
The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

author:Raising flowers

Summer flowers are not easy to raise, the grass at the door is growing very vigorously, many of which are poisonous plants, everyone should be careful, especially if there are children in the summer vacation at home, be sure to protect him/her!

Airplane grass

Aircraft grass is a more "rampant" invasive plant in recent years, and it is also poisonous, its juice and pollen, smell may cause skin, respiratory allergies, if eaten by mistake, may be nervous, walking shaky, severe will be bloated, suffocation.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Airplane grass looks very ordinary and is easily confused with edible plants such as herbs, perilla (green sustenance), and green amaranth. Everyone pays attention to its leaf veins, the more obvious three leaf veins.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Airplane grass reproduces very quickly, and can grow a large patch in a few months, because it is inexplicably flooded, and people think it is like a seed sprinkled from an airplane, so it is called airplane grass. If you see it near home, it is best to eradicate it immediately.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

American merchant land

American shanglu is also an invasive poisonous plant, it grows quickly, the fruit is a bit similar to mulberry and dragon flower, some people will eat it out of curiosity, after eating it may appear nausea, shortness of breath, headache and diarrhea...

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

This tall American merchant land, the leaves are also relatively luxuriant, I have seen someone eat its leaves as wild vegetables before, and the result is poisoned.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Shanglu's root system is very thick, a small seedling on the ground, the root system at the bottom may have radish thick, some people use it to fake ginseng, or call it "wild ginseng", we must pay attention to screening Ha.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

American shanglu is not only poisonous in the whole plant, but also affects the ecology, such a large rhizome, will occupy the water and nutrients in the soil, and the surrounding flowers, plants, vegetables and fruits to seize the survival resources, so everyone sees it, but also in time to eradicate.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned


The roadside oleander is now also flowering, the oleander is highly toxic, the toxicity mainly comes from the sap, if the juice is ingested by mistake, it may be dizzy and nauseous, weak limbs, fainting and even death.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

There are also many varieties of oleanders, common dark pink, light pink, white, and yellow varieties, why do highly toxic oleanders still grow on the side of the road? Mainly because they grow strongly, even on the roadsides with greater exhaust pollution, they can thrive and bloom.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Pictured: White oleander

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Pictured: Pink oleander

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Pictured: Dark pink oleander

Oleander as a green plant, everyone can watch and watch, do not fold the branches with your bare hands, do not give children flowers, fold branches, in case the hand that has taken the branches and flowers rubs into the mouth and eyes, the consequences will be serious.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Medicinal watermelon

This kind of mini watermelon grows at home, don't play with children, and don't let children eat it! This is a medicinal watermelon, scientific name cassiophila, contains a kind of alkaloid toxicity, which can cause human and animal poisoning.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Cassis is also an invasive plant, originally only appeared in the mountain forest, now the longer and more, human settlements are often seen, its fruit is very attractive, the fruit with watermelon skin is immature, the most toxic, mature and yellow after maturity.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

The leaves of cassis are also covered with spikes, and if encountered near the home or field, it is best to eradicate them as soon as possible, otherwise it may become a safety hazard.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned


When I was a child, I was playing outside with my friends every day, and I was most afraid of encountering nettles when I went to the field, which was hidden in the weeds, with thorns on the leaves, and if I was accidentally stabbed, my skin was red and swollen and itchy, and it hurt for several days.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Nettle can not only cause physical attack, but also toxin output, its needle hair has formic acid, will cause skin redness and swelling, serious will also cause skin allergies, the original skin of the child, after being stabbed by nettle may often be prone to skin allergies.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Before seeing someone eat nettle, soaking water, boiling water to drink, said to be a folk remedy, it is recommended that you do not try easily, it is best to take it under the premise of medical advice, otherwise it may cause poisoning.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Bright yellow flowers, "false yellow flowers"

Now is also the flowering period of yellow cauliflower, yellow cauliflower flower buds are relatively long, flower buds are more, and the common roadside grass is not the same, although they all belong to the grass genus, but there is still a difference, we do not confuse eat Ha.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Pictured: Broccoli

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Pictured: Horticultural grass

Grass is poisonous, bright yellow flowers are also slightly toxic, it is best to pick off the flower buds before eating, do not eat too much at a time, otherwise it is easy to stomach pain. The gardening grass planted on the side of the road is slightly more toxic and the taste is not as good as that of yellow cauliflower, so it is better not to pick and eat randomly.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Half summer

After the summer rain, the yard is prone to grow some strange flowers and plants, such as half summer, its branches are top of three leaves, typical Tiannanxing family plants, but also a famous Chinese medicine, poisonous, nothing to dig.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

When Hua Hua was a child, he found a half-summer tree under the tree at the door, curious to dig it out, its roots are a few small balls, the smell is somewhat unpleasant, the mucus can not be washed off the hands, soon dizzy and nauseous, passed out for an afternoon to get better.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Later asked the doctor to know that the half summer is toxic, especially raw fresh half summer, smelling the taste will make people uncomfortable, if you contact the skin, mouth, nose and eyes, it will also cause allergies or redness, breathing difficulties, etc., so everyone still have to be careful.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Bitter almonds

Summer is the season to eat apricots, many people eat apricots, but also keep the core, knock open after taking out the almonds inside to eat, everyone should be careful, bitter almonds do not eat Oh, after eating may be stomachache, dizziness and nausea, breathing difficulties ...

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Remember that in the biography of Zhen Huan, An Lingrong finally died of bitter almonds, although this is a TV series, some artistic exaggerations, but in reality, bitter almonds are indeed more toxic, do not eat indiscriminately, let alone feed to children.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Common sweet almond varieties are: Dragon King Hat, Youyi, Bai Yu bian, a swarm of bees, their flesh is not much, and only almonds are sold after maturity. And the fruit apricot on the market, the almond is small, the maturity is not enough, we still do not take the almond to eat.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned


A few days ago, there was a news, saying that a person drank a friend's own brewed medicinal wine after cardiac arrest, clicked on and looked carefully to find that his friend's brewed medicinal wine, which added aconitum, this is a highly toxic thing!

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Aconitum is a kind of buttercup plant, looks a bit like Artemisia annua, Artemisia annua, blossoming purple mostly, is a more famous Traditional Chinese medicine, but also has a highly toxic, we must not try at will, too toxic, minutes let people lose their lives.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Aconitum all plants are poisonous, not only rhizomes, leaves, flowers, fruits are poisonous, everyone in the outdoors to see as far away as possible, do not think it is a beautiful small wildflower on the pinch, juice rubbed to the hand, accidentally after the entrance is dangerous.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned


A few days ago I saw the flower friends asking if this wild fruit is mulberry, after watching the real cold sweat are down, this is a highly toxic Massang, the ripe consequences become black purple, a bit like mulberries and blueberries, there is a high poison, after eating 2-3 hours after the strong reaction.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

According to the description of netizens, The horse mulberry fruit is still quite sweet, when I was a child, I was curious to eat a few pills, and it didn't take long to start stomach pain, dizziness and vomiting, fortunately I immediately went to the hospital, and lived in the hospital for a few days before I dared to go home.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

The rhizomes and leaves and fruits of Massang are poisonous, and in the countryside it also has a name called Noisy Fish, throwing it into the fish pond can kill fish, and in the past it was also used to make soil pesticides, kill some field pests, small animals and the like, which shows the great toxicity.

The fruit at the door is like a "dragon flower", hurry to pull it out, do not eat it, it will be poisoned

Summer is the season of high incidence of plant poisoning

Poisonous plants on your doorstep

You have to recognize it

You can also talk to your family about science

Establish safety awareness.~

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