
Name: Stern would scold me directly when he was dissatisfied with me, but he never encouraged the boss to fire me

Name: Stern would scold me directly when he was dissatisfied with me, but he never encouraged the boss to fire me

Recently, sports journalist Ken Rosenthal was fired for writing an article criticizing Major League Baseball President Rob Manfred, an incident that attracted widespread attention.

In response, NBA star David Aldridge shared with fans his story with the late former NBA president David Stern, who said: "I worked at Turner Sports for 14 years, and the company cooperated with the league to run NBA TV and the official website. When I write down or say something he doesn't like, do you know what David Stern would do? He would call me and scold me directly. But he never went to my boss and tried to get me fired. ”

(Basket Zhao)

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