
Yuanyang, Yunnan: "Terrace protection + epidemic prevention and control" is not wrong

author:Yunnan Net

Every year around New Year's Day and Spring Festival, the Yuanyang Hani Rice Terraces in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province will usher in a peak period, when the terraces are steaming, sparkling, and picturesque like a fairyland, attracting tourists from all over the world to come to watch, bringing certain pressure to the prevention and control of the epidemic in scenic spots.

Yuanyang, Yunnan: "Terrace protection + epidemic prevention and control" is not wrong

In view of this situation, the Yuanyang Management Committee of the Hani Rice Terraces of the World Heritage Site will deploy, carry out and implement the publicity work on the protection of the Hani Terraces and the prevention and control of the epidemic, and unite the relevant township staff to set up a small detachment, divided into four working groups, with leaflets, masks and other propaganda and cultural supplies, and go deep into 1 town and 2 townships (Xinjie Town, Panzhihua Township, Huangmaoling Township) and 18 administrative villages in the Hani Terraces World Cultural Heritage Area of Yuanyang, through holding training meetings for village group cadres, going to villages, entering schools and distributing epidemic prevention masks. Cultural products such as heritage protection are publicized in a variety of ways, such as the protection management of Hani Rice Terraces and the knowledge of epidemic prevention and control, and enhance the public's awareness of epidemic prevention and terrace protection.

Yuanyang, Yunnan: "Terrace protection + epidemic prevention and control" is not wrong

"The Spring Festival is approaching, the number of people coming home has increased, and the number of tourists has increased in the past two days, we must not only protect our terraces, but also do a good job in our own epidemic prevention and control, go out, especially to places with many people, we must wear masks, and these happy things cannot be done..." In the conference room of the Village Committee of The New Street Town, Qian Qin, head of the Hani Terraces Law Enforcement Brigade of Yuanyang County, the World Heritage Hani Terraces Yuanyang Management Committee, explained to the villagers in Hani.

Xu Youhua, deputy mayor of Xinjie Town Government, explained the "Hani Terrace Protection and Management Regulations", "Village House Protection and Management Measures" and other laws and regulations, "Basic Code of Conduct for Citizens' Epidemic Prevention", etc. During the explanation, the places that the masses could not understand were interpreted in the Hani language, and the village cadres and the backbone of the terrace protection frequently nodded. The training is easy to understand, and the content of the explanation is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Through the training, the villagers are more aware of the importance of epidemic prevention and control and daily hygiene, and they are also more confident in the protection of the Hani Terraces.

"We must take good care of our environmental hygiene, protect our terraces, and traditional houses, and our lives will get better and better." Qian Shang, a veteran and veteran party member of the Village Committee of Xinjie Town, said excitedly.

During the publicity and training, each group of teams also signed the "Letter of Commitment to The Protection of heritage in the Honghe Hani Rice Terraces Heritage Area" with the masses. At the same time, through the loudspeaker of "Village Sound" to broadcast the bilingual version (In Chinese, Hani) of the "Regulations on the Protection and Management of the Hani Terraces in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province" and the knowledge related to epidemic prevention and control, and distribute environmental protection bags, aprons, 2022 calendar paintings printed with propaganda slogans, as well as the "Hani Terraces Protection and Management Regulations" and "Village House Protection and Management Measures", etc., widely attracting the masses to keep the idea of protecting the Hani Terraces in mind, enhance the consciousness and initiative of protecting cultural heritage, and enhance the masses' "joint construction, co-management and sharing" The concept of protection encourages the masses in the heritage area to strive to be the most beautiful field protectors and the most beautiful epidemic prevention personnel.

The publicity and training activities printed and distributed more than 4,000 copies of publicity products such as environmental protection bags, aprons, annual calendar paintings, "Hani Terrace Protection and Management Regulations", "Village Residential Protection and Management Measures", "Basic Code of Conduct for Citizens' Epidemic Prevention", masks and other publicity materials and epidemic prevention materials. Bilingual versions (Chinese, Hani) were recorded and broadcast to 20 primary and secondary schools in 18 administrative villages in the heritage area, such as "Regulations on the Protection and Management of Hani Terraces in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province" and "Basic Code of Conduct for Citizens in Epidemic Prevention".

Yuanyang, Yunnan: "Terrace protection + epidemic prevention and control" is not wrong

Yuanyang County attaches great importance to the prevention and control of the epidemic in scenic spots and the protection and management of terraces, strictly implements various epidemic prevention measures in scenic spots, and all tourists who enter the scenic spots must scan the "Yunnan Health Code" and "Communication Big Data Itinerary Card", do a good job of real-name information registration, and wear masks for measuring body temperature. Common areas are disinfected daily, and hand sanitizer and hand sanitizer are provided in the restrooms and sinks. Strengthen tour management, strictly control the flow of tourists, and scientifically and reasonably set the carrying capacity. Let the masses live and work in peace and contentment, so that tourists can have fun and play with peace of mind.

In the next step, Yuanyang County will continue to increase the intensity of publicity and training, make overall plans for the prevention and control of the epidemic in scenic spots and the protection and management of terraces, carry out publicity through radio, television, network, WeChat public account and douyin, and implement the normalized management work mechanism of "no less than once a month into the village, not less than once a quarter, and no less than once a year" for the Hani Rice Terrace Heritage Area, so as to enhance the public's awareness of epidemic prevention and control and the awareness of loving the terraces and protecting the fields, and promote the sustainable development of the World Heritage Site.

Yunnan network correspondent Qian Qin, Yang Rui, Deng Jiao, photographic report

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