
All 140 warships of the four major russian fleets were dispatched into the Atlantic Mediterranean: a comprehensive exercise

author:Deep Workshop

According to media reports, the Russian military announced that the Russian Navy will conduct large-scale exercises from January to February. Moreover, russia's four major fleets of the north, the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Pacific Will all be dispatched. This is also a manifestation of the increasing tension in the current confrontation between the United States and Russia.

All 140 warships of the four major russian fleets were dispatched into the Atlantic Mediterranean: a comprehensive exercise

Admiral Victor Kravchenko, former chief of the general staff of the Russian Navy, said that the historic comprehensive exercise of the Russian Navy will protect Russia's interests in various seas around the world, while blocking any invasion of Russia at sea. This time, the Russian military will dispatch more than 140 warships and supply ships, as well as more than 60 fighters, and all the main forces of the Russian Navy will come out. Full-scale fire drills will be held in the Mediterranean, the Northern Sea, the North Atlantic, the Pacific and the Sea of Okhotsk.

The "War Zone" column of the US "The Drive" website reported that six tank landing ships of the Russian Navy are passing through the English Channel and advancing towards the Black Sea. The US media believes that the target of the Russian naval fleet is Ukraine. Us media reported that these tank landing ships can unload troops, tank armored vehicles and other cargo directly onto the beach through the flip door of the bow.

All 140 warships of the four major russian fleets were dispatched into the Atlantic Mediterranean: a comprehensive exercise

Therefore, some analysts believe that the Russian Navy is building an anti-access combat system. Russian Navy ships have established the first line of defense in the North Atlantic, the northern seas and the Pacific Ocean, and in the event of a conflict, they will be responsible for intercepting and countering the US Navy and Air Force and blocking the US Army from reinforcing Europe. The Russian landing ship fleet, paratrooper divisions and frontal tank mechanized army quickly attacked. Make it impossible for the U.S. military to interfere in Russia's actions.

From a purely naval perspective, the U.S. Navy's five aircraft carriers have been dispatched, including the USS Truman Aircraft Carrier Battle Group, the USS Carl-Vinson Aircraft Carrier Battle Group, the USS Lincoln Aircraft Carrier Battle Group, and, in fact, the USS Essex amphibious assault ship formation, which has actually become an aircraft carrier.

All 140 warships of the four major russian fleets were dispatched into the Atlantic Mediterranean: a comprehensive exercise

These carrier battle groups are deployed in the Mediterranean and Pacific oceans. If there is a conflict in Europe, these US aircraft carriers will be the first wave of intervention forces. Therefore, the first goal of the Russian army is to block the US aircraft carrier formation from approaching the Black Sea battlefield.

In terms of strength, the U.S. Navy far exceeds the Russian Navy, and the main force of the Russian Baltic Fleet includes 4 20380 frigates equipped with medium-range anti-aircraft missiles. Five small missile ships equipped with caliber cruise missiles, and five small missile ships equipped with caliber cruise missiles are being tested at sea.

All 140 warships of the four major russian fleets were dispatched into the Atlantic Mediterranean: a comprehensive exercise

The main forces of the Black Sea Fleet include 1 cruiser, 3 frigates equipped with medium-range anti-aircraft missiles, 7 corvettes and small missile ships equipped with caliber cruise missiles, and so on. The main force of the Russian Navy is still corvettes and small missile ships that can launch caliber cruise missiles and hypersonic missiles. The Zircon hypersonic missile is Russia's first sea-based hypersonic cruise missile, which is said to fly at Mach 9 and has a maximum range of 1,000 kilometers. The missile can be launched from frigates, cruisers and submarines to destroy all types of surface ships and ground targets.

Hypersonic missiles of the Russian surface fleet and submarines are the most advantageous weapons for the Russian Navy to restrain the US Navy. Some experts believe that the russian military's new zircon hypersonic missile warhead reaches 400 kg and can be launched from Russian nuclear-powered cruisers, submarines, frigates and Yasen-M-class multi-purpose nuclear submarines.

All 140 warships of the four major russian fleets were dispatched into the Atlantic Mediterranean: a comprehensive exercise

The British "Daily Mail" reported that the Russian military's new zircon hypersonic missile, leaving less than 30 seconds for the battleship, the US and British fleet carrier medium-range and medium- and short-range ship-to-air missile systems are extremely likely to fail. Now Russia's geography has regressed to the 18th century, and now NATO troops have entered Ukraine. He even controlled more than half of the Black Sea. From the topographical point of view, Russia is in the western region, and there are no large mountains and rugged terrain that can serve as protection and barriers.

The Russians could only rely on the cold large meadows and marshes in the western region. Therefore, in the Eurasian steppes and plain swampy areas, it is necessary to block the invaders. Now it is impossible for Russia to rely on the depth of the ground, but to establish a defensive line at sea and expand the scope of Russia's defense.

All 140 warships of the four major russian fleets were dispatched into the Atlantic Mediterranean: a comprehensive exercise

Ukraine is Russia's last line of defense on the Western Front, and Russia, which has lost Ukraine, wants to break into Europe again, and there is no point of focus on the Western Front. Therefore, Russia must control Ukraine, and to control Ukraine, it must have the ability to block the intervention of the main force of the US military. Therefore, the Russian army will send all naval warships to establish a first line of defense at sea.

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