
It's on fire! As soon as it was listed, it was speculated to tens of thousands of yuan!

It's almost New Year's

Do you have friends who plan to change mobile phones?

Treat yourself to a year of hard work

In fact, it started at the end of last year

Many mobile phone manufacturers have launched

Folding screen new products

Become a new growth point in the mobile phone market

What is the current competitive situation on this track?

Let's take a look!

It's on fire! As soon as it was listed, it was speculated to tens of thousands of yuan!

Folding screen phones are new one after another

Manufacturers compete for new tracks

On January 18, Honor officially launched the sale of a new folding screen mobile phone, becoming the first folding screen model newly listed in the domestic market after entering 2022. In 2021, major manufacturers such as Huawei, OPPO, Xiaomi, and foreign Samsung have launched their own folding screen mobile phones, and this new track has become lively in a short period of time.

It's on fire! As soon as it was listed, it was speculated to tens of thousands of yuan!

The reporter noted that the folding screen mobile phone forms currently on sale have become more diverse, with different folding methods such as inside and outside, horizontal and vertical. Consumers choose horizontal fold models mostly for larger screens, while vertical folds are made to make the mobile phone smaller when carrying.

It's on fire! As soon as it was listed, it was speculated to tens of thousands of yuan!

According to the sales staff, most of the folding screen mobile phones are currently priced at about 10,000 yuan, or even higher. However, compared with the situation that the early models were speculated to tens of thousands of yuan as soon as they were listed in the previous few years, the current price of folding screen mobile phones has begun to decline, and the cheapest models can reach 7699 yuan.

It's on fire! As soon as it was listed, it was speculated to tens of thousands of yuan!

Tang Hai, General Manager of OPPO Technology Strategic Planning Center: Realize a process from "early adopter" to "commonly used". The production cost is already very high, and the cost of a single hinge is actually more than 600 yuan.

Flexible screen orders increased

Screen manufacturers increase investment to expand production capacity

In the composition of folding screen mobile phones, flexible screen technology is one of the most critical technical links. The growth of the folding screen mobile phone market has also made the upstream screen manufacturers feel obvious changes.

It's on fire! As soon as it was listed, it was speculated to tens of thousands of yuan!

Gao Wenbao is the business leader of a major domestic screen manufacturer. He told reporters that since last year, major brands have successively launched folding mobile phones, and the demand for flexible screens has also increased a lot. At present, they have 3 flexible screen production lines in the country, and the production capacity is relatively sufficient.

It's on fire! As soon as it was listed, it was speculated to tens of thousands of yuan!

Gao Wenbao, executive vice president of BOE: Starting in 2022 should be a first year of folding mobile phones, and head mobile phone companies are basically considered in millions of increments.

Gao Wenbao told reporters that the bending radius of the angle when the flexible screen is bent is the key to measuring the technical level, and the smaller the value, the better the folding effect, and the thinner the mobile phone. Now, they have controlled the bending radius to within 2 millimeters or even lower, and are constantly optimizing the technology.

In the laboratory of another flexible screen factory, the latest folding screen products are undergoing reliability tests. Today's screens still have no trace after folding 200,000 times.

The continuous growth of the market and the continuous maturity of technology have also attracted more screen manufacturers to accelerate the investment layout of folding screens. In Xiamen, Fujian Province, a screen manufacturer invested 48 billion yuan to build a new flexible screen production line, and the folding screen will also become the focus of production here.

It's on fire! As soon as it was listed, it was speculated to tens of thousands of yuan!

According to industry insiders, the current application of flexible screens is also expanding from mobile phones to more fields. In the future, there will be more forms of products such as scroll screens and tri-fold screens, and the market prospects are broad.

The folding screen market is growing rapidly

There is still room for costs to fall

According to market research institute statistics, in 2021, the global folding screen mobile phone shipments will be about 7 million to 8 million units, and the Chinese market shipments will be about 1.4 million units, and the market size will continue to grow. At present, Samsung, which launched the folding screen earlier, has a more obvious market share advantage, followed by domestic brands; the industry predicts that Apple is also expected to join this market in the future.

It's on fire! As soon as it was listed, it was speculated to tens of thousands of yuan!

At the same time as the scale grows, the cost of folding screen mobile phones is also expected to decline. According to industry insiders, compared with traditional bar mobile phones, folding screen mobile phones have more screens and new hinges; and these hardware are currently mostly customized production, with small total amount and high cost. In the future, after the realization of standardization and large-scale production, the price of folding screen mobile phones is expected to drop to about 7,000 yuan to 8,000 yuan.

In addition, the thickness and weight of the fuselage are also the current pain points of folding screen mobile phones. At present, the industry is trying to use titanium alloys, carbon fiber and other materials to make mobile phones lighter, and various devices on mobile phones are also developing towards miniaturization.

It's on fire! As soon as it was listed, it was speculated to tens of thousands of yuan!

According to industry insiders, at this stage, the innovation of the application function of the folding screen mobile phone also needs to be communicated and coordinated by each manufacturer to find the software side separately, and a unified ecology and standards have not yet been formed.

Source: CCTV Finance WeChat

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Edit: Liang Shuang

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