
Read | the dangers of procrastination and 5 tips for overcoming procrastination

author:Ah Hui grew up reading

Hello everyone, I am your friend Ah Hui! Today we're going to talk about procrastination.

First, what is procrastination

Read | the dangers of procrastination and 5 tips for overcoming procrastination

Speaking of "procrastination", many people are not too unfamiliar, and among young people, "procrastination" is a very representative phenomenon.

For example, you obviously want to learn English words, but you don't want to start; you obviously have a lot of time, but you want to do some easy things first, such as brushing dramas and watching movies, playing games and playing mobile phones to brush vibrato.

Always enjoying the pleasures of the moment, satisfying the pleasures of the present, often ignoring the importance of what to do. I always thought that I would go to work after watching this episode, and I would learn after playing this game.

In the workplace, many people will also suffer from the following "diseases":

Every day, I set the alarm clock at 7 o'clock at work, but I was deducted for being late because I got up half an hour late;

Got a fitness card, full of confidence in the mirror said to lose weight, two months later the pattern did not move;

The tasks assigned by the leader early in the morning were completed today, so they began to be hurriedly done an hour before work;

According to a survey by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 86% of chinese workers currently suffer from procrastination. 50% never start working until the last minute. 13% of people have no one to urge and can't get the job done.

The tasks that can be completed today must be postponed to tomorrow or even longer.

Many people with serious procrastination always stand in the whirlpool of inefficiency and struggle, but do not know that they have fallen into the quagmire of procrastination, which is also one of the reasons for the anxiety of modern workplace people.

The cause of procrastination is often due to lack of motivation, or overestimating our own ability to execute in the future, and we who are used to procrastination can still be saved?

The Five Deadly Sins of Procrastination

Read | the dangers of procrastination and 5 tips for overcoming procrastination

Hazard one: Doubt yourself

Procrastination cannibalize a person's self-confidence, the first time for 5 minutes, the second time for 10 minutes... Gradually, you can't complete the task on time, and then enter the reality of being constantly criticized and constantly being degraded, thus accepting your own incompetence.

The less and less confident they become, the worse and worse their work status, their lower and lower efficiency, and they gradually become mediocre.

Hazard two: mental atrophy

The root cause of mental atrophy lies in the word "laziness". If you look closely, you will find that there are many lazy people around you, who are passive and slack, and get by.

Lazy people are lazy and hardworking, lack motivation, these people do not have great ambitions, so they can't be active at work because there is no expected return.

Foreigners in Beijing, many people complain that Beijingers are lazy, this is not false, I began to wonder, is Beijinger born lazy?

No place is a place where people are born lazy, or 99% of people are lazy, and those who work hard, some are workaholic, some are forced. After careful observation, the secret was discovered, the aforementioned Cheng Sihao, a Beijinger, worked passively, had no ambition, and the spirit of working every day was not high, and he looked sluggish. After careful questioning, he learned that his family was a demolition household, and there were 9 houses in the family, and trying to make money did not attract him.

Most of the colleagues around Li Gang are North Drift, and many young people who have just graduated have a monthly salary of four or five thousand, but they are much more desperate than him, because these people have a monthly rent of 3,000-4,000 yuan, squeezed in a small house of more than ten meters. They have a clear goal, to make more money, to work hard to change the status quo, to live better, so these people have a better mental state and are more fighting.


Procrastination can make people more and more lazy and mentally weak, and the way to change is to set goals for yourself and act with the expected return. A busy person's mental state will not be much worse, on the contrary, a comfortable person will have a state of mental atrophy.

When people gradually accept the comfortable status quo, they will become lazier and lazier, and their mental state will gradually deteriorate, which is the reason for mental atrophy.

Hazard three: Inability to realize ideas

Your ideas, goals, dreams, plans... Everything will be impossible because of procrastination. Many people were people with ambitions and goals before procrastination worsened, but procrastination brought them a devastating blow. Planned things cannot be accomplished, once thoughts cannot be realized, and repeated losses bring spiritual devastation, which in turn leads to other "complications": loss of confidence, negativity, and depression.

Anne loved to draw and had a dream from a very young age to come up with a personal picture book. Unfortunately, due to procrastination, Anne's dream was delayed.

Then the opportunity came, and an editor at a publishing house approached her to paint a book of watercolor. Opportunity came from the sky, and Anne was thrilled, but she did not realize that she had suffered from severe procrastination, and she had planned for herself to complete one page a day and draw a book in three months.

However, it was late to come home after work every day, and Anne was physically and mentally exhausted, really reluctant to write, and always told herself that "tomorrow you can draw one more page". As a result, three months later, she was only halfway done.

