
Guan tide in Guang'an| lost is self-salvation

author:Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

Central Commission for Discipline Inspection State Supervision Commission website Li Juan

"After a fierce ideological struggle, I decided to turn myself in to the organization and take the initiative to explain my violations of discipline and law" "I believe that only the organization can save me and help me"... Yunnan Satellite TV "Qingfeng Yunnan" recently broadcast a special film entitled "Lost Choice". Li Jiasong, former chairman of the Wenshan Prefecture CPPCC Committee in Yunnan Province, and Chen Xiaohua, former vice chairman, appeared to make a statement and told the story of the mental process of choosing to voluntarily surrender after violating discipline and the law after ideological struggle. There may be various reasons for going astray, and the only way to redeem yourself is to voluntarily surrender.

When many "problem cadres" voluntarily surrender, two high-frequency words are repeatedly mentioned - one is "afraid" and the other is "believe in the organization". Behind this reflects the continuous deterrence of the anti-corruption high-pressure situation, the continuous improvement of relevant systems and the inspiration of policies. Li Jiasong said: "I am very afraid, worried about the exposure of the problem, often unable to sleep at night, and it is difficult to sleep and eat. Chen Xiaohua is still "mentally burdened and stressed." "Problem cadres" see our party's unswerving determination and intensity to deepen the anti-corruption struggle, and see that those who violate discipline and law around them are being investigated and punished one after another, especially lawless businessmen who have improper economic contacts with themselves, and they are naturally afraid of the East Window incident. This deterrent effect forces them to recognize that taking the initiative to explain the problem is the only right way.

"Trusting the organization" is also the real idea of many people who voluntarily surrender. With regard to comrades who have made mistakes, our party has always adhered to the principle of "punishing those who have committed mistakes before and after, curing the sick and saving people." From a legal point of view, inner-party regulations and relevant laws make relevant provisions on voluntary surrender and voluntary accounting for problems. Judging from practice, discipline inspection and supervision organs have grasped policies in accordance with rules and disciplines, blended leniency with severity, and given lenient treatment to statutory leniency situations, or put forward suggestions for lenient punishments, thus realizing the organic unity of political, disciplinary, and social effects. All these are conducive to guiding relevant personnel to lay down their ideological baggage, and urging "problem cadres" to believe in the organization, rely on the organization, and take the initiative to surrender.

Ideological education that touches the soul is conducive to producing a deterrent effect and exerting a role of inspiration, and is a catalyst for "problem cadres" to take the initiative to surrender. A vivid and profound warning education lesson is an ideological baptism lesson for party members and cadres. Only with a sense of empowerment can we make the right choice in the fierce ideological struggle. Since Chongqing launched the "four cases to say" warning education, a total of 1,298 people in the city have taken the initiative to explain problems to the organization, and 170 people have voluntarily surrendered; Hubei Wuhan has focused on similar personnel at the same level to carry out warning education, and more than 200 people in the political and legal system have taken the initiative to explain the problems in the education and rectification of the political and legal contingent... Practice has proved that it is necessary to do a solid warning education for similar cadres at the same level, pay attention to distinguishing the differences in different fields, different industries, and different posts, realize the transformation from "flood irrigation" to "precision drip irrigation", so that precise policies are applied, the right medicine is prescribed, targeted accurately, hit the pain points, so that the education targets are ideologically alerted and their souls are touched, which is conducive to prompting relevant personnel to recognize the problem and take the initiative to surrender.

Under the high-pressure situation of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, voluntary surrender is no longer a new word. From the perspective of the surrender personnel, cadres at all levels, in multiple fields, and of different ages are involved, and they also show a certain degree of concentration in time. As far as the "problem cadres" who have gone astray are concerned, if they regard the surrender as "speculation" or hold the idea of "throwing stones and asking for directions", in an attempt to use this to spy on how much the organization has grasped, or to explain the problems to avoid the important and light, to admit whether the small is big or not, and to try to pass the test in a vague way and make the big things small, then we will miss the only opportunity to get lost and return. If you make a mistake, only if you truly repent in your heart, truly awaken, and truly confess to the organization, can you strive for leniency.

Whether it is going further and further down the wrong road, getting deeper and deeper in the quagmire, or taking the initiative to surrender and getting lost, it is related to whether you can get self-salvation and whether you can get the rescue of the organization. Discipline inspection and supervision organs should make overall plans for the use of party spirit education, policy inspiration, and discipline and law deterrence, and accurately apply policies and tactics to achieve the integration of discipline and law reason, punish the former and punish the latter, and treat the sick and save people.

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