
If I feed formula, I'm not as good as a mother who feeds? "

In recent years, mothers, baby manuals, and major hospitals have continuously promoted the benefits of "breastfeeding": convenient for newborn gastrointestinal digestion, enhance resistance, increase parent-child intimacy... The benefits can not be said to be finished, the small class itself is also to feed the mother, but also found that it can indeed save a lot of money. However, in the case of social efforts, there are also too extreme "breast milk advocates"!

If I feed formula, I'm not as good as a mother who feeds? "

Such breast-milk advocates have a strong attachment to "breast milk", believing that if the mother does not have external resistance, she should give the child breast milk at any cost:

"Working mothers, you can still find time to milk!"

"How come you don't have milk?" Just feed it! "

"Tired of feeding? You can lie down and feed! "

"Why do you have milk to return?" Don't you know that there are a lot of moms who want to feed but can't? "

"Breast milk is the best food for your baby."

"Which mother didn't come here like this?"

"The child is because he didn't drink breast milk..."

"With so little milk, does the child have enough to eat?"

"You don't have milk because your milk is small, right?"

Maybe these suggestions are well-intentioned, but if you are too aggressive or have a condescending attitude, it will really make the mother who wants to withdraw the milk and feed the formula feel stressed, wondering if she has made the best decision for her child.

"What if I really don't have good resistance after I don't breastfeed my child?"

"Small children can get sick/allergic/constipated... Is it all because I didn't breastfeed? "

"I have milk, but I don't want to, is that selfish?"

"Why doesn't my milk go up all the time?" Am I not trying hard enough to milk? "

"I'm fed formula, am I better off breastfeeding my mother?"

"Loving children" is not about making adults ignore their feelings

In fact, no matter what kind of relationship you love, you still think that you must "face up" to your own wishes: if you don't want to, no one can force you; others can't criticize and question "whether you are a good mother" because of your mother's wishes.

The standard of "loving children" and "good mothers" is not whether adults burn themselves for their children, but whether they give children a sound, healthy, and loving environment, and give them teaching, giving him the opportunity to take responsibility for themselves, and tasting the consequences, and teaching him to become a strong and independent and upright adult with the ability to be independent.

"Breastfeeding" is an option, as is "formula"

If I feed formula, I'm not as good as a mother who feeds? "

As parents, you do have a responsibility to take care of your child, but "breastfeeding or not" is just one of the choices in the parenting process: parents can choose to give their child formula or drink breast milk.

In the process of children's growth, we also know that spending more money can give children a better education and a better growth environment, but everyone knows to evaluate their economic ability; but why do not take into account the mother's physical strength and quality of life at this stage of breastfeeding?

There are many ways to make children physically strong, not just by drinking their mother's mother's mother's milk, children will be invincible; the work and rest in the process of growing up, the way they eat and eat, and the environment in which they live will have a great relationship. Breastfeeding is good and the best choice for the baby, but the mother can still evaluate her quality of life, physical strength, give the child other choices, and create a win-win situation: the child looks good, the mother is doing well, and the father can also have the opportunity to participate.

The attitude of others...

If I feed formula, I'm not as good as a mother who feeds? "

Honestly, the way a mother feeds her child really has nothing to do with anyone else!

If the mother has doubts about the child's health, she will consult with the doctor herself, or take the initiative to ask her experienced relatives and friends, at this time, analyze the advantages and disadvantages to the mother, let the mother decide:

"If you have enough physical strength and can get up at night, you can continue to feed, but if you can't get up, it doesn't matter if you let your husband get up and soak milk."

"If you are tired, but you want to breastfeed, you can try to lie down and feed it"

"If you can't get up and want to feed breast milk, you can buy a milk warmer, take out the milk in the refrigerator first, and then you can give it to the child to drink."

You don't have to say to your mother, "Why don't you do this, do that?"

Whether it's formula or breast milk, as long as you love your child, you are a good mother. Please stop moral blackmail, emotional blackmail, already worried and upset mothers for their children.

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