
Shanxi's black boss served as the prison storm of the Patriotic Army, which changed for ten years and involved more than 90 public officials

author:Big and small things in Yuncheng
Shanxi's black boss served as the prison storm of the Patriotic Army, which changed for ten years and involved more than 90 public officials

The former Shanxi black boss Ren Aijun, nicknamed "Xiao Simao", can be described as a storm figure in the entire mountainous area, this seemingly extremely quiet white-faced scholar, known for his fierce behavior, in Datong, Lüliang area known as no one dares to provoke. In April 2003, Xiao Simao, who was carrying 14 counts of mafia-related crimes, was imprisoned, and both ordinary people and mixed-ups on the road breathed a sigh of relief. This time, Xiao Simao was sentenced to life imprisonment, which also means that he will spend the rest of his life in prison. However, the truth exceeded everyone's expectations, and after only ten years of imprisonment, Xiao Simao walked out of prison in a high profile and embarked on the road of the underworld again. After the high-profile release from prison after the Spring Festival in 2013, the news that Xiao Simao was about to complete his sentence and be released from prison did not go away, this news made those who had a holiday with Xiao Simao feel frightened, and ordinary people showed a look of disbelief: life imprisonment, can actually be reduced to ten years of imprisonment? Xiao Simao's former horse boy became more and more rampant, and it seemed to confirm the news that Xiao Simao was about to be released from prison. In fact, even after the black old size Four Mao went in, these lucky horses who escaped by chance never stopped, but as the legendary day of Little Four Mao's release from prison approached, they were more brightly active in various entertainment venues and clubs, eagerly waiting for the day of Xiao Si Mao's release from prison. At three o'clock in the morning on June 28, 2013, Quwo Prison in Quwo County, Linfen City, was brightly lit. As the prison's firm iron door slowly opened, several cars escorting those who had completed their sentences came out of the prison gate, and on one of the cars sat the black boss Ren Aijun, that is, Xiao Simao. Despite the psychological preparations, the staff responsible for escorting the prisoners were stunned by the situation outside the prison gate. Only to see that outside the gate of the prison, there were already two hundred people gathered, including many luxury cars such as Bentley and Rolls-Royce. The people involved in welcoming Xiao Simao out of prison were not only his little brother at the time, but also the local coal boss. The prison car drove all the way to the highway gate and decided to put Ren Aijun down. When a quiet-looking little Simao leaned out of the police car, the crowd that followed erupted into thunderous applause, and some even set off firecrackers to celebrate.

Shanxi's black boss served as the prison storm of the Patriotic Army, which changed for ten years and involved more than 90 public officials

According to the recollections of people who happened to pass by the highway intersection at that time, such a situation once caused a blockage at the highway intersection in the early morning, and the traffic jam lasted for more than an hour. Twice imprisoned, seven times commuted sentences of "one Ding, two Wei Cao, three fat, four hairs, five turns and six monks", and horizontal criticism of "man lin is big", which is a list of triad strength that was widely circulated in the mouths of the people of Shanxi in the 1990s, and the "four maos" refers to Ren Aijun. Although Xiao Simao was not yet at the top of the list at that time, his heart was fierce and hot, and he had already become famous. Fu Mou, a triad-related personnel belonging to different camps, because he said a few words of dissatisfaction with Xiao Simao, he attracted a fierce counterattack from the other side, and Xiao Simao instructed xiao Brother to hit Fu Mou, breaking his ribs and legs, and hitting his spleen and bleeding. In order to survive, Fu's family collected 90,000 yuan overnight as a "redemption fee" to survive. After entering the millennium, Shanxi set off a climax of cracking down on criminal syndicates and eliminating evil, and none of these famous black bosses on the list were spared, or were sentenced to death, or sentenced to death, and the underworld they organized also suffered a catastrophe. Just when the people were celebrating, a fish that slipped through the net appeared strangely. Ren Aijun, who only has a junior high school education, looks elegant, polite, and treats people with modesty and courtesy, but he has not been a fuel-saving lamp since he was a child, and in 1994, he was sentenced to six years in prison for hooliganism, intentional injury, and robbery. After only serving two years in prison, Xiao Simao was sentenced to be changed for "major meritorious service", and actually only served more than two years in prison.

Shanxi's black boss served as the prison storm of the Patriotic Army, which changed for ten years and involved more than 90 public officials

After his release from prison, Xiao Simao did not see any restraint, but intensified, and soon sat in the top seat of the shanxi black boss, who spent a huge amount of money to buy back guns and ammunition from Burma, collected disciples, and formed his own underworld empire, known as the "underworld upstart". He was eventually convicted of 16 counts and sentenced to life imprisonment. Prison storm in the prison, Xiao Simao did not put away his sharp edge, because of repeated crimes, many times to change the prison, no matter in which prison, Xiao Simao can be like a fish, so people sent him nicknamed "Shanxi Prison Airdrop Triad Boss". Xiao Simao's fellow prison friend, Wang Min, a native of Fenyang, was a witness to Xiao Simao's misdeeds in Fenyang Prison. One night, Zhai Mou, a prisoner in Wang Min's prison area, went to XiaoSimao's prison to eat and drink. After drinking and eating, Zhai returned to his prison, launched a drunken madness, and beat up his fellow inmates, while beating, he arrogantly said that he was Xiao Simao's brother, and no one dared to move him.