The editor has been urging, Annie has been delaying, and finally the editor terminated the contract on the grounds that the best publishing time had passed, and Annie's dream was ruined. Anne was heartbroken, it was her dream from childhood to adulthood, and even though she couldn't publish it, she decided to finish the book. However, until today, she has not been able to finish the painting, ask her why, she will say "anyway, can not be published, slowly draw."

In life, there are too many people like Anne, they are deeply affected by procrastination, and the dreams and good plans they once had will not be implemented because of procrastination.

Dreams, plans, goals can not be achieved, it basically determines the state of mediocrity, if you do not want to do nothing all the time, do not be ruined by procrastination.

Let the dream shine into reality! When we successfully achieve a task, we feel a sense of accomplishment, and this sense of accomplishment can be effective in fighting procrastination, because you will expect the next success, gradually entering a virtuous circle, and then cure procrastination.

Hazard Four: Becoming Self

If you're not a person with severe procrastination, you generally don't procrastinate on everything, and most people never procrastinate on what they like. For a simple example, if you particularly like a girl, the kind that goes crazy when you see it, and you are not a, then you will definitely put it into action.

The example may not be appropriate, but the reasoning is the same. For example, if you like to play football, you will definitely play two feet when you have time; you like to play video games, and it is estimated that you will have to play for an hour at night even if you are busy at work.

However, in the face of things you don't like, your attitude will be different, and you will start procrastinating and only doing what you like. The result is that you become more and more egotistical, lack a sense of responsibility, and feel annoying.

This is the case with Dong Hao, who is the network administrator of a small company and is responsible for both hardware and software. However, he prefers to deal with software problems and has long lost interest in computer assembly. Sometimes when he is busy, many colleagues ask him to install a computer, he will habitually procrastinate, and the software problem shows a positive attitude.

In Dong Hao's view, software problems can improve themselves, but he forgot his duties, resulting in the dissatisfaction of many colleagues.

It is easy to procrastinate on things you don't like, and gradually develop a habit of self-centeredness, which unconsciously becomes very annoying and affects interpersonal relationships.

Selfish people are repulsive, you need to promote a sense of responsibility, and when you absolutely have to take responsibility for something, you don't continue to procrastinate.

Hazard five: emotional disorders

Because procrastination leads to low work efficiency, anxiety, panic, self-denial, self-depreciation, and even world-weariness begin to appear.

Taking students as an example, foreign studies have found that up to 95% of college students intend to postpone their academic tasks, and 70% of college students have regular delays in their studies.

Psychologists believe that procrastination behavior is a way for people to fight anxiety, when a person wants to make a decision or start a task, anxiety, fear and other emotions will appear, and emotional disorders in turn affect efficiency.

Xiaoli is a junior, she has exam anxiety disorder, and once the exam is approaching, she will have an emotional disorder. She hoped to complete the exam through surprise revision, but every time she thought about the upcoming exam and the possibility that she might not pass, she became anxious, and as a result, she couldn't read the book every time, worried about this worry, and eventually 90% of the exams were broken due to procrastination. After that, her mood was even worse. Such a cycle caused her to break the can and even deliberately drop out of school.

Anxiety in the face of difficult problems is a normal reaction, you have to face the problem and actively look for solutions, rather than by blindly delaying and escaping. Each successful problem solving relieves emotional anxiety, so increasing a positive experience of success can also effectively alleviate procrastination.

Third, tips for curing "procrastination"

Read | the dangers of procrastination and 5 tips for overcoming procrastination

★ Cut off the source of interference

There are many sources of distractions in life, such as mobile phones, computers, the Internet, etc., and when we want to concentrate on one thing, especially when doing something that we want to procrastinate, we should cut off all the sources of interference that may interrupt our state of concentration.

★ Disable multitasking

Sometimes, single-threaded work allows us to maintain a high degree of attention, allowing us to complete tasks faster, thereby reducing the number of procrastinations and cultivating good habits of immediate completion.

★ Don't strive for too much perfection

Part of the task we procrastinates is because we think it's too hard or we want to do it more perfectly, and when we lower our goals, we do it immediately.

★ Set a focus time

When you want to do something, set yourself a timer, such as 20 minutes, and tell yourself that you must focus on the task in front of you during those 20 minutes, without any excuse to shirk.

★ It is impossible to wait for others

Sometimes there is only one real way to get the job done, and that is to do it yourself. We sometimes expect others to be able to do something, it is better to do it ourselves, although it is painful, but we can grasp the progress of the work, rather than trying to supervise others.

Read | the dangers of procrastination and 5 tips for overcoming procrastination

I am your friend Ah Hui, a psychological lover who loves to read, focusing on two things: one is self-growth, and the other is time management. I hope today's sharing is enlightening to you, welcome to favorite forwarding!

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