
We are Communists

author:Fraternity Magazine
We are Communists
We are Communists

Well-being is my hometown. 38 years ago, when I was only 7 years old, I remember that year, it was rainy all summer, the water level of the Han River continued to rise, and the loudspeakers in the family home had to broadcast flood notices every few hours. By the end of July, the rain was more intense, and one morning, my uncle, who had returned from watching the water from the bridge, said that the river was less than a meter away from the bridge deck.

The flood broadcast became a non-stop loop, and before my mother went to work, she pedaled my bicycle to my grandmother's house. Grandma lives in Xijing Street, Xincheng City, and after passing through the North Gate City Gate Cave, she has to go up dozens of steps, which is the highest neighborhood in the city.

The rain was still pouring down, the sky gradually darkened, I went to the kitchen to get a piece of rice dumplings, was preparing to eat, grandma's black dog "Tiger" out of nowhere, saw the "Tiger", I suddenly remembered the pug "Hadron" who stayed at home.

I threw the half-eaten rice dumplings to the "tigers", then grabbed two pieces of rice dumplings, put on a raincoat, and rushed into the rain curtain. The flood broadcast on the radio was more urgent, the night fell, and the lights near and far in the heavy rain were blurred. At that time, my family lived in a row of bungalows on the half-slope of the high well, out of the city gate hole, all the way down, not far past the east embankment to arrive.

Before I could go uphill, I heard the squeaking of dogs and the crackling of the door of the house. I took three steps and made two steps into the house, and the "hadron" pounced on me happily, almost throwing the small me to the ground. I grabbed the messy hair of the "hadron", lit a candle, and took the sticky sticks out of my pocket. The "hadron" ate beautifully, but I found a water stain on the sole of my foot, and I moved to the side, but after a while, the water flowed again.

"Water!" I was suddenly alert and slammed into the windowsill and looked out. In the dim candlelight, a "vast ocean" that could not be seen surged forward. I tried desperately to pull open the door, but it didn't move. I was dumbfounded, my face close to the pane, and I cried out in a hoarse voice, "Help, Mom, help..." However, my almost hoarse cry for help was swallowed up by the boundless wind and rain.

As if a long time had passed, a beam of light flashed by, and in despair I saw hope: "There are people here!" I am here! After a while, I heard the sound of whindering and stomping, and then the door was kicked open, and the water rushed in.

Saying that it was too late and fast, the person who came to pick me up and the "hadron" in the first place, but the water had already flowed over his waist. He hugged us tightly, grabbed the door and went out, down the ramp, and kept climbing up, and the foot was also constantly slipping, and he almost slipped a few times, but he still insisted on reaching the top of the slope. With the noisy voice, he let go of the frightened me and the "strong son", and the soulless mother found me in the crowd and held me tightly in her arms, and I eased up and cried bitterly.

The next day, the heavy rain finally stopped, the water level slowly fell back, and my mother suddenly remembered the flashlight I took back last night, and greeted my grandmother: "You put up the remaining rice sticks, I went to find the young man who saved Fengzi, returned the flashlight to the people, thank you very much." ”

My mother led me all the way to inquire, a helicopter hovered in the air, and from time to time the hurried figure of the uncle of the People's Liberation Army flashed by, and finally, my mother heard that the flood control and disaster relief headquarters was in the playground of the agricultural school.

I walked through the crowd with my mother, and finally saw an uncle who was distributing food to the tired grandfather and mother-in-law, the mother squeezed over, explaining the intention, the uncle took the flashlight: "Big sister, this time are busy with disaster relief, people are not easy to find..." The uncle did not finish speaking, suddenly a dull loud "tom" sound, the crowd followed the prestige, followed by two loud noises, the east sky rose up black mushroom clouds, the uncle subconsciously tucked the flashlight back to the mother: "Broken, oil depot!" The uncle rushed out of the old distance and turned back, "Big sister, don't inquire, we are Communists!" ”

Over the years, Ankang City has stepped into a new era, and on the banks of the Hanshui River where the disaster has been baptized, the Pearl of Qinba is dazzling and shining. I also grew from an ignorant teenager to an excellent Communist Party member, and the flashlight that illuminated my life was still cherished by me, and when the night rain was still the same and the candles in the west window were flashing, the words engraved in my heart would often ring in my ears: "We are Communists!" ”

Source: Fraternity Image: Network

Author: Wei Qingfeng

We are Communists

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