
Deciduous teeth development germination schedule, teach mothers to prevent children's caries, let the baby grow healthily the most complete deciduous tooth development schedule, every parent should understand, in order to protect the baby's teeth written at the end:

author:Jing Ma Parenting

Wen | Jingma

Deciduous teeth development germination schedule, teach mothers to prevent children's caries, let the baby grow healthily the most complete deciduous tooth development schedule, every parent should understand, in order to protect the baby's teeth written at the end:

September 20 is National Tooth Love Day!

According to the 4th national oral rheumatic data, the carious rate of 5-year-old children in China is 70.9%, compared with 10 years ago, the carious rate has increased by 5.8 percentage points.

That is to say, the more developed the economy, the better the child's living conditions, and the higher the child's deciduous tooth caries rate.

Many parents say that the child grows teeth at 6-8 months, in fact, this statement is wrong, after the child is born, the deciduous teeth erupt from the gums, and the development time of the deciduous teeth will be longer.

Deciduous teeth development germination schedule, teach mothers to prevent children's caries, let the baby grow healthily the most complete deciduous tooth development schedule, every parent should understand, in order to protect the baby's teeth written at the end:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > the most complete deciduous tooth development schedule, every parent should understand in order to protect the baby's teeth</h1>

▲First trimester: the formation period of the embryo matrix of the deciduous teeth

From 35 days of pregnancy, or just over 20 days after implantation, the embryo of the deciduous teeth begins to form slowly.

At this time, there is no attention to nutrition and protection, which is easy to reduce the anti-caries ability of deciduous teeth.

We will find that some children also pay great attention to brushing their teeth and will not eat a lot of sugar, but the child is only two or three years old but full of caries, the most important thing is that they do not pay attention in the first trimester.

【JingMa Suggestion】

★ Nutritionally balanced

In the first trimester, the mother has a bad appetite, a lot of food can not be eaten, it is recommended to drink 400 ml of milk every day, because the formation of teeth requires high-quality protein and calcium.

Appropriate eating of animal liver, one to prevent iron deficiency anemia, the other can supplement vitamin A, improve the teeth, anti-caries ability.

Deciduous teeth development germination schedule, teach mothers to prevent children's caries, let the baby grow healthily the most complete deciduous tooth development schedule, every parent should understand, in order to protect the baby's teeth written at the end:

★ Prevent infection

If the mother is infected with rubella in the first trimester, it is easy to affect the development of the tooth germ.

★ Don't mess with medication

Sleeping sedative drugs can affect the development of tooth germs.

▲Second trimester: calcification of deciduous teeth

Pregnant mothers have a slightly better appetite, be sure to pay attention to the intake of various minerals and vitamin AD.

500 ml of milk per day, if you can't drink milk, you can consider calcium supplement tablets, note that calcium tablets are best to contain vitamin B.

Deciduous teeth development germination schedule, teach mothers to prevent children's caries, let the baby grow healthily the most complete deciduous tooth development schedule, every parent should understand, in order to protect the baby's teeth written at the end:

▲ Third trimester: deciduous teeth form

In the third trimester, most of the deciduous teeth have been formed, and some of the tooth embryos of the permanent teeth have begun to form, at this time, the child's deciduous teeth are basically fixed, but it is also necessary to pay attention to nutritional balance.

Pay attention to the intake of calcium, protein and vitamins, which is conducive to the growth of permanent teeth.

Deciduous teeth development germination schedule, teach mothers to prevent children's caries, let the baby grow healthily the most complete deciduous tooth development schedule, every parent should understand, in order to protect the baby's teeth written at the end:

▲6 to 8 months: Incision teeth erupt in the milk

That is, the child's first deciduous tooth, many children will grow two at the same time when the teeth erupt, first grow below or first grow above, different children are different.

Of course, there are also a small number of children who have early emergence of deciduous teeth, such as appearing not long after birth. If the child erupts prematurely and has no root of the tooth, it will generally be looser, and it should be removed as soon as possible to avoid the danger caused by the esophagus or trachea of the misspenting material.

It is also normal for some children to have their first deciduous teeth at 10 or even 11 months.

The child's deciduous teeth erupt early and late, and genetic nutrition have a certain relationship, but the child's deciduous teeth over one year old have not yet erupted, it is recommended to take the child to the doctor.

After the child's incision teeth erupt, parents should pay attention to cleaning the child's teeth and take the child to see a dentist to understand whether the child's teeth erupt normally.

Deciduous teeth development germination schedule, teach mothers to prevent children's caries, let the baby grow healthily the most complete deciduous tooth development schedule, every parent should understand, in order to protect the baby's teeth written at the end:

▲8 to 10 months: There are lateral incisors erupting

There are a total of 4 deciduous incisors in children, one on the upper and lower sides, and most children will begin to erupt in 8 to 10 months.

Some children will first erupt the upper middle and lateral incisors, and then the bottom will erupt, as long as the child grows the first tooth before the age of one, parents do not have to worry too much.

Pay attention to the child's teeth, if there are food residues left between the teeth when eating, you should clean them in time.

Deciduous teeth development germination schedule, teach mothers to prevent children's caries, let the baby grow healthily the most complete deciduous tooth development schedule, every parent should understand, in order to protect the baby's teeth written at the end:

▲12 to 16 months: the first breast molar erupts

The first deciduous molars are the fourth of the right middle teeth to be counted back, and some parents will feel worried about why their child's teeth are not long on the side, and the inside is the first to grow.

In fact, the child's first breast molar will grow faster, because the child will start to eat some granular food after the age of one, and need to chew the teeth.

Don't be too confusing with what you eat, and learn to exercise your child's chewing ability, because your child's teeth are also used in vain.

Deciduous teeth development germination schedule, teach mothers to prevent children's caries, let the baby grow healthily the most complete deciduous tooth development schedule, every parent should understand, in order to protect the baby's teeth written at the end:

▲16 to 20 months: Deciduous fangs erupt

Deciduous cuspid teeth are the third tooth counted from the middle incisor, which is the main incisor of the child and plays a very important role in the physical cutting of food.

When the child's deciduous teeth erupt, the child's mouth has a lot of teeth, be sure to brush the child's teeth with a finger toothbrush in time, and even use a special children's toothbrush to slowly brush the child's teeth.

Give the child night milk in time, quit the bottle, and avoid the child from becoming a bottle caries.

▲ 24 to 30 months: the second milk molar eruption

With the eruption of the second deciduous molars, it means that the child's deciduous teeth are fully grown, and the child has a mouthful of deciduous teeth, and parents must learn to protect and use them.

Brush your teeth in the morning and evening, rinse your mouth after meals, and find that your child's teeth have food debris that can be flossed.

Deciduous teeth development germination schedule, teach mothers to prevent children's caries, let the baby grow healthily the most complete deciduous tooth development schedule, every parent should understand, in order to protect the baby's teeth written at the end:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="54" > written at the end:</h1>

Children's deciduous teeth grow well in order to eat well and be healthier!

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