Shanxi's black boss served as the prison storm of the Patriotic Army, which changed for ten years and involved more than 90 public officials

Wang Min, who was working at night, could not look down, persuaded Zhai mou, and helped him back to his cell. In his cell, Zhai beat his fellow inmates again and was injured by his fellow inmates. After Xiao Simao learned the news, he rushed to Wang Min's cell and beat Wang Min violently in front of the duty discipline. Afterwards, the prison director did not punish Xiao Simao, but only hastily perfunctorily perfunctorily, turned around and went to visit the injured Zhai. Feeling physically and mentally insulted, Wang Min thought left and right, could not swallow this breath, angrily reported, the prison side only verbally promised to uphold justice for him, there was no following. On the one hand, Wang Min's patience swallowed, on the other hand, Xiao Simao was more mischievous, he lived alone in a single room, had a computer that could play games, every afternoon, someone would go to the prison to visit Xiao Simao, Xiao Simao could freely enter and leave the prison, drink and eat everywhere, as long as he returned to prison on time.

Shanxi's black boss served as the prison storm of the Patriotic Army, which changed for ten years and involved more than 90 public officials

Wang Min was angry, took an extreme act, poured gasoline on himself and set himself on fire, although he eventually recovered a life, but his face and neck left a large area of burn marks, and his ears also burned off. In 2016, Wang Min, who had been released from prison, began posting online reports of Xiao Simao's misdeeds in prison. However, no matter how much he exerted his strength, the reporting materials were like a stone sinking into the sea, and Xiao Simao still wandered between various prisons, continued to act recklessly, and even once again spread the news that he had received a commutation of his sentence for his major meritorious performance.

Shanxi's black boss served as the prison storm of the Patriotic Army, which changed for ten years and involved more than 90 public officials

In this regard, Xiao Simao never felt anything wrong, and he had bragged to others many times that in Shanxi, the person who could bring him down had not yet appeared. In prison, Xiao Simao can not only continue his underworld career, but also strive for major meritorious performances for himself by bribing officials at all levels. Outside the prison, many people are running for Xiao Simao's early release from prison, among them, the most powerful backing is his original wife Zhang Tianshu, under the operation of this woman, Xiao Simao has been given the opportunity to reduce his sentence many times. However, Xiao Simao could not have dreamed that it was his wife who single-handedly fished him out of prison, and it was his own wife who finally sent him to prison with his own hands. In January 2007, Ren Aijun was commuted from life imprisonment to 18 years in prison, and in the following two years, Ren Was given five more opportunities to commute his sentence, and was released on June 28, 2013, taking the high-profile release described earlier. After his release from prison, Xiao Simao became more intense, using still the triad means he was best at, relying on cracking down on competitors for enterprises, setting up gambling and lending usury, and amassing more than 1 billion yuan of wealth in a short period of time. Once a person has money, he is prone to corruption, and the same is true of Xiao Simao, who began to dislike his wife, who was old and yellow, had a bad temper, and turned to the arms of other women. Xiao Simao was not satisfied with this and must divorce his wife Zhang Tianshu. The severity of his behavior is similar to that of the famous musician Wang Lihong. His wife, Zhang Tianshu, finally got angry and began to report Ren Aijun's commutation and release from prison under his real name. On February 10, 2018, Xiao Simao, who was celebrating the Spring Festival in Hainan, was arrested by the Taiyuan police. After a re-examination, the commutation process was classified as unlawful commutation and the sentence of life imprisonment was reinstated.

Shanxi's black boss served as the prison storm of the Patriotic Army, which changed for ten years and involved more than 90 public officials

Of course, the officials who facilitated Xiao Simao's illegal commutation of sentence also all fell, including four departmental-level cadres, namely: Gao Qi, deputy inspector of the Shanxi Provincial Prison Administration; Guan Zhongxiang, full-time member of the Provincial High People's Court; Wang Wei, secretary of the party committee and director of the Shanxi Provincial Prison Administration; and Jia Wensheng, former deputy inspector of the Shanxi Provincial People's Procuratorate, who has been retired for a year and a half. In addition to these four departmental-level cadres, more than 90 state workers were also involved in the case, and of course they were punished as they deserved, and more than forty cadres were dealt with by the Provincial Prison Bureau alone." It seems that shanxi is not only prone to coal kilns collapsing, but also easy to collapse in the official field. There will be rain in the sky, and there will be disasters in the madness of man, which is the truth handed down by the ancestors. As an ordinary hooligan, he can achieve the point of calling the wind and rain, become a black boss of one side, and make the political and legal system fall for it with one force.

Shanxi's black boss served as the prison storm of the Patriotic Army, which changed for ten years and involved more than 90 public officials

If it were not for his strange thoughts and his decision to abandon his wife, perhaps, Xiao Simao would eventually go unpunished, and how many innocent people would be poisoned by the underworld headed by Xiao Simao? Don't think, don't dare to think.

Text/Sima GuanShi

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