
【Ovarian cancer case sharing】 Ovarian cancer belongs to the category of "fistula" in Traditional Chinese medicine, and the description of ovarian cancer can be found in the "Theory of the Origin of Diseases" "By eating and drinking... Qi and blood are strained, and the internal organs are weak

author:Liu Zili, an oncologist in traditional Chinese medicine

【Ovarian cancer case sharing】 

Ovarian cancer belongs to the category of "fistula" in Traditional Chinese medicine, and the description of ovarian cancer can be found in the "Theory of the Origin of Diseases" that "by eating and drinking... Qi and blood are strained, the internal organs are weak, and they are subject to wind and cold, so that they enter the abdomen and are born with blood and qi. The paralysis is also false, and its agglomeration is false and painful, and it moves and moves." Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the occurrence of ovarian cancer is mostly due to insufficient body positive qi, or emotional factors, dietary inadequacies, resulting in dysfunction of the internal organs, blockage of the qi machine, blood stasis, phlegm drinking, wet and other tangible evils that do not congeal, stop gathering the lower abdominal uterus, the accumulation of sun and moon, and gradually become. The ovaries are located in the lower focus, and their meridians are connected to the liver and kidney meridians, "women take the liver as the congenital, kidney-based", and the physiological function of the ovaries is inseparable from the liver and kidney organs. The Treatise on Fever in Su Qing and Commentary on Fever Yun: "When righteous qi is stored, evil cannot be done; where evil is gathered, its qi will be empty." The incidence of ovarian cancer belongs to the "positive and false reality", positive deficiency is mainly liver and kidney deficiency, liver and kidney deficiency includes two aspects: first, liver and kidney dysfunction, liver qi depression. It is mainly due to factors such as excessive pressure on modern women's life and work, poor mood, and less exercise that cause liver qi depression and liver and kidney disorders. The second is the deficiency of liver and kidney in the sense of traditional Chinese medicine, and the deficiency of sperm and blood. Most of them are caused by factors such as long-term accumulation of liver qi and kidneys, as well as few or no menstruation, late marriage and late childbearing, and non-breastfeeding. Liver and kidney deficiency is the basis for the formation of ovarian cancer. 

The patient, a female, was diagnosed with a recurrence of 3 months after ovarian cancer surgery more than 1 year after surgery. Symptoms: wasting and fatigue, abdominal distension and abdominal pain, hot flashes and night sweats, poor sleepiness, short urine, poor stool, dull tongue, thin white moss, and fine pulses. Abdominal CT shows postoperative recurrence of ovarian cancer with a small amount of ascites. TCM diagnosis: accumulation, TCM dialectics: liver and kidney insufficiency, qi and yin deficiency. The treatment is to nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish the qi and nourish the yin, and attack the poison and communication as the method. Medication: ripe ground yellow, yellow cedar, zhimu, dogwood, yam, peony peel, white art, poria, astragalus, ginseng, psyllium, diarrhea, etc., after the medication, bloating, abdominal pain and other symptoms are significantly reduced, there is still fatigue, poor tolerance, spleen and stomach qi deficiency is more significant, light tongue, thin white moss, fine pulse. Continue to use dialectical drugs, the symptoms are further alleviated, the spirit and diet are better, the tongue is light, the moss is thin and white, and the pulse is fine. Cha Cai Chao showed a significant reduction in ascites. After 3 consecutive months of treatment, the mental state and diet improved significantly, and the symptoms were significantly reduced. He is now in stable condition.

#Very cases##Cancer##中医 #

【Ovarian cancer case sharing】 Ovarian cancer belongs to the category of "fistula" in Traditional Chinese medicine, and the description of ovarian cancer can be found in the "Theory of the Origin of Diseases" "By eating and drinking... Qi and blood are strained, and the internal organs are weak