
The Heavenly Dry Earth Chronicle has finally learned! [Laughs] [Heart] [Ador] Tiangandi Branch Tiangan: Methyl Ethyl Propyl butyl heptyl heptyl Heptyl Nondec corresponding: 4567890123 Ground Branch: Zi Ugly Yin 卯

author:Teacher Pipiron

The Heavenly Dry Earth Chronicle has finally learned! [Laughs] [Heart] [Adoration]

Heaven and earth branches

Tiangan: A Ethyl Propyl butyl pentyl Heptyl Heptyl Heptyl Heptane He

Correspondence: 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3

Earth Branch: Zi Ugly Yin 卯 辰 巳 巳午未 Shen 酉 戌海

Correspondence: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1 2 3

Example 2022:

Tiangan - the tail number 2 corresponds to the tiangan: 壬

Ground branch - 202212➗= 168 yu 6, the remainder 6 corresponds to the ground branch: Yin

2022 is the year of Nongyin [Bixin] [Bixin]

You learned it well[than the heart] [than the heart] [laughs]

#Tiangandi branch # #黄历 #

The 22-year-old yellow calendar is torn apart every day

The Heavenly Dry Earth Chronicle has finally learned! [Laughs] [Heart] [Ador] Tiangandi Branch Tiangan: Methyl Ethyl Propyl butyl heptyl heptyl Heptyl Nondec corresponding: 4567890123 Ground Branch: Zi Ugly Yin 卯
The Heavenly Dry Earth Chronicle has finally learned! [Laughs] [Heart] [Ador] Tiangandi Branch Tiangan: Methyl Ethyl Propyl butyl heptyl heptyl Heptyl Nondec corresponding: 4567890123 Ground Branch: Zi Ugly Yin 卯
The Heavenly Dry Earth Chronicle has finally learned! [Laughs] [Heart] [Ador] Tiangandi Branch Tiangan: Methyl Ethyl Propyl butyl heptyl heptyl Heptyl Nondec corresponding: 4567890123 Ground Branch: Zi Ugly Yin 卯