prevention and control, how to overcome the difficulties of holding the Winter Olympics, and what is the fresh and interesting content there, they will take you to the arena and beyond to understand the Scene of the Winter Olympics that cannot be seen in the TV broadcast.

"Winter Olympics Say Doorway" will join hands with experts to enter the studio to professionally interpret the focus of the day's events, helping you understand and see through the doorways of ice and snow sports competitions that are unfamiliar to the audience.

"My Winter Olympics" will present the Olympic life of the organizers, athletes, referees, volunteers or media people of the Beijing Winter Olympics in the form of vlogs, telling their own experiences from their perspectives, and their Winter Olympic stories will also become the epitome of the success of the entire Beijing Winter Olympics.

Tianshi Sports reporters went to the Beijing Winter Olympics, "Hello Winter Olympics" and you work together to enjoy wonderful ice and snow sports!

During the entire Winter Olympic Games, Tianshi Sports not only allows you to see the Winter Olympics on the TV screen, but also uses the advantages of new media to share the bits and pieces of the Beijing Winter Olympics through short videos and graphics through short videos and graphics on platforms such as Toutiao, WeChat and Douyin.

Today, the 8 reporters of Tianshi Sports will officially go to the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and they will bring different general Winter Olympic information to all the audiences in front, so that you can understand the Winter Olympics and fall in love with ice and snow sports!

Tianshi Sports reporters went to the Beijing Winter Olympics, "Hello Winter Olympics" and you work together to enjoy wonderful ice and snow sports!
Tianshi Sports reporters went to the Beijing Winter Olympics, "Hello Winter Olympics" and you work together to enjoy wonderful ice and snow sports!

From February 4 to 20, 2022, every day at 11:55 noon and 18:55 pm, lock the Tianshi Sports Channel, "Hello Winter Olympics" and you will not be separated!

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