
Weekly Good Luck Constellation TOP3 (0124-0130)

Weekly Good Luck Constellation TOP3 (0124-0130)

Hi guys, I'm VAVA.

In the last week before the Spring Festival, how many friends have opened their Own Spring Festival holiday? Anyway, we are still sticking to our posts, and still bring you various fortunes and lists on time. I believe that there are also many small partners who are still in their posts and trying to complete their tasks.

Whether you're on vacation or still working hard, I hope today's weekly horoscope will give you a little inspiration for your week's plans. So, in the week before the Spring Festival, which constellation partners can occupy a place in the TOP list? Without further ado, let's look down!

TOP3 Leo

TOP2 Sagittarius

TOP1 Cancer

Weekly Good Luck Constellation TOP3 (0124-0130)

(Ascendant constellation is dominant, supplemented by Sun constellation)


Mars for Capricorn will make Aries pay more attention to its intimate relationship. However, also this week, Mercury will also change seats in Capricorn, and Mercury is still in retrograde state at this time. Therefore, under the influence of the two, the partner is prone to think that the relationship is complicated, or will have doubts about the current feelings, and even cause quarrels. In order to avoid misunderstandings, communication is especially important for you at this time.


Career-wise, you can make real progress this week. You will usher in a lot of opportunities, or in other words, you see your future development trajectory, the development trend of the industry. This is a good time for you to quickly seize the opportunity to make adjustments and changes. For many Aries, this is also a great opportunity to set career goals for themselves.

In addition to emotional relationships, this week also needs to remind Aries that the first half of the week is when you are more likely to impulsively consume. Remember to control yourself, but don't spend a lot of money under the impulse.

On the issue of feelings, you have been confused lately. So, singles are good to maintain the status quo this week. As for those with a partner, this week will be the right time for you to be alone. You might revisit your relationship with your partner this week – is what you're seeing, is it your own imagination, or what it really is? It's only when you find the answer that you're really stepping into your emotional life.

At the dinner table, it will be easier for you to take the lead. So, if you have a list that needs to be negotiated, then you may wish to make an appointment with the other party this week, eat at the dinner table and discuss work matters. Some people can also show their capable side in activities such as the company's annual meeting, so as to attract the attention of leaders and bosses.

But this week your financial luck is average, even if you see which investment opportunity, it is not recommended that you make a judgment & decision this week, so as not to bring unnecessary financial losses to yourself.

If you've been used to being in front of your feelings, then this week you'll find yourself starting to want to be the dominant person in the relationship, and you want things to be within your control. Some people will find that their efforts are ignored, and the other party does not give you enough trust, which also makes you feel a lot of sanity in an instant. Whether you're single or not, this week is a time when you see the current state of your relationship.

This week, you're going to get a little bit of a hindrance to your career, especially when you want to take control of the big picture and you'll find that things get a little out of hand. Therefore, it is recommended that you start from the details of your work and transactions, and find problems and breakthroughs from small places. In addition, now is not the time to make a new decision, you can find a countermeasure through the details, and then wait for the time to come.

This week is a good time for Gemini to think. Whether it is emotional or career, you can find the answer through thinking. Of course, this is also the right week for you to study!

For Cancer, who has experienced love injuries before, this week is a good time to heal. In the past few days, you may recall this relationship, but you can also completely put down the emotional baggage after the memory. As for cancer, who has a rift in the relationship, there is also a chance to take the relationship to a new level this week - either the rift is repaired and the two people have a stronger relationship; or they break up peacefully and wave away the wrong person.

If you want to achieve something in your career, then try to meet the big names in the industry and the big people in the company this week. By working with them or learning from each other's experience, you will have a lot of experience in your professional field. However, if you want to try out new projects, it is recommended that you think about it in the future.

Cancer has good energy this week, and your current career direction is right. Emotionally, you are also getting better and better. Some people can also usher in some financial opportunities this week

Single lions have a chance to usher in peach blossom opportunities this week, you will find that the relationship between you and a colleague has undergone a subtle change in the relationship between you and a colleague at the company's annual meeting, and you enjoy this little ambiguity. As for the companion, you need to have some deep communication with your partner this week to resolve the underlying disagreements.

At work, this week, because of the increase in concentration, you also have greater efficiency to complete good tasks. Some people will also find their own development direction at this time. It's just a reminder that due to technical issues or misunderstandings in communication, there will be a chance of error in the work you're responsible for this week. Therefore, you need to be particularly careful and careful to deal with the problems encountered in the work.

Overall, this week you'll be moving in a better direction. You also do feel like you've made a lot of progress. But don't be proud of it, otherwise, ignoring small problems will become a stumbling block for you.

Singles tend to think of old people this week, especially an ex. There are also people who have re-contacted your ex and you feel comfortable with the process of getting along, so you may rethink whether to reunite with your ex. By mid-week, a virgin can express her emotions to someone, and the energy will prompt you to take a big step, and the other person's response is more positive.

