
The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

The last day of 2018, Shanghai.

This landmark, I think everyone can see it.

In the afternoon, two hours of wandering, met a lot of couples who were photographing wedding dresses.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

Bride in a big red dress.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

The couple behind the bride in the red dress, is it envy or what?

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

Here's a standard photo.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

Another pair, yesterday heavy snow, today's Shanghai is close to zero temperatures.

For the wedding dress, shirtless, also spelled.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

What does this look say.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

Sweet look up.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

Happiness takes off.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

A sweet match.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

Rub your hands, cold.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

The bride was sweet.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

Change the scene, strip and start shooting.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

Upward look, a little melancholy.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

Put your arms around you and I'll laugh.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

This pair is a bit of a ghost horse.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

The little couple is not willing to be lonely, and they also filmed.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

Without a boyfriend, girlfriends can also start shooting.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

After the rubbing, I came out of the bookstore,

At a glance at the uncle walking the dog, there is a kind of loneliness that crosses life.

The last day of 2018, this year is not easy for the country and the people,

I hope that in 2019, everyone will have a small luck, enough to resist this long life.

The bride on the last day of 2018 in Shanghai

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