
"Shangqi" hates the return, Lao Wang to raise Dr. Strange, to fight black fist to make money? Abomination Returns:

author:Marvel Pie

Recently, the Marvel movie "Shangqi: Legend of the Ten Rings" released a new trailer, according to the current information, the approximate plot of "Shangqi" should be the hero's son overthrowing the villain Laozi.

To be honest, this kind of plot is very cheesy, but the good thing is that it is a Marvel movie.

"Shangqi" hates the return, Lao Wang to raise Dr. Strange, to fight black fist to make money? Abomination Returns:

In this case, the advantages of the cinematic universe are highlighted, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is currently the most successful cinematic universe, and each movie will contain a large number of Easter egg stories related to other Marvel movies.

Maybe a single Marvel movie has a limited degree of brilliance, but if you look at the entire MCU as a work, it's good enough.

Now "Wanda Vision", "Falcon and winter soldier", "Loki" and other Marvel series are also online, and the plot of these TV series is directly related to Marvel movies.

"Shangqi" hates the return, Lao Wang to raise Dr. Strange, to fight black fist to make money? Abomination Returns:

It is precisely because of the blessing of the movie universe that these three TV series have achieved quite excellent results after they were launched. So even if the story of "Shangqi" is not so attractive, there will be many fans who go to watch it in order to find Easter eggs.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > aversion regression:</h1>

Marvel is obviously well aware of this, so in the latest trailer of "Shangqi", a heavyweight Easter egg was directly released!

"Shangqi" hates the return, Lao Wang to raise Dr. Strange, to fight black fist to make money? Abomination Returns:

At the end of the trailer, we see Doctor Strange's assistant King fighting a monster in a cage, and this monster is most likely the villain boss of The Invincible Hulk, who also has the hatred of Gamma power.

"Shangqi" hates the return, Lao Wang to raise Dr. Strange, to fight black fist to make money? Abomination Returns:

Because there are still some details between the monster and the abomination in the trailer, some moviegoers think that he is not an abomination, but in fact, the monster in the trailer is almost exactly the same as the abomination image in the comic, with fin-shaped ears.

So there's a good chance that hatred is really making a comeback.

"Shangqi" hates the return, Lao Wang to raise Dr. Strange, to fight black fist to make money? Abomination Returns:

Released in 2008, "The Invincible Hulk" is the second film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but unfortunately its results are not ideal, coupled with the Hulk's copyright problems, which led to the lack of a sequel to "Invincible Hulk".

Marvel sold a lot of hero's film rights when it fell, and The Hulk's rights were sold to Universal Pictures, which has not been fully recovered so far, and Universal still holds the distribution rights of Hulk movies.

Ang Lee's version of "Hulk" was filmed by Universal.

"Shangqi" hates the return, Lao Wang to raise Dr. Strange, to fight black fist to make money? Abomination Returns:

Back to the point, because there is no sequel to Invincible Hulk, hatred is also hidden in the snow, but Marvel has not completely forgotten the character.

In the Marvel short film Consultant Aegis, Agent Coulson and Agent Sitwell discuss the issue of abomination.

During the conversation, Coulson said that hatred was imprisoned in the jurisdiction of General Ross, The Hulk's former father-in-law.

"Shangqi" hates the return, Lao Wang to raise Dr. Strange, to fight black fist to make money? Abomination Returns:

It is worth mentioning that the short film also revealed that the superior of S.H.I.E.L.D., the World Security Council, intends to throw all the crimes to Hulk, and then wash away the hatred and let him join the Avengers, fortunately this plan was spoiled by Coulson.

So Marvel hasn't completely forgotten hate, it's only a matter of time before he returns.

"Shangqi" hates the return, Lao Wang to raise Dr. Strange, to fight black fist to make money? Abomination Returns:

But I never expected the return of hate in "Shangqi".

After all, Marvel will also shoot "Female Hulk" episodes in the future, and I have always thought that Hate will go to be the novice BOSS of the rise of female Hulk.

"Shangqi" hates the return, Lao Wang to raise Dr. Strange, to fight black fist to make money? Abomination Returns:

In fact, in addition to hatred, another character in "Invincible Hulk" may also return in the future, that is, "Mr. Blue" Samuel Stern, whose head is contaminated with Hulk's blood and mutates.

"Shangqi" hates the return, Lao Wang to raise Dr. Strange, to fight black fist to make money? Abomination Returns:

In the comics, he is also a gamma monster, but he is strengthened not by the body, but by the brain, and his nickname is "head". In the comics, he often cooperates with Hate against Hulk, and I don't know if there will be a "leader" in Shangqi.

There is also a question that is also worth discussing, that is, why did lao wang duel with him in the cage?

With the strength of Doctor Strange, ordinary people certainly can't force Lao Wang to fight.

"Shangqi" hates the return, Lao Wang to raise Dr. Strange, to fight black fist to make money? Abomination Returns:

Is it because the Supreme Sanctuary can't open the pot, and Lao Wang is forced to learn Spider-Man and fight black fists to earn money to raise Doctor Strange?

After all, in "Reunion 3", we have seen the picture of Doctor Strange and Lao Wang worrying about the money for meals....

And it seems that Lao Wang is not playing ordinary black fists, but high-end super power fighters.

Looking forward to getting answers in the main film! #漫威 #

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