Regarding the change in professional style, this week you have a chance to get a better idea. Although now is not the best time to change, it does not prevent you from imagining and planning well in advance. Plus, this week your creativity and ambition for self-expression are strong enough, so this is the time when you can express yourself properly

You have a lot of thoughts this week, emotionally and careerally. It's good to have ideas, but how to make them detailed and when to act should also be an important topic for you this week.

This week, Libra will face more family problems, which will make you prone to uneasiness and make you have no time to take care of emotional problems this week. If it is a family relationship problem, then you can become a mediator of the relationship and solve the problem through communication; if it is a family life problem, then you can also find a compromise solution through communication.

At work, you will have a good creativity. However, your creativity has not been well exerted, at least by your own strength, it cannot be done well. Fortunately, this week, your workplace is well-liked, and many people will lend you a helping hand - you will also realize the strength of the team, in fact, you can get a lot more support than you realize.

This week, there are difficulties for you, but it is not enough to crush you. On the contrary, as long as you can communicate patiently and be willing to ask for help, these so-called difficulties can become easier and easier in an instant.

Scorpio needs to stay calm this week. Whether you are single or together, this week you will find some hidden truths, and as a result, it is easy to have heated discussions with each other. At the end of the discussion, it is easy to turn into an argument because your emotions are out of control. So, if you don't want to hurt each other and don't want to destroy the relationship, then rational communication is crucial.

Career-wise, this week your attention shifts to work conversations. In terms of the launch of the to-do list, you will be bold to give comments, feedback, and hope to get instructions from your superiors. Some of the Scorpio, who are bosses, will also delegate tasks to subordinates because of heavy business, and strive to get things done as soon as possible.

In addition, what needs to remind you this week is that text information involving important documents, emails and so on requires you to conduct a careful review, and even recommend that you take the initiative of multi-person review - you are prone to typos or ambiguity in expression, and the other party will question your professionalism.

Previously, emotionally, the shooter paid less attention to the impression and feeling he gave the other person, but this week you will start to observe what kind of experience and feeling you give the other person. You want to give the other person what he thinks is good, and your intention will be detected by the other party. Your feelings will be much closer.

Under the desire for money, you are particularly motivated this week. Many shooters can express and show their value more confidently this week, and even take the initiative to find new financial opportunities. Although under the influence of water retrograde, your progress of making money is relatively slow for the time being, but you should not be too hasty, as long as you can firmly choose and maintain this proactive attitude, you will reap a lot of money.

This week, shooters have the opportunity to receive some monetary rewards. Either, there is a good reflection of the bonus; or, the superior and the boss have sent you a big red envelope alone, in short, it is a week of money harvest.

Many Capricorns will usher in the contact of friends who have not been seen for a long time. It's just that you need to take the time to filter the information and carefully consider whether the other person is worth your heart. In particular, remember not to over-share your love life and personal information. Because there is a good chance that the other person is asking for your latest situation for one of your exs, or having other plans; maintaining the status quo will be more beneficial to you.

At work, you'll have a good performance this week. Many people can lead the team to complete the work task with a leadership posture. There is also a lot of good news about finances – predictable salary increases will make you think the future is promising. Others will consider changing jobs in the next year and start planning for the future this week.

Emotionally, whether single or not, Capricorn is suitable for moving forward on the original track this week; career-oriented, this week you can try to play your leadership skills. Plus, you might receive a windfall at the beginning of the week, or a good offer!

Water bottles will be more inclined to be alone this week. You take a step back from your relationships and look at how you feel deep inside you – what kind of care do you want to receive, and who can bring you true inner peace? When you think about these questions clearly, you will choose to express your heart to that important person, and you will also reap a major emotional breakthrough.

Trusting your instincts will be the perfect way not to make mistakes in your career this week. If your intuition tells you that it's not time to act, or if you always feel that something is weird, you should hold back even if you haven't found the exact reason. Because, in fact, your subconscious mind is reminding you that things are not going right.

That being the case, let's do a comprehensive inspection of things first, maybe in the process of inspection, you can find out where the fundamental problem is, find a good solution to the problem, and thus achieve further success.

During this time, Pisces was the object of many friends. When a friend is frustrated, the first thing they think of is to talk to you, and you yourself want to be a force to support them. However, the partner should pay attention not to ignore his other half because he cares about the emotional problems of others, or attach negative emotions to his partner.

Career-wise, you'll be motivated this week. You'll work hard to network and proactively reach out to potential customers, which will allow you to learn a lot from others. At the same time, you also have a touch of ingenuity, and when combined with the two, you will be able to break the bottlenecks you encounter in your work. There are also people who have entered the new social circle because of active contact and contact.

Stepping out of the old circle and moving into the new social circle will bring you new perspectives and new opportunities. Therefore, treating everyone around you with an open mind this week can bring you a lot of new elements

As the last week before the New Year

This week, many small partners should not move

But we can envision and plan

Leave it for a new beginning after the New Year

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